Please note we received the original Notarial Police Certificate for your client again.
We actually requested your client’s local Chinese Police Certificate letter which needs to have an original English translation attached.
Please refer to our Specific procedure for China
Applicants for visas must be of good character. You have to supply both a police certificate and a photocopy of the original police clearance certificate letter issued by the local Public Security Bureau or Vice Squad. (Please note that a police clearance certificate letter issued by an applicant's work unit, work unit security department, street office or talent centre is not acceptable.)
Please ensure you keep a photocopy of this letter with you and present the original letter to a Notary Office who will provide the finished police certificate.
You should provide both the notarised police certificate and the photocopy of the certificate letter from local police authorities with your application.
Non-Chinese citizens – You will only be able to apply for a police certificate if you hold a Foreigner’s Residence Permit. If you do not hold a Foreigner’s Residence Permit then a statutory declaration as described under the “Procedures” section at the beginning of this page must be submitted.
Police certificates must be less than six months old when the application is lodged.
We may ask for further police certificates if the initial police certificate becomes a year old from its date of issue before we make a decision on your application; or within the 12-month period if there is good reason to do so.
Police authorities in some countries will only send the certificate direct to Immigration New Zealand. In such cases we recommend that you request your police certificate three months before you lodge your application for a residence class visa. We also recommend that you provide us with a copy of the receipt for the requested police certificate (if this is available) to help us to track your certificate.
Send this to us before 18th November 2011.
please ensure your client submits the original official English translation of the Police Certificate too。
我收到几乎跟你同样的移民官的信,后来一查,其实新西兰移民局网站上有这个要求,也许是新增加的,你的中介有点“疏忽”,看来。你可以查,移民局网站“how to obtain a police certificate from china".读过后我感觉,人家移民官不是吃干饭的,对中国的派出所情况还是很了解的。意思是,不但要无犯罪公证件,还要当地派出所的证明,两个都要。我所在的派出所不给公民直接开无犯罪证明,只给在公证处的无犯罪公证一栏上盖章,凭此我才可以做无犯罪公证,所以我手上不可能还有这张证明的原件,用复印件到惠灵顿的翻译公司翻译,然后一起交上去。
就是派出所开证明给你父母去办公正的那份证明 这份证明可以是原件或复印件 邮寄过来 三姐妹 华页 就有的翻译 30刀
无犯罪证明信(就说明在某个时段内,没有犯罪记录,由派出所出具,最好能开两份,一份给公证处,一份自己留着给移民局,省的他们一定要原件) + 翻译, INZ approved 翻译,华页也可以。