标签:Meshache - 澳大利亚华人论坛


Meshache 2010 $74.90/bottle again

Danmurphys has put Meshache 2010 shiraz price lower again at $74.90. Since Penfolds has increased prices over and again, Grant Burge has very good price/effect ratio The link to secret wine section; Googled it and confirmed it is Meshache 20...澳洲华人论坛


Grant Burge Meshache 2010只要76刀一瓶

上次就是通过MyWineGuy买到了2010年的Meshache,木箱,高大上 后来Winemarket打电话给我推销别的,我直接让他们match这个deal,WM直接表示没法做。就把再收一箱的想法放一边去了。 结果今天收...澳洲华人论坛