




https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt ... aint-about-dog.aspx  J1 s  w8 x+ \, B* t0 R. ]
/ h/ n, z. t) k+ k  ?

6 b9 D: q: a1 p0 L" l
" M7 m  C$ s6 |
' I4 q: w$ N8 W# Y
' {% l8 ~$ z, ]5 d2 O' FUrgent complaints - call us on 0800 462 685

https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt ... dangerous-dogs.aspx
4 g2 |0 h! i* a/ q* W, Q
- p  R* m5 g3 x  d下面有具体内容
, ^+ [# K) a' t
9 {* r$ G( U) [- D4 S, k$ bDogs causing harm
- X/ |4 o# _' P( i' m$ `" A; NFor details on rules and penalties regarding dogs causing harm, see the relevant section from the Dog Control Act 1996.1 W7 E' e' `3 _

" t* m% ~+ x- \. T9 ?  n. s& kDogs attacking persons or animals- ^1 s$ d/ ?" r( k% D
Dogs rushing at persons, animals or vehicles- }8 t( `( r& A- U
Dogs causing serious injury9 I5 L" V6 s7 p! A& l' g

57 Dogs attacking persons or animals. P' `0 J; l; E" Q/ C
7 I9 ?- J* J, a' OA person may, for the purpose of stopping an attack, seize or destroy a dog if—
+ W4 m- q+ }+ S" H9 I(a)+ ~2 \. ?7 r9 o, t; b2 V6 s+ _
the person is attacked by the dog; or5 M+ W7 M, o* \. M) w" M9 P' ?1 A
( o% X1 f% U5 B% h9 C8 U2 _the person witnesses the dog attacking any other person, or any stock, poultry, domestic animal, or protected wildlife.
7 P4 r# t; F( e% F* u# Q* o/ h(2)* g3 G6 o: m; a* h
The owner of a dog that makes an attack described in subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $3,000 in addition to any liability that he or she may incur for any damage caused by the attack." C( a( T- X8 B
: s, X4 Y0 ?* q9 B4 t2 `If, in any proceedings under subsection (2), the court is satisfied that the dog has committed an attack described in subsection (1) and that the dog has not been destroyed, the court must make an order for the destruction of the dog unless it is satisfied that the circumstances of the offence were exceptional and do not warrant destruction of the dog.
* f2 m  a0 Q/ k: l(4)
3 U/ i  z4 K: O* h/ QIf a person seizes a dog under subsection (1), he or she must, as soon as practicable, deliver the dog into the custody of a dog ranger or dog control officer.
+ ]) d0 V( H% u/ J8 ?4 D  E(5)
2 ^; X* ?9 ~: g+ V# EIf a dog control officer or dog ranger has reasonable grounds to believe that an offence has been committed under subsection (2), he or she may—
3 W  P7 T" @9 c- M* i(a)+ A; _8 X# D  ]8 t
seize and take custody of the dog; or. A2 D3 }& B- N4 _3 L
3 O" h* n5 P3 o5 }& x& r7 s+ Wif seizure of the dog is not practicable, destroy the dog.
1 n" Q1 _- Y, U% I. Y$ E(6)
! r0 T/ ?/ Z2 o0 c. [A dog control officer or dog ranger may enter land or premises for the purposes of subsection (5), but may enter any dwellinghouse on the land or premises only if—; `! s4 U" B$ S. V
(a)* Z8 x8 e8 I7 @& F; {. h
he or she is in fresh pursuit of a dog that—3 ?+ V. G: ]/ Y( j+ l
, S2 H8 z; i% p7 k8 I0 P- @he or she has reasonable grounds to believe has committed an attack described in subsection (1); and9 L9 h. u( e5 F% h, Q9 M. T' m/ l
