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Dear Mrs xxxxxx,

I am pleased to advise that this application for a subclass 143 (Contributory Parent – Migrant) visa has been approved and the following person included in the application was granted a permanent visa on xxxxxxxxxx 2008:

1.        xxxxxxxxx        (born xxxxxxxxx)

The initial entry to Australia by all persons granted a visa on this application must be made by Tuesday, xxxxxxxx 2008.

Each applicant will need to have their current valid passport endorsed with evidence of visa to travel to Australia by submitting their passport to our representatives in Beijing.  If a person other than the applicant intends to collect the passport following evidencing, that other person should hold a note authorising them to do so and ensure that they carry identification.

Please refer to the attached information sheet for Beijing providing contact details and any specific procedures for evidencing of visas at that Post.  Please allow between five to ten working days for the passport to be endorsed.The subclass 143 (Contributory Parent – Migrant) visa that has been granted includes a return travel facility which allows the holder to travel in and out of Australia as a permanent resident for a period of five years from the date it was granted.

The visa has been granted to the applicant on the basis of the information provided in support of their application.  If they have provided incorrect information or documents with the application and have not corrected that information, it may lead to cancellation of the visa at a later stage.

Resident Return Visa (RRV)

Once the initial permission to travel and return to Australia ceases, permanent residents need to apply for a Resident Return Visa (RRV) if they wish to travel overseas and return to Australia as a permanent resident.  An RRV is the label that is placed in the passport which identifies the holder as a permanent resident at immigration clearance on return to Australia.  It is evidence of permission to enter Australia after absences overseas and to resume residence.

Eligibility for an RRV is generally based on the amount of time spent in Australia as a permanent resident, although there are some concessions for people who cannot meet the residential requirements.  If a person departs Australia without an RRV, or it expires while they are overseas and they are not eligible for a further RRV, that person will lose their right to return to Australia as a permanent resident.  Further information about RRV is available at any DIAC office in Australia or overseas or can be obtained from the DIAC website at www.immi.gov.au


Information about Australian citizenship is available from:

•        the Citizenship website at www.citizenship.gov.au
•        the Citizenship Information Line on 131 880
•        any DIAC office

Medicare health services

The Australian Government provides help with medical expenses and hospital care through a scheme called Medicare.  Medicare is administered by the Health Insurance Commission (HIC), which also subsidises medicines under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).

Holders of the Contributory Parent (Migrant) visa generally have immediate access to Medicare health services.  Further information on Medicare, including the nearest centre to register for assistance, is available from:

•        the Medicare website at www.medicareaustralia.gov.au
•        the Medicare information line on 132 011

Alternatively you can write to:

Medicare Eligibility Section
Health Insurance Commission
PO Box 1001

Social Security payments

Visa holders are reminded of the importance of making adequate financial arrangements to support themselves and their family.

Information about social security payments is available from:

•        the Centrelink website at www.centrelink.gov.au
•        the Centrelink information line on 131 673
•        any Centrelink office.

Alternatively, you can write to:

Centrelink International Services
GPO Box 273

Assurance of Support (AOS)

An AoS is a commitment, made by an assurer, to provide financial support to the person(s) migrating so that the migrant(s) will not have to rely on any government forms of support. For Contributory Parent (Migrant) visa holders the AoS is in force for a period of  10 years from the time the permanent visa was granted. An AoS is also in force for the same period from the time the permanent visa was granted for any applicants over 18 years of age who were included on the application.

During this period of time, the assurer will be liable to repay any recoverable social security payments made by Centrelink to the visa holder.  Accordingly, the visa holder/s should check with their assurer(s) before accessing any social security payments.

The AoS scheme is administered by Centrelink.  For any queries in relation to AoS after an AoS period has started, please contact Centrelink (refer to Centrelink’s details on page 2 of this letter).

Entitlement to English language tuition

The Government provides free English language tuition in Australia (up to a maximum of 510 hours or until you reach functional English, whichever comes first) through the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) to people granted a migrant visa if they:

•        have been assessed as not having functional English language skills; and
•        were 18 years of age or over when they lodged their application.

If you believe that you would be entitled to English tuition, make sure you register with an AMEP service provider within 3 months of grant of this visa.  You are required to begin classes within 12 months of grant of this visa.  Provisions exist to extend these time frames in certain circumstances.  Information on this can be obtained through the service provider.  There is no time limit for completion.

