


对央视大楼新楼的概念设想定位是要绝对标志性,造型空间震撼,大师手笔的设计。CCTV新楼于2002年4月8日正式向外界招标。竞标邀请了包括SOM, KPF 伊东丰雄等等的全世界最顶尖的设计师事务所。当时的评审团收到很多突出的设计。单据设计形态和功能来讲, 库哈斯的设计并不是最美观的,在功能上也并不是最合理的。但是,它提供了一个最与众不同的造型,和在建造工程施工中的绝对难度。 它,在设计初期被国际上称为一个不可能的建筑。


倾于库哈斯的设计是理所自然的,因为它挑战的是近乎不可能的建筑造型,可以表达一个强大国家真正的实力与力量。 CCTV的建成代表了她对人们,对全世界宣布了新一辈中华民族,仍然可以创造新的万里长城一般的奇迹。

China Central Television Headquarters building has officially completed recently. CCTV is the biggest television producer company in China. It has more than 110 million viewers, which is ninety percent of the Chinese population. The company speaks for the Chinese government and is an important communication tool between the government and the people, and between China and the rest of the world. CCTV is the most powerful media organisation in China.

The proposal for CCTV’s new building design is to be a true iconic landmark, and masterpiece of architecture in Beijing. The invitations for the design competition were sent world-wide to many famous star architects. The competition office has received many good designs. Compared with many other submissions, Rem Koolhass’ designs do not provide the impression of “beautiful architecture”, but a weird, disordered shape. Moreover, it is surely the most technically complicated of all.

Architecture is not political; it can only be used politically. Where architecture exists, it always transcends politics (Leon Krier, 1998). The new CCTV building is supposed to present an important image of the company, as CCTV represents an important image of China.

The Chinese politics were satisfied with Rem Koolhass’ design for it presents an image that was thought impossible to achieve, but nevertheless succeeded by the power of the nation. Possibility is defined as the limitation of the building construction techniques, or as a direct understanding of constructive logic and natural law of common sense. The impossibilities of a building form can easily attract general attention. People can emotionally feel shocked when they see something that is visually impossible.

CCTV represents an image displaying its message to the world, by the ambitions of the nation. Thus the new generations of China are still be able to produce miracle works, just as their ancestors produced the Great Wall.




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