

本人是某家pizza hut的assistant manager
2年前拿duty manager的职位申请了2年工签

昨天得知我们公司一位情况跟我一样的同事被拒签了。移民局理由是解释信的理由不能让他们满意,说是work income上面有一帮适合这份工作的人选,对于为什么不能招聘本地人的理由不够充分。

请问:这种case的情况下,那广告解释信具体应该怎么写比较好?能给我发下比较好的例子么?[email protected] 02102956684
贴出被拒的广告信 大家能帮忙看看哪里出问题,该补充些什么内容么?

I have provided in support of this letter, a copy of an advertisement that we had placed on the Seek Website for the month of August earlier this year.
From this advertisement the company received approx 200 enquiries from a very wide and varied selection of candidates.
These were distributed to the appropriate regional manager for an overview prior to any selection process.
The point of this advertisement was to compare the quality of external candidates with the already trained, and ready, internal candidates.

For my area I received approximately 40 applications.
Of these, only 4 were from New Zealand Citizens, the rest being on Open Work Visas, or Student Visas.
Of the New Zealand Citizens, only 1 had previous food or hospitality training and experience.
This person was contacted to go through the recruitment process, and an initial interview was arranged.
However prior to this meeting we were informed that they had decided upon another job elsewhere.

The company has an open door policy to at least interview any New Zealand Citizen who makes enquiries for any management position with us.
Whether this is via our web-site, any external advertisement, or an enquiry directly into our vast network of stores.
All are forwarded onto the relevant regional manager to organise the next step of the process.
Whilst most of these processes are not actually documentable, we do endeavour as a company to try encourage more locals to approach us.

This external advertising process is somewhat similar each time we advertise on any job-related website.
A very high proportion of enquiries are from non-NZ citizens, and in today’s tough economic times, places a difficult choice by employers to fill positions quickly, with high quality people, who are prepared to stick around.
Being in the hospitality/food industry, we find most of our candidates are from those foreign based students who have come to New Zealand to study in these fields.
There is a definite correlation between the number of NZ Citizens who study in this field versus the number who work in the industry itself, right the way from team member to management, and this proportion is somewhat small.

The company in the past has always tried to promote management internally, as the candidates gain a good understanding of the business requirements at “grass-roots” level.
Almost 85% of all Assistant and Store Managers coming from team members.
9 of the current 10 Regional Managers have started their careers with the company at team / Assistant level.
Promoting from within brings an individual experience for the company, with someone well versed in company policies and procedures.
There is usually little or no additional training or expense required to fill these positions, and this obviously contributes to ongoing savings to the company.
As such we identify key personell at an early stage, and groom them while at team member level for future man
agement positions.
Commitment to the brand, shows commitment to their jobs, and the company recognises this with timely promotions, and opportunities.

The position of Assistant Manager could quite easily be seen as a “very trainable position”.
This is quite true, but it would be an investment of up to 3-6 months for someone that does not have the suitable background or knowledge of the fast-food sector.
As previously mentioned the company prides itself on its NZAQ recognised training systems (which has been recognised in each of the last 6 years at a superior level), therefore the company has a serious investment in people development, and as such would prefer to promote from within, than hire externally.
Training for an external manager would take approximately 6 months of intense training, with a great amount of this being one-on-one from the Store Restaurant Manager.
With the current recession issues that the country is facing there also an element of cost reductions that the company faces.
Hiring an external person costs in excess of $20K once training is completed, by hiring within the company is faced at only a fraction of this cost.
The smart thing to do for any business in this situation is to cost-cut where it can, and this area is an obvious choice.

