新西兰an experience at Chinese medicine shop


The last few days, shanghai weather was changeing like the face of a crying baby. The temprarture was steaming hot suddenly dropped to super cool.

I, like most of archi people in China, work long hours and eat junk food everyday. And finally I got sick.

My throat hurts like it filled with sand. I decided to make a trip to the drug store after work. My colleagues told me it may cost me 15 rma to get some medicines here.

I went to this store. The lady in the shop was warm hearted offering help for my conditions. I answered, I have got this
terrible cold and sore throat.

she went to the shelf grabbed 3 boxes of Chinese medicines and told me I will need all of them.

I was like wtf, why do I need so many?

she started explaining nonstop as how those 3 medicines work way better if I take them all together at once, but if I take them separably they won't do shit at all.

basically, she means if I swallow all 3 of them together would kill my pain instantly. On the other hand, take them individually would be just like eating KFC chicken pieces which does nothing but makes me fat. Moreover, chicken would taste better than those Chinese medicines.

I looked at the boxes. they all look kind strange and I have no idea which one to pick.

I felt like it was a trap as she just want to make more sales out of me.

however I was really needed some pain killers to rescue me a peaceful nite.

therefore, I decide to take all of it.

Just before I pay the bills at the counter, she brought me another boxes and told me I should get that one as well for it help kill germs.

I replied to her I don't need kill germs. All I want is some pain killers.

She looked at me with a serious face and said to me that I should really take the germ killers if I ever want to get well again. her eyes expression made me feel like if I don't take her suggestion and buy those germ killers, the Chinese germs will rape me at night and kill me in the morning on my bed.

Totally I spend 62 RMB at that store.

All I really need was some fucking panados

God please help me don't get sick here again.

So your point is...
Never go to that shop again?
AND just out of curiosity, I do believe they have panados in every convenience store. Why didn't you go there at the first place?

R.I.P for your 62 RMB



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