澳洲Top 10 Things To Do In Australia Before You Die


If you're planning your trip around Australia, you may not be quite sure where you should go, which places are must-sees and which ones should be lower down on your list. After all, Australia is a big country.

Here's a list that will make it all easier. ‘100 Things To Do in Australia Before You Die’ has been compiled by Australian Traveller magazine and ranks Australia’s most outstanding travel experiences. Listed below are the Top 10 results – to see all 100 go to the Australian Traveller website.

Top 10 Things To Do In Australia Before You Die

1. Kakadu National Park (NT)
World Heritage-listed for both its natural and cultural importance, Kakadu National Park is a dream getaway, boasting awesome waterfalls and billabongs, inspiring scenery, Aboriginal history and rock art and an amazing variety of plants, birds, crocodiles and other fauna.

2. Great Barrier Reef (QLD)
One of the seven natural wonders of the world, the Great Barrier Reef stretches more than 2000km along the Queensland coast from the northern tip of the state to just south of Rockhampton. The experience of diving amongst colourful coral and fish, or relaxing on the pristine beaches is one that will stay with you forever.

3. Drive Around Australia
Whether by car or bus, caravan or kombi, driving around Australia is an adventure unlike any other. Stop where you like, for as long as you like and get to know Australia, its people and its places in a way that just isn't possible on a conventional tour.

4. Uluru (NT)
You'll never forget a visit to this sacred rock - its sheer size and dramatically changing colours, the awesome natural beauty particularly at sunrise and sunset and the connection to the land and the local aboriginal people, the Anangu. While there, a visit to nearby Kata Tjuta is also a must.

5. BridgeClimb (NSW)
The feeling you get as you reach the summit of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and take in the exhilirating views of one of the world's most beautiful harbours, the Opera House and the city of Sydney is totally unique.

6. Kimberley Cruising (WA)
This remote region in the far north of Western Australia contains some of the most remarkable landscapes in the country. From the pristine coastline and its spectacular archipelago, to the intriguing rock formations of the Bungle Bungles and the scenery along the Fitzroy River, the Kimberley is always impressive.

7. Ningaloo Reef (WA)
This reef, just south of Exmouth, is the only place in the world where whale sharks, the world's largest fish, are so regularly seen and easily accessible. This 260 kilometre long coral reef is also home to a huge diversity of marine life, including turtles, manta rays, dugongs, dolphins and whales.

8. Sydney Harbour (NSW)
From the Opera House to North Head, from Watson's Bay to Balmain, Sydney Harbour offers a diverse range of activities and scenery to keep even the most reluctant traveller happy. Cruising, swimming, walking or flying - see the harbour from all angles.

9. Fraser Island (QLD)
The World Heritage-listed Fraser Island, the world's largest sand island, is a unique ecosystem of sand dunes, rainforests and freshwater lakes.  See the purest breed of dingo in the world, try your luck at steering a 4WD through the sand or marvel at migratory whales (July-November).

10. Great Ocean Rd (VIC)

Driving along this scenic route, whether you do all of it or just a small part, is a breathtaking experience. Take in the sights of the world-famous Twelve Apostles, the Otways rainforest, Bells Beach, and the Great Ocean Road itself.

[ 本帖最后由 maplefire 于 2007-4-4 11:36 编辑 ]
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