新西兰Cat-overwhelmed SPCA Auckland at breaking point


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Thursday, 19 December 2013, 6:59 pm1 r0 `5 b6 S" {$ b
Press Release: SPCA
$ I. c# _5 g9 D( @5 L# E! R8 W. JCat-overwhelmed SPCA Auckland at breaking point/ I9 s% ?2 o" C8 n; a
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SPCA Auckland is overwhelmed with cats and kittens so the organisation is cutting the cost of adopting a cat by 50% for three weeks from 20 December 2013 to 12 January 2014.
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“We’re at crisis point with 543 cats and kittens ready for adoption right now – and more arriving every day. Just yesterday we had more than 100 extra animals come into our care – in one day!” says Christine Kalin, CEO SPCA Auckland.
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% B3 Y5 S/ v6 Q0 G. V$ H% R5 }( c“Cats are arriving faster than we can find new homes for them. We simply cannot accommodate any more. It’s our job to rescue animals but right now we have nowhere to put them. So we’re appealing to the public for their urgent help and cutting the price of cat and kitten adoption in half.
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1 X! p( P/ @, H% u8 p6 V“If you’ve been considering getting a pet, please take advantage of this great deal, help the lost, abandoned, and abused animals of Auckland by adopting a cat or kitten from the SPCA, and give them the gift of a secure home for life this Christmas.”
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3 z; e' K- ~7 m  U% t# TThe cost of adopting a kitten up to six months old has dropped from $160 to $80 and the cost of an adult cat up to seven years old has dropped from $105 to $52.50.
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“It’s a really sweet deal for prospective pet owners because when you adopt a cat or kitten from us you get a ‘ready-made pet’ that has been vet checked, de-sexed, micro-chipped, wormed, treated for fleas, and has had its initial vaccinations,” says Ms Kalin.2 }  l4 A6 K# C  }: Q) d- ^  G
; [1 @9 Y$ K. b: i/ Q& s& r4 ^
“It’s the most cost-effective way of getting a pet. And the money you pay us goes directly to saving other animals.( d& T" C1 I3 _/ z: x" h7 }. x* x

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3 |& h6 h5 X; w  |; y' M" W$ }$ X“We don’t encourage people to give pets as Christmas presents because this can lead to the dumping of unwanted animals immediately after the yuletide cheer and the novelty has worn off.3 H) p2 G( L( I4 i* T9 s! b4 s

! r8 h3 Y% U& c/ R2 c/ p“Having said that, if you and your family are prepared to care for and nurture your new companion animal, the school holidays are an excellent time to adopt an animal for your children because it gives them and the animal a chance to settle in before the new term starts.”
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If you’re not able to adopt an animal but would still like to help out, then SPCA Auckland is also desperate for people to foster cats or kittens especially over the Christmas holidays when many of their regular foster carers go on holiday., {0 v) z9 @# d$ Y6 @$ n. r

4 V/ g. H" n6 g& E& e  ?; T$ m2 NCats and kittens available for adoption can be viewed at the SPCA Auckland Animal Village, 50 Westney Rd, Mangere, between 10.00am and 4.00pm every day, or visit spca.org.nz.
9 @7 I1 p7 Y8 Y+ U/ g( Q* f. B. L7 v2 E. `
(Note: the SPCA Auckland Animal Village is CLOSED Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.)



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