




刚拿到验血结果,确认好孕,可是心里似乎还开心不起来,原因主要是备孕前我就查出有个比较大的子宫肌瘤(6-8cm),当时specialist跟我说从位置上来看没关系,要我备孕再说,结果现在终于好孕了,可最近在网上看了很多都说有子宫肌瘤的LC机率很大,而且也有可能导致胎儿发育不良或JX,我好担心哟!问了GP很多,但他总说这个都是case by case的,很难回答我,要我见产科医生再说,约了下周见医生。可我现在心里却开心不起来,本来还想着一拿到验血报告就告诉家人的,但是现在却还是很犹豫,在想是不是应该等到下周见了产科医生再说呢。

有没有也有子宫肌瘤怀孕也顺利生产的JM呀?昨天我老公还很冷静的跟我说,应该把worst case都想好,要有心里准备,不行就趁早解决,别等到bb长大了又发生什么变故,还说关键是要保证我没事,孩子以后都还可以try的。。。。听得我心里好难受。。。。

[ 本帖最后由 kessing 于 2010-12-9 15:33 编辑 ]

要是这里买的验孕棒有中队长 那你99%是有了。

有点痛不要紧 头胎的子宫还不习惯 膨胀的时候就是会痛。别担心 放松点。




[ 本帖最后由 kessing 于 2010-12-8 14:35 编辑 ]








Q: I’m about two months pregnant, and my doctor just told me I have fibroids. Will this complicate the pregnancy? Should I be worried?

A: Probably not. However, you — and your doctor — should be cautious, as I’ll explain below.

First, a little background. Fibroids are very common. Recent estimates suggest that as many as 35 percent of women over the age of 35 develop these benign uterine growths. But 35 is an arbitrary “start-off” age used by medical statisticians; and it is common for a younger woman to be given a fibroid diagnosis during routine pregnancy ultrasound, especially if she has a family history of fibroids or if she is African-American (in which case the incidence of fibroids is much higher).

Yes, a fibroid can affect a woman’s pregnancy, but, surprisingly, the numerous studies that have been performed often disagree on the extent. (This is most likely because fibroids come in varying sizes and locations, and the studies often vary in what they are addressing.) What we do know is that pregnancy hormones cause the uterus to grow in order to accommodate the enlarging fetus, and a co-existing fibroid may grow simultaneously. The majority of fibroid growth seems to occur during the first few months of pregnancy.

Although most fibroids will not cause harm during pregnancy or delivery, it is important to be aware of the following potential complications:

If the fibroid outgrows its blood supply, it may undergo “red degeneration” (it bleeds into itself) or “white degeneration” (portions of the fibroid undergo cell death and liquefy or become cystic). Both of these conditions can cause pelvic and/or abdominal pain. Usually the pain (which is temporary) can be controlled with oral pain medications. In rare cases, the pain becomes severe enough to necessitate hospitalization for epidural pain management and in the worse case scenario, necessitate fibroid removal surgery (myomectomy).

Complications during early pregnancy
Fibroids may cause bleeding and increase the risk of early miscarriage, but even here studies are not very conclusive. The type of fibroid most likely to cause problems is one that grows into the uterine cavity (submucosal). Because it disrupts the lining of the uterus it can prevent normal implantation of the pregnancy or the ongoing growth of the placenta. Some data show that uterine fibroids may also increase the risk of second-trimester miscarriage, but that risk seems to be fairly small. Procedures such as amniocentesis or chorion villus sampling (CVS) may be more difficult in women with fibroids and result in complications such as ruptured membranes, contractions and miscarriage.

Complications during late pregnancy
The major concerns regarding fibroids are preterm labor, abnormal separation of placenta — placental abruption — or fetal growth restriction. If a fibroid is large or there are multiple fibroids, the risk of preterm labor may be higher. Placental abruption is more likely to occur if the fibroid is large or has grown into the area where the placenta has attached. It’s not clear whether fibroids restrict fetal growth. One recent study of more than 12,000 pregnant women did not demonstrate that fetal growth restriction was more common among the women with fibroids.

Complications during delivery
A strategically “misplaced” fibroid can cause the baby to lie in breech or transverse position and an elective C-section may be in order. Even if the baby is positioned head-down (vertex) the fibroid can block its descent and the progress of labor, again necessitating a C-section. Sizable fibroids also increase the risk of heavy bleeding after delivery (postpartum hemorrhage). In addition, they can block the expulsion of the placenta, and may also prevent proper contraction of the uterus after delivery.

Because of these potential problems your doctor may indeed opt to perform a Cesarean section. However, you should know that most doctors will not attempt to remove the fibroid during this surgery for fear of heavy bleeding. The fibroids may shrink considerably once your uterus “recovers” from its pregnancy state (about six weeks). If they remain large, continue to grow or cause abnormal bleeding, surgery — or one of the other fibroid treatments such as embolization (essentially, cutting off the blood supply to the fibroid so they shrivel up) — should be considered at a later date.

I realize this is a scary list of potential complications, but there is no certitude that they’ll occur. And though many physicians will suggest undergoing some form of fibroid removal or treatment before conceiving, there’s still no consensus on when to categorically recommend a pre-pregnancy procedure.

Once you’re pregnant, most doctors will monitor you conservatively, with a “let’s-wait-and-see” attitude. If pain develops, or if there is any bleeding or suspicion of premature labor, medication and bed rest may be advised. If the pain becomes severe or a uterine fibroid seems to be growing rapidly, your doctor may recommend a myomectomy (fibroid removal), even during the pregnancy.

I myself underwent this type of surgery when I was pregnant with my last child. Admittedly, it was many years ago and methods of ultrasound were fairly simplistic, but the doctors and I feared that the rapidly developing “tumor” I had was of ovarian origin. Thankfully, it turned out to be a pedunculated fibroid — one on a stalk — and was removed without complications during my fourth month of pregnancy. I was put on bed rest for the next four months and ultimately delivered a healthy, seven-pound baby girl.

Dr. Reichman’s Bottom Line: Fibroids, while generally harmless, can increase the risk of complications during pregnancy both for you and for your baby. It is important to have supportive, vigilant prenatal and delivery care.

Dr. Judith Reichman, the “Today” show's medical contributor on women's health, has practiced obstetrics and gynecology for more than 20 years. You will find many answers to your questions in her latest book, "Slow Your Clock Down: The Complete Guide to a Healthy, Younger You," which is now available in paperback. It is published by William Morrow, a division of HarperCollins.

我的specialist 说肌瘤大小不关键,关键是位置。 他有个病人有三个大肌瘤在子宫底部,现在第三胎都快生了。 楼主不要紧张,有时候疼痛是由精神引起的。越紧张,越不舒服。




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