


is it real one?????


A new documentary talk about Senna!


小時候很愛Senna~  自從他過世之後。。。  就很少看f1了。。。



车坛博士保鲁斯(Alain Prost)
芬兰飞人罗斯堡(Keke Rosberg)
拼命三郎冼拿(Ayrton Senna)
老狐狸罗达(Niki Lauda)




冼拿传现在在Rialto Cinemas - Newmarket - Newmarket, The Bridgeway - Northcote Point, Berkeley Cinemas - Mission Bay和SKYCITY Cinemas - Albany 放影。我在Mission Bay看了,超好看!


Year: 2010
Director: Asif Kapadia

My ratings: Five out of five

In my humble opinion, Senna is a carefully edited, perfectly-tune, gripping and haunting documentary melodrama match with manipulating score. The most thrilling and touching part of watching this documentary is that you know all the melodramas (in the documentary) are real. The car crashes are all real, not movie stunt and/or special effects.

The documentary shows the career development of Ayrton Senna since he was karting. As ESPN commentator John Bisignano suggest that Senna can brake late and fly into corners over the edge. But in 1994 San Marino Grand Prix, Senna's race car suffering from handling and setting problems. Ayrton Senna crashed at the 6th-gear Tamburello corner and die. Before him at the qualifying, Roland Ratzenberger crashed at the Villeneuve Corner and die. Ruben Barrichello crashed into the fence at the Variante Bassa, not die but was knocked unconscious.

Watching the near end part of the documentary, especially the haunting footage that filmed by the portable camera that mounted on Senna's last race car, that portray Senna's last moment and dead is like watching the movie Final Destination. The only difference is Senna's story is no fiction. 1994 was the year to ban electronic suspension and traction control on all the race cars and Senna was complaining his race car handling at high speed was unpredictable. Later engineer report suggested Senna's race car's steeling column was collapsed. A broken suspension structure unlucky strike Senna's helmet hard that caused his dead. If the impact was 6 inches higher or lower, Senna should still living at that point of his life.

The irony of the spiritual Senna was he actually prayed for God's help (as usual) before the deadly race. The documentary also suggest Senna saw god when he race fast on the track and his opponents French driver Alain Prost suggested Senna's vision of god is dangerous. If we believe there is god and a god's plan for everyone, Senna is quit the Jesus Christ of F1. The documentary portrays Senna as a rich, wealthy, handsome race-car driver, philanthropist and Brazil's national hero who also fight for more rights and safety for other F1 drivers. Senna's dead also leads to more researches on F1 race cars and drivers safety. As the documentary said there is no death in F1 race after Senna.

I can see the documentary also portray Senna's opponent Alain Prost is the villain as he used politics rather than racing skills to beat the talented Senna. Prost played crook in 1989 as he was obviously crash himself into Senna at the Suzuka chicane so that he can win the championship in 1989. Senna revenge in 1990 crashing Alain Prost at the first corner. However, the documentary said Senna's foe was carrying Senna's coffin at his funeral and he becomes the trustee of Senna's charitable trust in Brazil. I can see Prost's melodramatic change of his character as he was touched by the pure heart of Senna.

Off the track the documentary portrays he was openly flirtatious in his 20-something. Some of those Senna's flirtatious moments are hilarious which add humour and laughs to this heavy documentary. Some critics suggested Senna's marriages and romantic relationships are omitted in the documentary. That would be arguable that the omitting engage audiences to focus on Senna's car racing career or a big piece that portray Senna's life is missing. Watching Senna the documentary is a satisfying experience and I rated it 5 stars out of 5. Arguably the best documentary I ever watch in my life.



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