新西兰怎么理解SM14.10 g. ii. “Points are provided for two or


请教:怎么理解SM14.10 g. ii. “Points are provided for two or more qualifications”?

我用移民局计分器算分时发现,我的level 7本科和level 4技能证同时选取时,学历分变成60分了,是两个qualifucation同时起作用,才得到的60分吗?


SM14.10 Points for recognised qualifications

Qualifications are recognised and qualify for points as follows:
g. Points are provided for:
  i. one qualification only; or
  ii. two or more qualifications assessed in combination.

good luck.........



Qualifications are recognised and qualify for points as follows:

Qualifications assessed as occupying levels nine and ten on the NZQF qualify for 60 points.
Qualifications assessed as occupying levels seven, or eight on the NZQF qualify for 50 points.
Qualifications assessed as occupying level five or six on the NZQF qualify for 40 points.
Qualifications assessed as occupying level four on the NZQF qualify for 40 points by inclusion in the List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment (see Appendix 3) if they meet the requirements specified in that list.
Qualifications assessed as occupying level four on the NZQF qualify for 40 points if they are assessed by the NZQA and are:
relevant to an occupation listed at part B or part C of the List of Skilled Occupations (see Appendix 6); and
not included on the list of Excluded Qualifications (see SM14.10.5).
Qualifications assessed as occupying level three on the NZQF that are included on the List of Qualifications Recognised as an Exception (see SM14.10.10), and meet the requirements specified in that list, qualify for 40 points.
Points are provided for:
one qualification only; or
two or more qualifications assessed in combination.
Note: Points for recognised qualifications are not cumulative. A principal applicant may qualify for only 40, 50, or 60 points. For example, if an applicant has two level nine qualifications on the NZQF they may still only qualify for 60 points.
Note: A qualification will not be recognised if gained while in a country where the principal applicant was either an unlawful resident or required authority to study, but did not have such authority.
SM14.10.1 New Zealand qualifications

Despite SM14.10, SM14.10.5 and SM14.10.10, a New Zealand qualification at levels three, four, five or six on the NZQF qualifies for 50 points if:

it would have met the requirements for the award of points under the Skilled Migrant Category that was in effect on 24 July 2011; and
the principal applicant completed the qualification before 25 July 2011 or the principal applicant had commenced a course of study, resulting in the qualification for which they are claiming points, on 24 July 2011.
SM14.10.5 Excluded qualifications

The qualifications listed below are excluded from recognition under the Skilled Migrant Category and do not qualify for points. This list may be amended by the deletion or addition of qualifications from time to time, as approved by the Minister of Immigration.

Level four qualifications that are not a National Certificate or a New Zealand Certificate (or compared to a National Certificate or a New Zealand Certificate by the NZQA).
Any English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) qualification.
Note: Immigration officers must ensure that the qualification is a National Certificate or a New Zealand Certificate (Level 4) or comparable to a National Certificate or a New Zealand Certificate (Level 4) and may refer to the following for confirmation:
~ the www.nzqf.govt.nz website,
~ written confirmation provided by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) to the Tertiary Education Provider confirming the qualification is a National Certificate,
~ a NZQA International Qualification Assessment (IQA); or
~ a NZQA Qualifications Assessment Report (QAR).
SM14.10.10 Qualifications recognised as an exception

The qualifications included in the list held at Appendix 8 are recognised for the award of points as an exception under the Skilled Migrant Category.
Qualifications in this list, awarded by an institution included in this list, do not require assessment by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority.



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