新西兰Team McMillan has added Rolls-Royce to its Newmarket outlet



5:30 AM Saturday Jul 9, 2011

Auckland dealer Team McMillan has added another prestige nameplate to its Newmarket outlet, that of Rolls-Royce.

The BMW dealership has been servicing Rolls-Royce models for the past seven years and has now been appointed Auckland's authorised dealer. It is building a showroom on Great South Rd to house the luxury British marque's range of models.

The new facility is expected to be opened in late October. Called Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Auckland, it will be led by executive chairman Bob McMillan.

"This appointment shows the great confidence Rolls-Royce has in our abilities to satisfy the demand for existing and prospective buyers," said McMillan.

Rolls-Royce says it has been assessing the New Zealand market for some time.
"We have observed a market that has definite potential for our cars," said Paul Harris, Asia Pacific regional director. "I am delighted to secure a partnership with Team McMillan.

"This appointment is part of our regional expansion plan to create sustainable growth."

Wonder what model they gonna bring in? how many model Rolls-Royce made ??


Luxury car coming to NZ: only high-rollers need applyBy Jordyn O'Shea
5:30 AM Friday Jul 8, 2011

Fancy splashing out on a new car? One of the world's most luxurious car brands is coming to New Zealand, despite the economic downturn.

Motorcar royalty Rolls-Royce will be opening a new showroom in Auckland, with New Zealand-owned Team McMillan as its authorised dealer.

But those wanting to upgrade will need deep pockets - Rolls-Royce's most expensive car is the Phantom Extended Wheelbase, which sells for around $550,000. It will be on display at the Newmarket showroom, expected to open in late October.

For those who can't afford the Phantom, Rolls-Royce's new model, the Ghost Extended Wheelbase, will also be available in limited numbers, at a slightly lower price.

Asia Pacific director Paul Harris said he had been assessing the New Zealand market for some time and believed it had "definite potential" for the luxury cars.

Team McMillan chairman Bob McMillan also believed there would be high demand for Rolls-Royces.

"I've been talking to people who have heard whispers and rumours about Rolls-Royce coming here and they've greeted the news with excitement."

He said the demand for luxury car brands remained fairly constant in tough times for the economy.

"You still see people driving around in Audis and Ferraris. It's brands like Ford and Toyota that are affected more."

Professor Basil Sharp, head of economics at Auckland University, said economic recession tended to affect middle- and lower-income earners far more than the wealthy.

He said that for this reason, the wealthy continued to consume pricey goods and demand for luxury cars remained.

Mr McMillian said he had been building a relationship with Rolls-Royce for years and was honoured to be in partnership with "the best car in the world".

By Jordyn O'Shea



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