' G/ n8 o% D% r6 G4 p3 |+ i( F# Chas been identified by a witness to the attack; or- w& J& H  B3 e% Y+ b
(b)9 d2 M! W9 j. \; y; i9 n
he or she is authorised to enter by a warrant issued by an issuing officer (within the meaning of section 3 of the Search and Surveillance Act 2012), made on application by the dog ranger or dog control officer in the manner provided for an application for a search warrant in subpart 3 of Part 4 of the Search and Surveillance Act 2012, who must not issue a warrant unless the issuing officer is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds to believe that an offence has been committed under subsection (2), and, in the case of a dog control officer, he or she is accompanied by a constable.9 [) k, o( L; v) t: {4 v( ~
6 z6 D( g) \* G& A  Z& ^; ONone of the following persons may act as an issuing officer under this section:
! Q: d7 Q7 o$ ^(a)! }8 q5 _7 V- w# d# B
the mayor or any elected member of the local authority that employs or engages the dog ranger or dog control officer; or
* w1 j; \# y) H# c9 V(b)
# }+ z( x6 A7 ~* kany employee of the local authority that employs or engages the dog ranger or dog control officer.
: M8 K# {# I; b. f  |, ](6B)
0 Q0 V; H$ D) {4 J/ UThe provisions of subparts 1, 3, 7, 9, and 10 of Part 4 of the Search and Surveillance Act 2012 apply in respect of an authority applied for or issued under subsection (6).6 b8 `7 U: I: ?, ?3 A1 C. ?
+ s) V2 w; _3 u1 t: m3 iTo avoid doubt, a constable may exercise the powers conferred on a dog control officer or dog ranger by this section.
" Z' Q; o5 E* l" s+ D9 q(8)* m4 ~' W9 |: h. Q, V
This section, section 57A, and section 58 do not apply in respect of a dog that—
3 a& m; ^: K. F% @" P0 {(a)) W  k# j; k, k) t- c7 G
is kept, or is being used, or is certified for use by a specified agency; and
# c; H. U9 R: r4 @% b(b)
, m0 j6 _* X/ }2 E( Q* h5 Bis being used for the purpose of carrying out in a lawful manner any function, duty, or power of that agency.
* f1 g$ }. E; |. V7 ^Compare: 1982 No 42 s 56(1)–(5), (7)
' L6 _9 e( L; r, i3 nSection 57: substituted, on 1 December 2003, by section 35 of the Dog Control Amendment Act 2003 (2003 No 119).6 Q1 n7 i0 Q  ]; R: i
Section 57(2): amended, on 1 July 2013, by section 413 of the Criminal Procedure Act 2011 (2011 No 81).+ [8 K: e' ^: h3 D: D1 M
Section 57(6)(b): amended, on 1 October 2012, by section 233(4) of the Search and Surveillance Act 2012 (2012 No 24).  i- I, H. z# K( ?5 V) g) z
Section 57(6A): inserted, on 1 October 2012, by section 233(5) of the Search and Surveillance Act 2012 (2012 No 24).; o5 l' y9 [8 G& E( ^$ ^7 S* _+ `
Section 57(6B): inserted, on 1 October 2012, by section 233(5) of the Search and Surveillance Act 2012 (2012 No 24).
8 n( Z: Q4 \# L' O, ASection 57(7): amended, on 1 October 2008, pursuant to section 116(a)(ii) of the Policing Act 2008 (2008 No 72).3 o" p2 Z8 U4 a9 P

