标签:tertiary - 澳大利亚华人论坛


关于奥大的hop card和 AT Tertiary ID Sticker

求问各位学长学姐,奥大在哪里买hop card? 而且似乎去拿student ID 的时候已经帮你贴了AT Tertiary ID Sticker,付现金享受40%的discount。是否有专门学生的hop card,刷卡也享受40%的discount?具体...澳洲华人论坛


ask to translate

Tertiary studentmeaning??? 评论 这不是学生银行账户的savings account(活期户口)吗? 评论 就是 college 以上的, 比如大學, 技術學院 评论 what is the different between school student n tertiary student 评论...澳洲华人论坛


Casual tertiary tutor jobs

Casual tertiary tutor jobs Are you passionate about tutoring and seeking a self-managed online jobs? With an enviable reputation for tutoring excellence, YoYoStudy offers co-curricular educational support to university students since 2009. W...澳洲华人论坛