When positions of Assistant Manager are advertised, normally always done now on the Internet, a varied selection of resumes are collected.
Each one of these is carefully scrutinized for

Flexibility :
to meet the jobs requirement for shifts

Adaptability :
to fit into the stores current team environment

Longevity : what does this person have to offer long term

Loyalty : does this person want to work for the company > 3 years

Experience : what in the way of fast-food / hospitality / mgmt do they have

Trainability : do they grasp mgmt ideas well, show initiative, an ideas person

Background : what training / education do they have

Compatibility : would they fit within the current management team, and wider Area

Resume : what previous positions have they had / issues with previous employers

Overall Suitability : do they meet the job requirements, and not over-qualified for the position

As you can see, every resume is checked thoroughly for many things, and it is not unusual in today’s job market for candidates to apply for many jobs of wide and diversing nature, with many not even within the candidates training area.
Out of the resume’s received, only 5% make it through to the interview stage as many do not meet the standards we set.
In today’s job market we normally receive up to 20 resumes from non-New Zealanders to every New Zealander.
This also makes it difficult to recruit New Zealanders when we receive very few applications.
With the focus to try to provide jobs to New Zealanders we have gone the extraordinary step to at least phone-interview any New Zealander application in the attempt to increase their changes of securing a job.
However at Assistant Manager Level they will have to meet the criteria required by the job description to have that done.

Bottom line is, the company does not advertise externally often, but does continue to, in the hope that we can attract quality NZ Citizens into our workplace.
In the meantime, we struggle for quality people, who are prepared to stay 3-4 years in the role, and rely on the training of foreign based students who are prepared to put in the effort once their courses finish.

I sincerely hope that you reconsider your status on xxx’s visa, so he can be entitled to progress in his job, and to help make a contribution to the New Zealand economy.He is an extremely hard worker, and I consider him an asset to our business.Please contact me on the details below for any further information.







其实这三层的话,移民官都可以说WORK INCOME里面有合适人选的,因为只要去WORK INCOME登记拿失业救济的,都会在他们找工作的LIST上面的。所以你的辩驳并不是很有力。

所以我建议,你回信的方向,重点不能放在没有合适的人选来做这个职位。而且整个新西兰挑不出一个人在做 assistant manager?这个说法移民官也不能信。所以,你应该说,的确有合适的,但是你这个职位必须在周末工作,尤其是周末晚上,那些比较合适的KIWI candidate希望至少有一天weekend off,所以就不适合了。

这种信的写法,不能说你们挑不出合适的,这样太主观,移民官不能信。一定要从客观方面找原因,就是像刚刚说的,是那些candidate 自己拒绝,不愿意做这个工作,你们才能有机会拿下PR


谢谢您的回复 请问除了说明是那些candidate因为工作时间自己拒绝的之外 还有什么其他重点能说服签证官吗?

lz,你的信是你AREA MANAGER寫的嗎?還是你STORE MANAGER寫的?我和你是一家公司不同BRANCH。
最好你請你的STORE MANAGER寫一封支持信,對於你的日常工作是做什麼的,多寫管理方面的東西,例如peromotion,sales /wast方面的分析,把平時公司的郵件拿出來抄一下。


是area manager写的。移民局要求的字眼例如哪些方面的呢?



  1. upupupupupupupupupup

6# chairsry


专业人事都哪去了 ????????

我补充一下,楼主你要明确你的目的是什么,你的目的就是拿到工签,就是在移民局相信你的工作本在没有合适的时间内找到合适的人选的限制条件下批准的,而你要证明的就是给移民局看到为什么本地人没有条件拿到这份工作。我的意见基本上和楼上的朋友相似,只不过我更加透露给你听移民局批准工签的思考方向。我不能说太多了,移民局的朋友也会看到的,我会很麻烦,余下的你可以好好思考一下,而且STORE MGR的SUPPORTING LETTER NO DOUBT是比更高PROFILE的MGR合适的



能告诉我为什么store manager的supporting letter会比area manager写的更合适吗?

但这封广告信解释一定得area manager出吧?因为store manager这个级别不负责打广告找人的。


继续关注。。。不过LZ的经理 很是 SUPPORTIVE,不过这个信是专门用于你们店所有的管理人员吧 如果找个律师中介什么的在修改一下信什么的可能会更大啦!

因为你的店长比你的AREA MANAGER更了解你,更清楚你平时都做些什么。我也经历过你的情况,我的店长也是出手帮我才办下的pr而不是AREA MANAGER.从信上看地区经理还是很支持你的,写了这么多~~字眼比如极端需要你,你有短缺技能,你是最适合的人选之类的。



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