57A Dogs rushing at persons, animals, or vehicles' I' C- T$ G6 I( Q1 q# O
$ E5 }, g3 {. l* G4 oThis section applies to a dog in a public place that—
# g6 e" b& _$ K# y9 M" i(a)
' w' ?( J; A+ D* N9 B8 drushes at, or startles, any person or animal in a manner that causes—
) a3 o- u& n* E. @(i)8 `6 M4 H6 |5 D
any person to be killed, injured, or endangered; or3 D: c. L. H$ ^  E5 q/ l; }
(ii)- }8 L7 H; d! Z$ C
any property to be damaged or endangered; or
1 }* l' o2 v% R) [. Z: r; c(b)
3 q* U. y, R: ^" p1 w8 irushes at any vehicle in a manner that causes, or is likely to cause, an accident.
  Y# u; i! L# _* H" y; ], S0 \(2)6 K+ z7 D* Y. F! @% Z0 E( D
If this section applies,—
4 r. \+ E! s! \9 y: h(a)
; H( b  j6 @" V9 R1 q: Z& ethe owner of the dog commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $3,000 in addition to any liability that he or she may incur for any damage caused by the dog; and
" ?  W- W. c( y* O6 ?/ }7 r$ G) Y" p(b)! @5 ?, i$ ?. f( `4 a+ E
the court may make an order for the destruction of the dog.
( t+ X2 N* l% J0 C$ X5 e. B& X(3)( ^& g4 {' {8 w6 h& E0 q
A dog control officer or dog ranger who has reasonable grounds to believe that an offence has been committed under subsection (2)(a) may, at any time before a decision of the court under that subsection, seize or take custody of the dog and may enter any land or premises (except a dwellinghouse) to do so." d- W( z( J" f2 i5 h
Section 57A: inserted, on 1 December 2003, by section 36 of the Dog Control Amendment Act 2003 (2003 No 119).
/ ?( F# W: v5 y) w5 q+ h# fSection 57A(2)(a): amended, on 1 July 2013, by section 413 of the Criminal Procedure Act 2011 (2011 No 81).

58 Dogs causing serious injury
: s7 \2 ]8 U0 V. `9 U8 C$ wThe owner of any dog that attacks any person or any protected wildlife and causes—
8 s( ?* e4 Y: L- x+ \(a)1 j+ V! _# s- I0 b/ I0 D2 W1 B4 z0 y
serious injury to any person; or
1 g  p% }. q3 Y  m(b): l( E+ b. d# \7 ~5 R
the death of any protected wildlife; or1 I& R# w  e( k2 }+ W/ y. T
(c)2 A$ W$ m" A% V
such injury to any protected wildlife that it becomes necessary to destroy the animal to terminate its suffering,—
% {& x: t( G: h; acommits an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or a fine not exceeding $20,000, or both, and the court shall, on convicting the owner, make an order for the destruction of the dog unless satisfied that the circumstances of the attack were exceptional and do not justify destruction.  V7 _$ M0 N% |2 D+ Q! C  X0 x
Section 58: amended, on 1 December 2003, by section 37 of the Dog Control Amendment Act 2003 (2003 No 119).

http://www.legislation.govt.nz/a ... hole.html#DLM375415
( ]. J! M. K. n# M" z3 h$ n
8 h; {/ T3 h# H. k8 ?8 t. N0 [8 z3 N! D) _, q, e
5 K, t. N, [+ S7 q% e# @/ c


0 g; t! B% j; a4 p



这个要赶快去city council投诉,这种狗必须处理掉不然太大的安全隐患了

* n, Y" \2 r- G9 Y

打个破伤风吧 如果担心的话  狂犬病没必要的哈~



新西兰有朋友想6月来新西兰办婚礼,暂定皇后镇和瓦纳卡这两个地方,人口比较简单,就是新人+双方父母+几个亲朋好友,求推荐本地靠谱婚礼策划公司! 评论 加我微信: fullmood-nz 评论 你好 ...



新西兰想找一个9月份可以帮忙拍婚礼视频的,一个小时就可以了,不需要特别特别专业的,但最好是有过经验的,普通数码相机就可以,后期处理有最好, 没有也没关系,价格公道,请给我留 ...



新西兰请问奥克兰哪里有华人婚纱店,求地址。谢谢 评论 华人婚纱店很多 需要修改可以找我 评论 您好 请问您是想量身定做还是租借呢?我们有很多婚纱可以租借:) 微信是:vivis4005 评论 亲, ...



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新西兰请问大家下,我想明年1月底带母亲去澳洲玩几天。她现在是5年无限往返签证来的新西兰。 我自己是citizen。请问申请旅游签证难不难? 听说要资金证明,但是她没有这边的银行账户。我 ...



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