You will find further details on the AMEP in the information form 994i 'Settlement information for migrants to Australia'.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish xxxxxx  well for their future in Australia.

Yours sincerely

Position Number 0000000
Perth Offshore Parents Centre

10 July 2008

Encl:        Application receipt
        Visa evidencing information; Forms 994 & 886


为什么律师昨天帮我打电话问移民局,他们说正在发信给所有合格的人,但要A FEW WEEKS.哭死....


hehe my CO send me the word docs, not pdf.. so just copy and paste... :)


u know, i actually sent an emal to my CO in the morning, just put ur case number and name -- when will we get the visa evidencing letter?  hehe kind of like a reminder... :) then she send me the letter just before 5pm her time... Magic!! :)

请问你们的CO是谁?我今天打去移民局了.我没CO电话,就打的总机电话,一个女的居然说要8月30号前发 .说有3000多个人在等.要按申请顺序发,我说我们06年的为什么比07年的还慢?那女的又说什么每个人情况不一样 彻底无奈了.


我觉得他们有时候也是乱说的。我上个月交完2nd instalment打电话给CO确认的时候,她跟我说这个财政年度的七月初开始陆续发,我们的应该是七月底来。结果七月初就来了。或者你问问你律师你CO的名字和电话,然后自己打电话催催?

律师前天打电话帮我问了,他说移民官说要A FEW WEEKS说他们在统一发给符合资格的人.你的邮件是怎么写?我也发个邮件试试?


要是有邮件还可以发发。。 问别的人都不如问你得CO
据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联

签证办理,技术移民,商业投资移民,VEVO,immi account



澳大利亚2017年2月申请的时候收到了补充材料的邮件,但是我爸体检没通过,一直在澳洲医院治疗。他附在143签证的bridging visa上,我们想尽量拖延时间。 目前我还没有提交任何材料,大概拖了半 ...



澳大利亚想问一下大家关于网上入籍申请的问题 申请人从18岁开始,最近10年有没有在澳洲境外居住或旅行过?应该是yes还是no,接下来怎么填相应的,谢谢 评论 我问的是你过去十年有没有离开 ...



澳大利亚给父母买什么保险?先谢谢了! ! 评论 保柏 评论 谢谢!谢谢! 保柏现在怎么样了?标准访客覆盖?一年多少钱? 评论 具体金额请自行在线报价 因为这次父母回国,所以对bupa印象不 ...



澳大利亚请问70岁以上的父母来澳洲买什么保险? 点评 我买的allianz,好像别人70岁以上不办600签证。 评论 我买的NIB好像是中国70岁以上,600签证,没有8503条款保险,有2个选择,我想去他们店, ...



澳大利亚比如想分享给最近在悉尼申请中国签证的朋友,可以提前三个月预约吗?我还没有填写表格,所以我不知道预约时间。我想提前计划。谢谢大家 评论 现在快多了。我上周五在网上填了表 ...



澳大利亚如果持澳大利亚护照入境,没有向公安机关报案,回澳时中国海关会查吗?有最近回国的人分享一下经验吗?谢谢^_^ 评论 没事,我溜出海关了。再说了,我有身份证账号,也没拦着我注 ...



澳大利亚我爸妈的103今天收到一封Queue letter。 2019 年 6 月 14 日提交,今天即 2023 年 6 月 14 日加入团队。 不是很清楚这个queue letter是做什么用的,是不是说申请可以处理了?签约要几年? 评论 ...


155 为什么RRV秒没听说?

澳大利亚过去五年我没有离开过澳大利亚。昨晚在网上填了155 RRV申请表,钱就被扣了。我还收到了签证处发来的申请确认邮件。已经快一天了。为什么我没有收到人们常说的二次下载?签证。 ...



澳大利亚现在回国还需要提供核酸检测结果吗? 评论 大鼠自测即可,无需做核酸。 但拿到登机牌后,需要填写报关微信小程序并生成二维码。需要截图,需要扫码进出海关。 评论 没有,我自己 ...



澳大利亚中国护照,澳洲pr,准备去香港做生意,玩几天。考古了一下,好像是需要签证的,有大虾说不需要。 .我不清楚。 准备申请一个以防万一。看了需要准备的文件,为什么还需要邀请函、 ...