


Title: Chiropractor

Education: Bachelor of Chiropractic- New Zealand college of Chiropractic

Language: English, Burmese and Mandarin  
Special interest: Musculoskeletal conditions, Spinal Related Issues, Sciatica, Disk Herniation, Facet syndromes, Sprain & Strain, Pain & Paresthesia, Radiculopathy, Headaches, Neck pain, pregnancy care, paediatric care, Postural optimisation, Scoliosis, Traumatic injury/rehabilitation, Chronic pain management, Chemical radiculopathy, Neuropathy, Extra-vertebrae/Extremities injuries, Vertebral subluxation Complex, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Branch: Pakuranga and Mt Eden

Zay is aware that New Zealand is becoming more ethnically diverse. Burmese by birth, he is able to converse in English, and native in Burmese. He is also sensitive to cultural differences.

He graduated proudly from our one and only prestigious New Zealand Chiropractic College(NZCC) in 2019. He is a motivated Chiropractor who takes pride in providing qualitative premium care in all aspects of Chiropractic. Approaching with the solid and straight Chiropractic philosophy he would tackled health issues holistically and naturally drug-free.

The health environment is changing everyday and our daily routines influence our health. He is deeply passionate about his work and firmly believes that Chiropractic is not just about treating alignments, but also about building trust with patients and working together to develop personalized solutions for each individual.

Zay continues to polish his skills as a chiropractic by attending seminars and courses in New Zealand. Aside from Chiropractic, Zay spends his time swimming, travelling and playing basketball and repairing computers.

My website is: https://www.kokochiro.com/about-us



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