澳洲NSW Preschool and Children Care 的区别


我自己一直不是太清楚 Preschool and Children Care 的区别,今天看到一篇文章,稍稍解惑,和大家分享一下

http://www.preschoolsnsw.org.au/ ... /childrens-services

Childhood Education and Care services childrens services

Education and care services aim to meet the education, care and development needs of children. There are a range of different models of early education and care services in New South Wales. Most of these services are approved to operate by the Department of Education and Communities. Education and care services can be:

    centre-based services such as preschools, long day care and occasional care;
    home-based services such as family day care or in-home care;
    mobile children’s services; and
    specific services for children from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families.

Some families using preschools are eligible for fee support through funding the preschool receives from the State Government. Additionally, some preschools are classified as Registered Care and families are able to claim a small rebate, via the Commonwealth Government’s Family Assistance Office. Families using services other than preschools are eligible for fee assistance from the Commonwealth Government through the Child Care Benefit system and the Child Care Tax Rebate. Preschools are open an average of 40 weeks per year and don’t charge for school holidays, which makes fees more affordable.


Preschools (also known as kindergartens) provide an educational program in a dedicated preschool setting catering for children aged between three and five years of age. Educational programs are provided, based on the developmental needs, interests and experience of each child. These services are primarily for children in the two years before they commence full-time schooling. Children generally may attend a number of days per week. Most services operate between 9am–3pm during school terms only. Some preschools offer extended hours, which consists of the preschool program plus additional care before and after the program; for example, from 8am–9am or 3pm–4pm. Some preschools are run from specific dedicated centres, while others operate out of church buildings or community halls. Some preschools are mobile preschools which come to specific towns or suburbs on set days and provide preschool in often isolated communities.

Long Day Care Centres

Long day care centres (also known as childcare centres) are primarily children from birth–to–5 year olds, and are provided in a centre-based environment, usually by a mix of qualified and other staff. Long day care centres generally open for at least eight hours per day and run for 48 weeks a year.

Long day care centres also provide educational programs. Some long day care centres use the word kindergarten or preschool in their names so sometimes it is confusing to identify what sort of service a centre is, particularly as long day care centres are a mix of not-for-profit and for profit operators. The easiest way to tell if a centre is a preschool or a long day care centre is by the number of hours they operate and the number of weeks open per year. Generally, preschool hours are shorter.

If you are interested in finding a long day care centre in your area, go to www.mychild.gov.au

Family Day Care

Family day care is a network of caregivers who provide care and developmental activities in their own homes for other people’s children. Family day carers must register with a licensed co-ordination scheme who organise and support a network of carers.

Occasional Care Services

Occasional care services are provided at a centre on an hourly or sessional basis for short periods or at irregular intervals for parents who need time to attend appointments, take care of personal matters, undertake casual and part-time employment, study or have temporary respite from full-time parenting. These services provide developmental activities for children aged from birth–to–5 years.

好长 懒得看 不过谢谢lz分享


谢谢分享 如果主要是看时间的话 那说自己也是pre school的CC到底是怎么回事 是说他们也可以教一些特定东西去衔接小学的意思吗 所以如果一直上CC上到Kindy有没有问题?







之前听到有妈妈说,如果是PRESCHOOL的话,好像没有CCR CCB什么的,所以有些PRESCHOOL为了吸引人,延长时间,变成CC


Would you like them to teach little ones till 6 pm?
My kids go to childcare and we could not be more happier. They teach a lot about nature, culture, space, animals... also teach read and write. I would not care if they can read and write, but teacher use kids curiosity to explore, to learn more about surroundings are very important.


Preschools, you can'take claim rebate but they are also half price cheaper than long day care.


哦 明白了 谢谢 所以说这种CC应该是比单纯的preshool好吧 起码对于上班族来说是这样吧 那为啥有人要去pre school 呢 是因为便宜吗


双职工没有老人帮忙接送的, 就去cc-long day care
妈妈不上班,或者家里有老人可以帮忙接送的, 就送pre-school.

没有纯粹的好和不好, 只有对自己的家庭来说更合适的选择.


个人主观感受,preschool比cc好太多太多了!cc只是照看孩子,preschool学到很多!我知道很多家长会说cc也有很多活动啊,老师也教很多啊,可是就我孩子去的两家cc和preschool比较而言,第一cc每天重复一样的活动,第二cc的老师更换频率很快,第三cc一个班人比较多(3-5岁版)。而preschool每周的活动都不一样,老师非常用心的设计各种教学活动。我还是强烈推荐3岁以上的娃有条件就上preschool,就是需要家长辛苦3点多放学还有school holiday.


坦白说,如果你和local妈妈多聊聊,她们会告诉你preschool 比较好,虽然时间短,但是是根据孩子的development 设计的structured program, 而且老师也都是bachelor degree
Cc也有kinder program (维州的叫法)主要是方便双职工家长,我相信也有做得很好的,老师也是qualified, 但是普遍而言,没有preschool 那么专业。
PS 小时价格来说preschool 并不便宜,而且还得有人在上班时间内接送
据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联




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澳大利亚我儿子今年5岁,已经上prep,平时白天都很开心 但今年早几个月开始经常半夜醒来高喊no, no, no一边大哭 经常还会满床满地乱跳,大人安抚也要半小时左右才能安静下来 我们会尽量抱他 ...



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kindergarten 可以推迟吗?

澳大利亚坐标悉尼 因为疫情的关系 孩子快4岁了才送的幼儿园 导致她现在语言,社交和自理能力都明显落后于同龄孩子 看过paediatrician, 诊断为global development delay, 也申请到了NDIS funding, 现在每周 ...



澳大利亚整整14个月了, 从不指物, 不会拜拜, 从不模仿说话, 不会说有意义的词语, 只会 babble, 听不懂我叫他名字(听力没问题, 哪里有声音就去看哪里), 90%的情况下听不懂任何指令, 就自己玩自己的 ...



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2 岁宝宝不去幼儿园总是哭 怎么回事

澳大利亚一周送5天,每天早晨送进去都是哭的很厉害,偶尔还会有干呕的现象,幼儿园一看孩子呕就让带回家。一回家就玩的高高兴兴,什么事都没有。送幼儿园就是早晨哭的厉害,不愿意进去 ...



澳大利亚女孩,八岁多点,身高比较高143cm,身高从小起一直都很高,没有突然长高。目前去儿童医院测了骨龄偏大3岁,有11岁了,去年七月份才偏大1.7岁、一年不到居然偏大了3岁,刚做了性激 ...


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孩子不会英文 被排斥

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