标签:RAISE - 澳大利亚华人论坛


澳大利亚房产 Raise & dig reno 在布里斯悉

我正在探索为布里斯班的一处房产进行加薪和挖掘 reno 的可行性 目前的属性是一间卧室、单层的房子,没有街边停车位 想把它提高到这样的地方,两间卧室或两间卧室 +书房,双层,带...澳洲华人论坛


child care有fund raise吗?

今天收到child care email,说到mother club fee slowly coming in,说这些费用很重要,cover一些表演什么的。看样子我也错过上一封邮件说是有mother club meeting. 想问一般child care有fund raise或是捐款吗?...澳洲华人论坛


ANZ raise 0.27 on all investor home loans including

ANZ has become the first bank to raise interest rates on home loans held by property investors by 0.27 percentage points in response to a regulatory speed limit on housing investor credit growth, and market conditions. At the same time, the...澳洲华人论坛


RBA could raise rates eight times in next two years

RBA could raise rates eight times in next two years, ex-board member says. http://www.theage.com.au/business/the-economy/rba-could-raise-rates-eight-times-in-next-two-years-exboard-member-says-20170628-gx0cin.html 一个有着病态经济结构...澳洲华人论坛



Medibank 2014年 5.67 billion!! Viva Energy , VEA 2018 融了 2.65 billion 这是我知道的比较大的IPO Raise,如何查到历史上较大的IPO raise? 尝试搜索了,但查不到完整信息, 持分请教 ~~~ 评论 全人类历史最...澳洲华人论坛


Join together--Don’t raise interest rates

Today I received an email from one big switch. I don't know whether it works for everyone. Keep fingers crossed. The contains as below: XXX The time has come for the community to take action and send a message to the banks: Don’t raise int...澳洲华人论坛