新西兰我要回國了, 想把我喵喵運回去


簽證被拒, 可家裡有三只喵, 想一只一只把喵回去, 想問一下手續是怎樣 還有什麼寵物酒店跟寵物中介介紹嗎??




對呀對呀 在哪裡能找到資料了??

站内搜索会员  里瓦尔多   找怪蜀黍帮你

如果是以cargo的方式回國就是籠子 * 重量的價格. 如果你是以隨身行李的方式跟你一起回國的話就比較便宜。但是一籠子三隻貓的話籠子要很大 不然航空公司覺得太小會要求換籠子的。還有每個航空公司的規定都不太一樣

回楼上的。。。。国际宠物运输只可以以Cargo的形式来运输 和随机行李没有任何的联系。。。。
* [( s$ M) }$ f8 f$ T2 s0 O( G- x6 n7 M' Q, J
楼主mm可以找我哈 一次运三只比较划算 如果单独运就比较贵了

哈哈 可能地方不同 我從紐西蘭回台灣是cargo方式 從台灣去加拿大是隨身行李 雖然說是隨身行李也是進cargo艙但價格差很多 .隨身行李本身23 kg所以補差額就可。 而且加拿大航空本身就可以兩件行李

當初從紐西蘭回台灣好像是一千八紐幣。台灣去加拿大才不到六千台幣 而且我是用超大籠子 因為貓胖了好多 哈哈

我當初在wellington是找dandy dog幫忙運的  不知道他們還有沒有做. 四年前的事了。 可以參考一下


) N( z1 a. s# p5 j, D/ Lhttp://www.airnewzealand.co.nz/international-cargo-pet-services
+ {" r6 n- T/ c$ [
1 c$ }# S$ q+ b. C. o" K6 |9 J2 y0 X/ s! \4 ~
Relocation can be a stressful time, however our experienced and caring team ensure that your beloved pets are delivered to their new home with as less stress as possible.
9 l* [6 C' E+ [$ v' B6 l* S; D0 k+ z  @; X5 |: M
" f& }, J, h, K" A& u: [, z
On international flights, pets are not permitted as checked in baggage and must travel as Cargo. We will transport live animals on certain flights to certain destinations.
4 h2 e; H* z5 f) ]# R  ~5 [
$ C3 d. n, s# F5 _- w4 P3 v1 F0 lDue to customer demand, Air New Zealand is now providing a facility once a week to transport live animals from Auckland to Los Angeles and then on to London. From 2 July, Air New Zealand Cargo will transport domestic pets on NZ2 AKL-LAX-LHR flying on Mondays ex Auckland. If you wish to travel on the same flight as your pet, you will need to book to fly on NZ2.7 {$ S) O( e& q7 V/ z1 J4 U: o3 o
5 T) Z- B5 G; Z! J) F
A suitable cage for air transportation must be supplied by you and accompanied with necessary documentation. Each destination country has different rules and requirements that need to be considered. Please see our information for Shipment of Domestic Pets on international flights. We also have a list of companies who arrange shipping pets internationally from New Zealand.! ]9 `- W: }$ ~* n8 t5 H! i5 c8 u! k

' ?1 U3 @: w! TOnce you have completed your arrangements, contact our cargo office and together we can find a flight that delivers your pet to his or her new home.! \0 x& L* B- B+ r' T+ m

4 [# C* R% ~; ]5 sCarriage of Brachycephalic Dogs and Cats on Air New Zealand International Flights* ^, H# `$ h0 R1 w

' d  F; j0 E# Q" ^7 fCertain breeds of dogs and cats have a skull conformation described as brachycephalic. This is due to poor cartilage development of the base of the skull resulting in a snub nose appearance. 1 d0 Y# B) b! z
: y2 e% K9 o; M
Temperature, humidity and stress (noise and movement) during carriage, combined with individual risk factors such as the animal’s temperament, age and general state of health result in an increased risk for brachycephalic breeds.( x' T; M& k) @3 w7 A5 x
4 k; V0 c, N5 \! |2 G: S8 n
Brachycephalic Breeds
: L1 ?6 [, {- B4 T# |2 T# n' H. z+ J0 p' v. O5 t$ a2 d* W7 H
Dogs: British Bulldog, Pug, French Bulldog, Pekingese, Boston Terrier, Japanese Chin1 K- |- P# S* e5 @# W1 K
  G1 c; E2 H! l# t( J* N
Cats: Himalayans, Persians2 v0 e& A2 h3 y

