

在旅行中,了解一个城市最好的办法就是用自己的脚走完它, 并仔细分析这种脚步带来的变化。三亚海鲜大排档从空间上来讲,是个很值得思考的地方。 整个餐馆是个敞开式的大型帐篷, 可以从周边的任何地方进入。 开放式的空间融合了餐馆所有的流线及其功能, 厨房,用餐空间,甚至于市场都自然规划到了一个屋檐下。 视线也可以一览无遗的看到整个大排档,不同铺面用餐的人, 厨房烧制的流程,市场上选海鲜以及三亚土产的顾客和卖主们都在各个角度展现在了这个空间内部。 人们可以在市场选择自己喜欢的海鲜, 然后买好送到附近的厨房加工烧制, 再到旁边的小桌子上一边看着食物烹制的过程,一边和朋友或者家人等待美味的海鲜带到自己面前。 很遗憾的是,我们听说这个地方很快就会被拆除开发。这里的精彩会变成三亚人与其旅客的回忆,三亚迅速的发展让很多这些可以代表本地文化和生活的市场,住宅区和城市空间永久的抹去了。

The open plan dining area

The open plan kitchen

The open plan market

作为城市来讲, 这些有城市和本土特色的空间是对城市极其重要的。 城市的发展应该注重于保护并且发扬本土的特色极其文化。 这些城市节点不仅可以吸引游客也让城市发扬自己的优势来区别于其他城市。三亚的海鲜大排档定义了城市的名牌并且生动讲述了本地的渔业,厨艺,和市场文化。在众多城市设计的案例中,这种城市节点是供与城市生命的根源。


三亚最显著的地貌和地标性建筑在凤凰岛,一个巨大的人工岛屿和多个豪华的产权式酒店。 它是三亚新的标识性城市形象和顶级的豪华生活象征。 这座城市似乎忘记了城市的形象建筑应当是属于公众的,而不应该属于某个阶层。私人架构的酒店式公寓象征了三亚生活的繁华却同时成为了城市低收入人群的对比,折射出贫富阶级分化的城市特征。作为建筑师,我们的规划与设计促进城市的和谐应当是我们最基本的职业道德, 而不应当让城市的发展激发城市的潜在问题。



三亚正在从一个传统的农业渔业为主的城市迅速转型为豪华旅游度假城市。昔日的农田如今成为奢侈度假酒店或旅游设施, 海里的渔船也渐渐换成了超级游艇。 城市的消费水平突然增加,许多当地以农业为主的家庭也被迫改变了原有的产业,以适应自己城市的建设节奏。 许多传统的生活方式与文化在这种开发模式中洗去,取而代之的是世界顶级的物质享受。 但是,当城市的人文改变了,生活改变了,面貌改变了,三亚是否仍然是三亚?当为建设三亚而忙着学习摩洛哥,布里斯本,卡马格等等的旅游胜地的建筑师们,我们是否应该更多的抽出些时间学习一下三亚本身呢。 


The restaurant we have visited in Sanya is a truly interesting space. The site can be entered anywhere from any directions. It combines the kitchens, the dining area and the market itself. Everything is open and exposed. The guests can buy the typical Hainan seafood and vegetables from the market and directly deliver them to the kitchen. The restaurant tables are allocated nearby the kitchen and the cooking process is visually visible from the sounding environment. I was certainly enjoyed very much of the interesting experiences and outstanding taste of the food. However, this place is going to be demolished and redeveloped in the near future, same as many other local markets, housing, and places in the Sanya city. It is surely a wild disappointment to watch the culture and behavior are forced to be washed away due to the change of the space.

I see the space as an extremely important urban spot of the city. It is not only an attraction to the tourist, but also the very unique character of local culture. It defines the image of Sanya and represents of the typical factors of local fish industry, cooking style, and shopping behaviors. It is the describable active edge that keeping a city alive in many cases in the world.

The most significant landmark building in the area is located at the very end of the artificial island- phoenix Island. It is the image of the city and represents the most luxury and wealth living style in Sanya city. The architecture is outstanding and privatized as individual apartments. There are many examples like this in Sanya as well as many other parts of developments in China. The best image of the city is privatized, and not recognized as the image of the city but the symbol of social class polarization confliction. It represents the difference of wealthy group and poor classes of Sanya. The development is fancy but lost its basic ethic value.

The best way to understand a city is to walk through it and think through it. Sanya city is quickly transforming from an agricultural city to a famous resort city. The transformation has brought many impacts on local habitations. Farm land is replaced to be luxury holiday resorts and fancy touristy facilities. Fishing boats are replaced with luxury yachts. The price of living has risen significantly. The changes are constantly polarizing between the low cost family self-contained living style of farming and fishing conflict with the luxury living style. Local culture and lifestyle is being slowly washed away during this process.

The high speed of the development is dangerously impacting on the local environment. Many projects are rushing through without enough study on environmental protections. Sanya is on the both routes of bearing the fancy name of beautiful resort city and the name of environmental damages. On the other hand, the culture also has been smashed and discarded with this endless urban sprawl reality. Sanya citizens are forced to change their lifestyle to be lining up with the high speed city development. Could the city still be identified as Sanya after its beauty and character are lost in the drain? The situation should be more controlled and the development should be deeply rethought to be as the best result for Sanya. Copying the design of other city or successful cases regardless of Sanya conditions are simply not the solution.

The people in Sanya are always closely linked with the ocean, through farming, defense, exploration, sports and adventures. The culture of Sanya is agriculture and marine culture. I personally believe the best way of urban development in Sanya is the theory of urban farming, which combines the farm with the urban environment. It would create interesting urban cape as an image and support citizens with fresh food; provide the opportunity to maintain the existing culture and push the city development to the not only a famous resort city but also the symbol of sustainability living.





是原创。 楼主搜到的是我的blog.




不是。 只是去做项目的。 



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