

墨尔本附近有个看鲸鱼的地方,想带孩子去。忘了叫什么 ,


大洋路一直开 那地方叫warrnambool




Just 3 hours from Melbourne along the Great Ocean Road, Warrnambool welcomes whale watchers each year between June and September. Known as 'Victoria's Southern Right Whale Nursery', female Southern Right Whales flock to Warrnambool's Logans Beach to calve, often swimming very close to shore. Visitors can watch from a whale watching platform in the sand dunes and also from the beach.

Australia's Top Ten Whale Watching Spots
Every year one of nature's great migrations takes place along our coastline, as thousands of whales head north from the Antarctic to warmer waters to breed. Around Australia we are privileged to steal rare glimpses of these magical creatures as they journey through our waters during the winter months. The migration route is close to the coast, so whales can often be seen from predominant headlands. For a closer look take a whale watching tour from one of the prime whale watching locations around the country.

Hervey Bay, Qld
Hervey Bay prides itself as the whale watching capital of the world. From July to November, predominately humpback whales can be seen journeying up and then down the coast with their young. The waters of Hervey Bay are sheltered by Fraser Island, producing the perfect conditions for our migrating whales to come and visit. There are plenty of great quality whale watching trips to choose from in Hervey Bay.

Exmouth, WA
Beautiful Exmouth is situated at the northern end of Ningaloo Reef, and is a great destination for whale watching as well as the unique experience of snorkelling with Whale Sharks. Whale Shark season in Exmouth is April to July, and whale watching in the area takes place from June to November when the Humpback Whales come and make an appearance.

Byron Bay, NSW
The easternmost point of Australia was a whaling station until the 1960's. Nowadays, Byron Bay is a hot tourist destination and one of the most popular whale-watching spots in Australia. Between June and November, Humpback Whales come and play in the bay. Take a whale watching trip, or watch for passing whales at Cape Byron lighthouse. Whales often swim close to the shore at Tallows, Wategos and The Pass - often surprising unsuspecting surfers! Look out for the rare white whale 'Migaloo' who was first spotted here in 1991.

Albany, WA
Situated 5 hours south of Perth, Albany is the regional centre for the Great Southern area of WA, and a popular tourist destination. As well as its beautiful beaches and historical buildings, Albany is well known for its great whale watching. Both Humpback and Southern Right whales arrive in King George Sound between June and October and visitors can catch a glimpse of them from land, by air, or by whale watching boat.

Merimbula, NSW
The coastal town of Merimbula on the NSW South Coast has become a popular whale watching destination in recent years. The main season to watch the whales is September to November when the mothers and calves are returning southwards to the Antarctic and frequently frolicking close to the coastline in this area.

Gold Coast, Qld
The Gold Coast is one of the best places in Australia to view the amazing migration of thousands of Humpback whales up and down the coast. The season lasts from June to the end of October, and in mid August whale traffic can be seen heading in both directions. There are plenty of great whale watching trips to choose from in the Gold Coast, and a multitude of other activities to keep you entertained.

Port Stephens, NSW
Port Stephens is a pretty coastal region situated an hour north of Newcastle on the NSW North Coast. Incorporating a string of seaside villages including Nelson Bay, Anna Bay and Shoal Bay, Port Stephens is often called 'blue water paradise' because of its picturesque ocean setting. Visitors to Port Stephens can enjoy dolphins frolicking close to shore, as well as passing Humpback Whales during winter. Whale watching cruises operate from June to mid-November.

Whitsundays, Qld
From July to September whales pass through the Whitsundays to play in the warm waters of the islands. Visitors can enjoy getting up close and personal with these magnificent creatures in one of the most beautiful maritime areas in Australia. Take a regular day or overnight sailing trip and you are likely to encounter whales at this time of year. Alternatively there are a number of organised whale watching trips available, most departing from Airlie Beach.

Warrnambool, Vic
Just 3 hours from Melbourne along the Great Ocean Road, Warrnambool welcomes whale watchers each year between June and September. Known as 'Victoria's Southern Right Whale Nursery', female Southern Right Whales flock to Warrnambool's Logans Beach to calve, often swimming very close to shore. Visitors can watch from a whale watching platform in the sand dunes and also from the beach.

Sydney, NSW
There are plenty of whale watching trips to choose from in Sydney, mostly departing from Sydney Harbour. Whale sightings are common around Sydney, with some trips offering money-back guarantees during high season. See the Humpback Whales migrating up and down the coast from mid-May to November, and also enjoy the exquisite views of Sydney Harbour on your comfortable whale watching cruise.

http://www.totaltravel.com.au/pr ... ten-whale-watching/
据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联



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澳大利亚大家吼,坑王我又来了。佛系更新。主要是Post图片真的太麻烦了。。。。 这次去日本挺突然的。大概四月初被工作忙的焦头烂额。就想着说做完这个项目我一定要出去走走。最后一分钟 ...

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