





第三。很多人都说澳洲的EBAY 都是赔。这个是为什么呢? 请前辈们赐教。说说你们在EBAY经营的情况

1. Yes, it will be difficult to sell branded goods as these brands are protected by VERO, an ebay protection for big brands. Even if you are selling genuine goods, they can easily ebay pull down your listins and ebay will do so, as they do not want complication.

You can of course defend that legally but hardly any point to do so.

2. Of course no issue on this.

3. I don't know about others, but there are certainly many people making money on ebay, else they would not be able to survive for so long. I, for one, is making money as far as i know:)

However, in recent years, ebay is becoming a very competitive market, with a few segments dominated by bigger sellers. There are still multi-million businesses on ebay Australia still though.

I actually coached some to do ebay business before:) And i say sorry here as i cant really type Chinese (btw, can anyone let me know a good software to allow me to type in chinese? thanks)


try jin shan ruan jian.:)

谢谢你们的回复。yingwei..suoyi 的英文小弟佩服。一直想把英文学好。呵呵。 推荐你用搜狗输入法。现在最流行的

我看到以前的帖子还有一个问题就是 有时候自己的货物莫名其妙的被下架。这样的情况怎么办呢?



Normally, this is as what i said, selling branded stuff such as Louis Vuitton. The brand owner will file a VERO cliam to ebay and ebay will pull down your listings.

You can find ebay fees when you go to ebay.com.au sitemap and clicking on selling. Sorry, if you cant find this information, then perhaps you are not suitable for ebay selling? Since ebay business requires some IT knowledge and search knowledge?

However, it is 90% likely that the fees will be adjusted in 2009, especially with a new Director being appointed. The previous one was likely asked to go after the paypal fiasco.

good luck:)

I have to add some of my personal views on ebay business:

-to me, if u have limited capital, say less than 50K.....it is better to start a ebay business than to start a shop....the risk is much lower and the potential much greater.....if u start a shop, even if business is making a loss, u still have to pay rent and such.......

-traditional retail is growing at 2% yearly...but online business growing at 15% yearly...

-ebay business has other benefits......u can claim your rent, travel, household expenses as business expenses if done correctly....

-if you have a kid, , you can even save on childcare....

-if business is good....u can expand it into a full ecommerce business....


thanks for sharing!!

在EBAY上做生意是个什么样的流程呢?  有没有对于菜鸟级别的关于在EBAY上做生意的流程介绍啊

If you have to ask this question: 在EBAY上做生意是个什么样的流程呢?....then maybe ecommerce business is not for you. Sorry to say this but this is true.

If you need spoon feeding, it will be hard for you to make it on ecommerce. All the information regarding your question is already on the internet! Be it in English or Chinese.

Please change your mindset if you ever decide to embark on ecommerce, as it does require a lot of learning, not spoonfeeding.

Good luck.


1. Personally, I think that anything below 10AUD will be harder, due to the ebay fee structure if you study it carefully. However, do note that ebay is likely to do a fee restructure soon.

And also, do note that items which are less than 2cm thick can be sent as "large letter" which will cost you only 1.10AUD.

Personally, i think it is better to sell items pricing between 10.99~99.99AUD (roughly).

Do note that there are mainly 3 factors why people buy on ebay:
2. uniqueness
3. convenience (some people stay at countryside)

2. Obviously, it is best to get direct from manufacturers, to cut out all middlemen. On ebay, if you want to move volume, you have to very price competitive, as information is transparent.  However, it is not always possible for you to order from manufacturers, or they are simply not interested to do business with you due to the order size.

Manufacturers normally have MOQ (minimum order quantity) which can be very high for small sellers. Beside that, many manufacturers in China make to order, that means, your cash is likely to be tied up between 30~45 days due to manufacturing and sea freight time.

You can indeed find sources on 阿里. But you have to be careful. Hate to say that many China business people are not that ethical. They will pretend to be manufacturers and own factories but are only agents or trading companies. And very often you find that they show you good product pictures or even good samples, but the actual items received are slightly or even totally different.

And to answer your questions directly, yes, big sellers on ebay (those selling over 20,000AUD~100,000 per month; there are many of them) will definitely bring stock in via container load.

While it is still possible to make profit from selling Australia distributor items, it is harder as you face different issues:

-prices are higher
-they themselves already selling on ebay or indirectly via their subsidies or partners
-they do not wish to sell to online retailers, worrying that they might upset their other customers or damage their brand image (as ebayers are typically known to compete mainly on prices).

Lastly, to conclude, i think the keys to a successful ebay business is:
-buying at right price
-customer service

Good luck!:)

PS> Sorry to type in english as i find it easier for me. However, i am hoping someone to translate this into Chinese so that it can also benefit others who  don;t wish or can't read English that well.

感谢分享。试着在网上卖点东西,趁着上次ebay的by it now促销免费,可是一个也没有卖掉,很沮丧,打击了我的积极性。每次的照片我不知道是不是你们都是要通过photoshop把照片改成小一点在贴上去,感觉好费时间。你们友好的办法吗??想在ebay商混,真不是那么简单的。

as i mentioned, to make money on ebay, one important word is "automation". Without this, you WILL never make meaningful money.

You said:  "每次的照片我不知道是不是你们都是要通过photoshop把照片改成小一点在贴上去,感觉好费时间"....so thats why i know.

Use photobucket.com for a start. Alternatively, you can use "photo resize genius" software. Just google it.

Good luck.

hello,thanks a lot for your sharing experience ,it really great , could I ask one more question?

How can you decide which sell-through rate able to maximum the profit for certain items?   I know there are kind of economical curve on the books, but not sure if it work on ebay or not,and how to make it work ?

Tkx in advnce

I see lots of people sale fake stock on ebay,so don't think too much ,just start sale first, just sale again and again, you will know what happen.


What sell-thru rate to maximise the profit is such a broad issue, which has many factors that will affect it:

-Product nature
-Listing strategy (auction vs buy-it-now)
-Product demand

Perosoally, I would think that anywhere between 20~40% conversion rate is fine for most general goods.

I think this is a very bad advice.

Selling fake goods from HK and China, maybe, as the regulation is lax on this. China is probably easy on this since it benefits China's economy rather than Europe or US economies.

However, if you wish to run an online business in australia doing this, it is plain stupid and you won;t last long.

At most, you can only do it as hit-and-run. Even that, you may still end up losing more.
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