澳洲Top tips on how to pack light [from theage]


From http://www.theage.com.au/travel/ ... -20090324-987k.html

With more airlines adding ruthless excess baggage fees, packing light is more important than ever.

A sarong is the "must have" item, according to an American women's clothing catalogue.

The blurb says it can function as a skirt, dress, shawl, beach towel, bed sheet and tablecloth. Every woman's dream - an article of clothing you can wear, sleep in, eat on and spread across the sand.

Maybe that's one way of avoiding baggage fees which many airlines have introduced - as well as more and more ruthless excess baggage fees.

If you are flying with most domestic airlines in the United States, for example, you have to pay around an extra $US15 ($A24) each way for the first checked piece of luggage in an effort to offset fuel and baggage-handling costs.

And you have to pay with your credit card, leading to even longer queues at check-in counters.

If each person in a family of four checks a bag, that can add up to $US120 ($A189) - nearly the price of another round-trip airline ticket.

In Australia, Virgin, Jetstar and Tiger call it a discount if you don't have check-in luggage and passengers are encouraged to pay for their tickets online. Qantas hasn't yet introduced baggage fees either domestically or internationally.

Travel pros say there are ways passengers can avoid airline baggage fees and jet off with a single carry-on, but it will take some sacrifice.

"Don't even think for a nanosecond that you're going to wear a different outfit for every single solitary day," says Susan Foster, author of Smart Packing for Today's Traveler.

It also helps to know the carry-on rules of each airline you plan to fly - because they're all different - and to limit toiletries and shoes, which are heavy and take up a lot of precious space.

Fees for first and second bags have already kicked in at American and US Airways and United. Competitors Delta and JetBlue charge only for the second bag. Southwest Airlines allows passengers to check two bags for free.

Since the change of policy by US airlines, airport security officials have noticed an influx of carry-on bags going through the security checkpoints across the country.

But beware - if your bag is too heavy or big for often small overhead cabins it may end up back in the hold.

Solution - just take a sarong.

Carry-on tips: Use a lightweight, compact bag with wheels that weighs about two kg as opposed to a more traditional carry-on, which weighs around five kg.

Duffel bags that have wheels are another option and are often easier to fit into aircraft bins.

Streamline the wardrobe: That means sticking to essentials, mixing-and-matching clothes around neutral colours, and doing some laundry away from home. Layer or wear heavy clothes on the plane.

Travel with fast-drying clothes made of a fabric which can be washed out in a hotel sink and hung to dry overnight, making them great for any length of travel. Use accessories such as scarves, belts and jewellery.

Cut down on toiletries and makeup: Hotels provide basic items like soap and shampoo, so forgo those items or pack travel-size essentials. Another option is to buy toiletries at your travel destination. Consider cosmetics that serve a dual function such as powder that can be applied as a foundation or moisturiser with sunscreen.

Choose your shoes wisely: Only take two pairs plus what you wear on the plane. Shoes take up space and will weigh down the bag. Pack them at the bottom of your carry-on or along the sides, and stuff socks, underwear, ties or belts inside to maximise roominess.

Roll your clothes and separate items with resealable plastic bags: This will keep items wrinkle-free and compact to make room for other items. The bags can be used later on to separate dirty clothes from clean ones. For clothing that is better folded, limit the number of folds to keep items thinner in your suitcase.

Take one guidebook, not five: Or, better yet, make copies of pages you find interesting and take those instead. Books are heavy.

Leave room for souvenirs or gifts that could wind up going home with you.

The US Travel Channel's Samantha Brown, says there are really only five items every woman needs for a weekend getaway:

The Perfect Dress: Brown says to forget about the "little black dress," and bring something colourful that can be worn day or night with the right accessories.

White Collared Shirt: Brown suggests wearing a white collared shirt with a skirt or jeans, or try using it as a beach cover-up.

Jeans: A pair of dark wash jeans can be worn during the day or at night.

Shoes: Two pairs of shoes - one for daytime and one for the evening - are enough.

Bag: Brown says an oversized bag, to hold all of the tourist essentials, is best.
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