澳洲关于 8503 8558 waiver的更新


感谢隔壁同学的发帖,我今天也收到了回复。总而言之,只要签证没过期,不用担心每次最多停留三个月还是一年的问题,我父母是600签证,还有好几年过期,18个月中只能 停留12个月,按照这个回复,是不需要另外体检和申请任何签证,即使超过停留时间,也不会对将来的签证申请有任何影响。父母可以安心住下,到疫情稳定后再考虑回国的安排。分享这个好消息给大家,祝长周末愉快!


No Further Stay Waiver Team
Department of Home Affairs

Your waiver request has been received by the No Further Stay Waiver Team.

Please do not follow up on your request unless your visa is due to expire in less than 2 days. We will not respond to emails asking for an update on your request.

If you do not have a no further stay condition (includes 8503, 8534 and 8535) on your visa you do not need to apply for a waiver. We will not respond to these emails.

Important information

We are prioritising waiver requests by the visa expiry date. We will consider your request before your visa is due to expire or cease, this may take longer depending on the period of time before your visa expires or ceases.

Please do not request a waiver unless you have less than 4 weeks validity on your current visa – you can check your grant letter or VEVO for this information.

If your visa has already expired and we have not made a decision on your waiver request visit our website for information on how to resolve your Immigration status: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/visa-about-to-expire

Condition 8558 (must not stay in Australia for more than 12 months in any 18 month period)

If you hold a visa with condition 8558 you should depart Australia before the date on which you will have stayed in Australia for more than 12 months in any 18 month period.

If you are unable to depart Australia before this time for reasons beyond your control however, we do not expect you to apply for a further visa unless you are unable to depart before your visa expiry date.

Your ‘No Further Stay’ waiver request will therefore be prioritised according to the visa expiry date, and not the date on which you will have stayed in Australia for more than 12 months in any 18 month period.

Condition 8558 is not able to be waived, however a breach of this condition under these circumstances will not result in visa cancellation or have any negative consequences for a future visa application.

Condition 8531 (must not remain in Australia beyond the period of stay permitted by the visa)

If you hold a visa with condition 8531 and have not been able to depart Australia as planned, for reasons beyond your control, you should apply for a further visa before your current visa expires.

Your 'No Further Stay' waiver request will be prioritised according to the visa expiry date.

Condition 8531 is not able to be waived, however if your ‘No Further Stay’ waiver request is approved, a breach of this condition under these circumstances will not have any negative consequences for a future visa application or sponsorship, and you will be able to apply for refund of any security bond (if provided) after the visa holder has departed Australia.

Withdrawing your request

You can withdraw your request at any stage during this processing. If you or any dependant applicant wishes to withdraw the request, this must be provided to the department by emailing [email protected]. This advice can include any number of applicants but must be signed be each person aged 18 years and over.

If the condition is waived

The waiver of the No Further Stay condition is not an extension to any current visa that you hold. The waiver of the No Further Stay condition allows you to apply for another visa subclass without having to leave Australia. If you want to stay longer in Australia, you must apply for a new visa. Your circumstances will determine your visa options and what you must do to remain lawful in Australia. There may be restrictions on applying for further visas while you are in Australia. You may consider applying to remain in Australia as a visitor unless you are eligible to work, study or join family in Australia.

Your visa will expire at the end of your current stay period and NOT the expiry date for multiple travel to Australia. To confirm the date your visa will expire if you remain in Australia please check VEVO for this information

If the condition is not waived

If the No Further Stay condition is not waived, you will not be able to apply for most visas while you are in Australia. If possible to do so, arrangements should be made to depart Australia.

If you are unable to depart Australia before your current visa expiry date you may be subject to serious consequences including possible detention and removal from Australia. You should contact us for advice and assistance as soon as possible. More information about expired visas is available on our website at www.homeaffairs.gov.au/expiredvisas

据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联

签证办理,技术移民,商业投资移民,VEVO,immi account



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