新西兰今天老皮的发言要支持:Deport migrant employers who


Deport migrant employers who exploit workers, Winston Peters says

Migrant bosses who exploit their workers should be deported, Winston Peters says.

Northland MP Winston Peters is calling on the Government to deport immigrant employers caught ripping off workers by underpaying or forcing them to work long hours.

The New Zealand First leader said recent cases of worker exploitation around the country, including a Whangarei restaurant owner who incorrectly paid his employees and failed to keep accurate employment records, were the tip of the iceberg.

Dayon Trading, which operated as Asahi Japanese Restaurant in central Whangarei, was found with multiple breaches of the Minimum Wages Act and the Holidays Act against 11 employees.

Its owner Sung Chul Shin was ordered to pay $28,000 in penalties but none of that award would benefit the affected employees from Korea and Japan because they had either left the country or were elsewhere in New Zealand. Mr Shin is in Korea and it is not certain if, or when, he will return to New Zealand.

"Immigrant employers caught ripping off workers should face deportation," Mr Peters said.

"No one should adopt another country and abuse its laws. If the employers are citizens, that's doubly concerning and proves we should tighten citizenship laws."

He said the Government must increase the number of labour inspectors from 54 for the entire country and cut down on immigration.

New Zealand, he said, was fast becoming a country with Third World workplaces, where the laws were ignored, and Kiwis had no hope of gaining jobs over cheap labour.

"What's happening is a wholesale breach of human rights, forms of slave labour, and countless attacks on the integrity of New Zealand as a good society, whilst many in the establishment are simply turning a blind eye in condemnation.

"Such people are a disgrace to New Zealand and should be exposed for being so by every right thinking New Zealander."

Commenting on the case of Dayon Trading, Labour Inspectorate's Kevin Finnegan said formal demand notices have been served on Mr Shin for the amount outstanding although he was no longer in the country.

"If the employer returns to the country the Labour Inspectorate would take up civil proceedings to pursue the debt through a formal bankruptcy.

As this was a civil case, he said Mr Shin would not be stopped at the border.

On Mr Peters' call to deport migrant employers who exploit their staff, Mr Finnegan said such employers faced deportation if the offence was committed within 10 years of gaining residency apart from a fine or jail.

Under the Immigration Amendment Act (No 2) that came into effect last year, he said employers who exploit migrants faced a jail sentence of up to seven years, a fine not exceeding $100,000, or both.

He said Immigration New Zealand worked with police and other agencies to ensure the deportation process was as efficient as possible.





- He's got my vote!  

- yes agree ... a couple of deportations and the word would soon get around that some things [like the law] must be followed

- When an employee steals from an employer they are punished through the criminal courts and often end up with a custodial sentence having made repayment and or reparation.. No problems there. So why, when an employer knowingly steals from their employee is the punishment not the same ?

- Really? Can not remember hearing of any exploitative immigrant/resident employers being deported. The law protects them. There are legal mechanisms in place for all businesses/employers to protect themselves against sanctions. This immigrant exploiting immigrant is nothing new. It was brought into the country with them. It is the way things work back in there homeland. Contrary to what people keep saying about mass unfettered immigration giving us a vibrant society. It may well do. However, at the same time it has brought in some unsavory, discriminative and c****** practices which are now creeping into all levels of society. For heavens sake we even had a wanted criminal, with many aliases, buy his residence and safety in NZ. What did the Police and Government say? It was a good outcome for everyone. Really. What about his victims. No justice at all. Money talks. Justice walks. Welcome to the new bent NZ.

- Exactly right Winnie, deport these migrant employers, jail first then immediate deportation even if they are citizens. You cant have these people breaking the rules to fit their every whim, this will bring our standards to third world level.Now if they're kiwis, it has to be jail, but somehow I dont think so if any at all.

- Maybe I am getting old, but there is some points I have to agree with. There are people who think they can come into this country, start up a business without having any idea of how a business is run. Thankfully it is only a minority, but these people have no understanding of paying correct wages, taxes, employment and Company legislation, or if they do the play the 'we don't understand' card. We don't find out about this until it is to late. Surely if you want to start up a business, you should first have to at least prove you have a basic understanding of a business structure. Why I won't go to the extremes of deporting them, at least have a Reigster (we like registers in this country), that is similar to the Insolvency register, by where the individuals are unable to direct, own or have any financial say in the running on a business.

- Winston is right. Cut down on immigration and deport all exploiting employers to teach the other employers a lesson and stop this inhuman practice.

- Lets be frank about Winston's deportation call. In my humble opinion any foreigner that commits a crime in New Zealand needs to be sent packing as soon as they are found guilty. NZ has laws for good reason and these laws (even the pathetic ones) need to be adhered too. This BS of attracting a fine up to $??? or a prison sentence of up to ??? is utter crap. There should be a minimum fine or a minimum sentence for each break of the law. I'll go to my grave believing that the NZ justice system is c****** and he/she will the biggest social support network will always receive the weakest punishment.

- gain, they could face up to ......, which never, ever happens in this country. Just a waste of taxpayer dollars taking them to court and slapping them on the wrist with a wet bus ticket. Even if they have a judgement against them, if they fail to pay, which is often, nothing is done. No freezing of their accounts and properties, no jail time, no stopping them at the border, etc. Just a whole lot of nothing that taxpayers again pay for and they all know it.

Naming and shaming doesn't work when money is involved




















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Deport migrant employers who exploit workers, Winston Peters says








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