( Q% _) p0 c/ q6 TPet owners need to be aware that some other breeds of dogs and cats, while not fully brachycephalic, may also be at some increased risk of developing brachycephalic syndrome during international travel. . C6 A% O8 Y3 C8 m7 i4 N
These are:
/ H* R* A4 d: x•American Staffordshire Terrier
) O- a' ~' [3 b•Boxer
: i# t, ^! @, V9 o•Brussels Griffen* W# N7 g, X5 N& r
•Shihtzu: L" y4 a; h2 I7 v3 p% O
•Dutch Pug
( Y, `  U, [+ ~& Z) s1 F9 K•English Toy Spaniel
9 p- Q2 `( F' Z9 Z/ K4 M0 k. U•Japanese Pug
9 u% V) a, U; Q  S' d& m* n5 x. ~6 ]•English Bull Terrier1 E( _1 k9 G1 P- [* t& G
•Staffordshire Bull Terrier
8 ^) E' _6 @1 E6 Z: V•Burmese Cat (especially American origin)
$ H( \) l: e- G# ^: c0 M# ?7 u$ q5 \2 x/ |
There is no way to avoid all the risks associated with international travel in brachycephalic breeds, but they may be reduced by taking additional precautions.
/ |, V3 q: R7 n: j- u) |; x% G* k$ \% H0 z$ G2 A
Air New Zealand requires shippers of brachycephalic breeds to ensure that the following standards are met prior to the animal being accepted for carriage:
8 T& e( A; q' ^" L$ v•Avoid excessive temperatures. Where possible it is recommended that flights be selected that leave/arrive in countries that have high temperatures, in the morning/evening when the temperature is lower." x/ f( q5 x. E+ e) F+ [- J
•Use the most direct flights available and avoid transit stops where expected ambient temperatures or humidity differs significantly from the normal conditions the animal has been exposed to.
' ~0 ~) Z3 P* S3 U' }$ h•Ensure travel in a cage that is at least larger than normally required with ventilation on all four sides; and for animals eight years of age and older, use a cage at least twice as large. ◦Ensure no food is in the cage during the flight; ensure water is provided.8 ~. l  {. T. [9 W  y
◦Acclimatise the animal to the cage by letting it spend time in the cage several days before departure.# v; X5 u) j5 x: h1 F' p5 _
' J: [8 V% Z$ I' j! \* z, b6 m
•The shipper must have the animal’s individual risk assessed by a veterinarian prior to travel. To be eligible for carriage Air New Zealand requires that all brachycephalic breeds, are accompanied with a letter or certificate from a registered veterinarian that specifies that the animal is fit to travel on a flight or series of flights of the duration that it will take to reach destination.' Z7 }, m. ?+ q4 g
•The shipper / owner must complete the attached acknowledgement and indemnity.2 k1 P5 t  F9 N) a
9 l, z" R5 g2 X
+ v+ e4 T. l/ q$ P
这是Air NewZealand 官网写的 从NZ 运往无论全球哪的宠物都得以Cargo的形式哈!~  

' F2 e+ D$ |8 C' c+ c
; R4 |7 x0 ~9 F5 l# w" ^每家航空公司的规定不太一样,不过尽量不要用国内航空公司,野蛮装卸超级厉害,南航前年发生过狗狗在机场跑出被摔坏的笼子,因为在机场奔跑被击毙。而且出事以后是按照宠物的体重和运费,称重赔偿的,跟卖肉一样

, [8 o' t9 O; f& C2 P$ g
。。。。。無言 回帖都不好好看的嗎?

我說的是從台灣去加拿大。 而且你po的這個是只針對紐西蘭航空的

$ l( w( i9 Y3 ]) D1 _
,agree! 不同国家不同 我刚打电话去奥克兰的air korean 问 说只要我的狗和笼子小于5kg就可以带上客舱 不知道可不可以 我准备去他们办公楼在具体问问



新西兰有朋友想6月来新西兰办婚礼,暂定皇后镇和瓦纳卡这两个地方,人口比较简单,就是新人+双方父母+几个亲朋好友,求推荐本地靠谱婚礼策划公司! 评论 加我微信: fullmood-nz 评论 你好 ...



新西兰想找一个9月份可以帮忙拍婚礼视频的,一个小时就可以了,不需要特别特别专业的,但最好是有过经验的,普通数码相机就可以,后期处理有最好, 没有也没关系,价格公道,请给我留 ...



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花园美化小工程| 月光小径

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衣橱翻新想找个 师傅

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