澳洲急求CA FIN Unti 4的suggested answer


Hi 大家好,请问有谁有近一两学期读的CA FIN的Unit 4 focus session的答案吗?如果有in class practice的问题和答案也请一起发给我吧。明天(周六)就要上课了,有些题目看不懂。谢谢了。
[email protected]

急求CA mentor, do you know anyone who can be a CA mentor? Many thanks!


If you are doing CA, shouldnt you have a work CA support already?


我只是enroll了,原来有朋友可做我 mentor,但是她又要回国,而我的老板是CPA,所以我只好上这求救来了,不知有没墨尔本的好心人收我呀


Maybe u shouldn't keep doing it.

CA program is very challenging where there is no mentor in your work place. Yes, it is true that you can have an external mentor, but it is not recomended by institute and i also agree.

By the way, a CPA can never be a CA mentor. what made you think you would have a CA support in a CPA firm? You might have been mis-informed.

Alternatively you could change your work to a CA environment. Good luck.

Get a new job mate


我也想挽工作呀可是最近好安静呀,换小公司吧又不想。其实也就是想试试自己到底行不行ca,但是连个机会都没,只好明年念cpa,反正小老板是现成的mentor。今天到我们公司的auditor还说他的CA Mentor压根没教他东西,都是自己学,而且他们不用practical experience,真是黑呀


Please forgive my blunt honesty below. Trust me it is all from a good faith.

Teaching is not a mentor's responsibility, you can find someone teaching in a primary or secondary school. You cant even find them in Uni, there are only lecturers and professors.

Let me put it in an analogy. If you are asking a question-how to get from A to B.

A teacher will tell you how to get there, some may even take you there, show you how to take a train and catch a bus.

A lecturer will draw you a map, some might even highlight road names and station names.

And a mentor, however, would ask why you want to get B, and what you think how you can get there, and what alternatives are available; which one is the best option, and why it is the best option. Some might even ask what you think would be different if you are from C to B, or other condition changes. And you need to think of these questions and find your own answers. As we can see here, what a mentor does is guidance, not giving answers. Answers are up to us to find. Let's face it, as a professional, we really should've asked these questions ourselves and tried to get answers before we go to ask others.

Both CPA and CA are highly reputable qualifications, both require intensive self-teaching character. In order to become one of the world most renowned professionals, we really should have a can-do-attitude like "if other can do this, so can i. And i believe i can do what no others can."

These are some mentoring from me today. You can either think i am all full of xxxx, or you can try to learn something from it. And i honestly wish my words can be some sort of inspriation to whoever is reading them.


Well, I have to say you really inspired me! I don't think I can do CA program this year, as this is the last week for me to find a mentor. But as you said "if other can do this, so can i. And i believe i can do what no others can." , I will start CPA next year. Gook luck & enjoying your study!


With the inspiration, plus our own aspiration and perspiration, we can all and we will achieve greatness. Good luck.
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求CA mentor~~

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