新西兰Nissan's all-electric compact Leaf will get 0.7 litres/100km


Under current rules, Toyota's hybrid Prius, has been the mass-market fuel-efficiency leader. The Prius is rated for a combined city and highway fuel economy rating of 50mpg (5.6 litres/100km) under standards set by the US Environmental Protection Agency.
GM's Volt is being designed to run 64km on battery power alone after recharging overnight. After that, a small-powered engine will kick in as a generator to keep its battery from running down further.
For GM, the attention generated by its striking claims about the Volt may have succeeded in moving discussion away from its recent bankruptcy filing and the financial crisis that preceded it.
The EPA said it has not yet tested the Volt and could not verify the 230mpg claim. GM executives said they wanted to announce a preliminary mileage estimate based on the draft standards that will govern the Volt and other electric cars.
The carmaker emerged from its fast-track bankruptcy in July under the majority ownership of the US Treasury. Although the Volt is expected to lose money for GM, it remains the centrepiece of the carmaker's effort to reinvent itself for sceptical US consumers.
Nissan also jumped into the fray, saying its all-electric compact Leaf will get a whopping 367mpg (0.7 litres/100km) in combined highway and city driving.
In the meantime, Duoba said he expected that the Volt would get mileage in the range of a conventional hybrid like the Prius in longer-range highway driving.
The 230mpg figure is based on a survey of typical driving habits conducted by the US Department of Energy in 2001. The Government found that 75 per cent of US drivers travel less than 64km daily, he said.


Because they use power to charge battery, some of the power generated in US by oil or CNG, so they calculated the fuel economy rating based on that.

You can import a i MiEV from Japan,

Specifications (Japan-market i MiEV)
Range: 160km
Top speed: 130km/h
Motor: 47kW
Curb Weight: 1080kg
(L) 3395 x (W) 1475 x (H) 1600mm
Seating capacity: 4
Voltage: 100-240V
Motor type: permanent magnet synchronous
Charge time: 7 hours (200V,15A)
CO2: 0 emissions
Petrol: 0
Low running costs
Strong acceleration
Can be charged anywhere


[ 本帖最后由 Driver_Licence 于 2009-9-2 17:59 编辑 ]


The i MiEV (Mitsubishi Innovative Electric Vehicle) is built around a 47 kW motor. Two variations on the battery pack give the i MiEV prototype a driving range of between 81 and 99 miles between charges, with an 81 mph top speed. Mitsubishi has been giving significant attention to its “i” concept for small, efficient cars. More ambitious plans for in-wheel electric motors, however, have been set aside in favor of the single motor design. Mitsubishi expects to put the i MiEV on the commercial market by 2010 with a starting price of 2 million japanese Yen US$17,000.

What is the driving range?
The driving range is up to 160kms. Depending on the driver, topography and loads, the range may be less. The i MiEV has been designed as a short-range city vehicle. According to data obtained from the New Zealand Automobile Association the average daily distance traveled using a personal vehicle is 38km. Traditionally New Zealanders have two vehicles per average family unit. For longer range journeys an internal combustion engine still offers the most practical solution for the time being.
What about other clean fuel technologies, such as hydrogen and fuel cells?
While there is significant investment by some manufacturers into the development of alternative fuels such as hydrogen the mass production of this technology is still sometime off. Another limitation is the development of refueling infrastructure, which will require large capital investment and time. Electricity transmission infrastructure exists and runs directly to every home in New Zealand.
Why is Meridian Energy involved in this project?
Meridian Energy is committed to renewable energy. This project provides an opportunity for Meridian Energy to be involved in shaping the future of clean fuel transportation in New Zealand. It’s the first collaborative effort between an automotive and electricity company in New Zealand.
Have MMNZ and MEL staff working on the I MiEV evaluation driven the I MiEV and what do they think of it?
Yes, we have all driven it and we think it’s brilliant – it’s quiet and quick off the mark, and a clean way to get around.
When with the i MiEV be available for general purchase?
The car will go on sale in Japan in Summer 2009.
What is an Electric Vehicle? Vehicles that are driven by an electric motor are generally referred to as Electric Vehicles (EVs).
EVs come in three different types depending upon the energy source used:
1. Battery powered Electric Vehicles (BEVs) – sometimes referred to as ‘Pure’ Electric Vehicles use energy stored in a rechargeable battery pack to power an electric motor. The battery is recharged using energy from the electricity grid (e.g. your wall socket). A true Zero Exhaust Emission Vehicle. The i MiEV is a BEV.

Mitsubishi Motors expects to distribute approximately 1400 i-MiEV models in 2009, mostly to corporations and to local authorities.
The company plans to start sales of i-MiEV to individuals in April 2010 and will start taking orders in late July of this year.
Mitsubishi Motors New Zealand managing director John Leighton’s says New Zealanders were some of the first in the world to experience the potential of the iMiEV (no hyphen in prototype vehicle).
"During the month we had the vehicles on trial, the public’s response and that of the government and media was very positive, we are now working very hard to secure some of the few thousand vehicles that will be sold globally next year.
“At this stage the price for Mitsubishi Motors Corporation export markets is unknown and there is already huge demand from Mitsubishi distributors worldwide.”



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