标签:Harve - 澳大利亚华人论坛



RealEstate网站3月2日报道称,黄金海岸高端房地产市场继续打破预期,本周一场拍卖的成交价令人瞠目,高达$2175万。 Mermaid Beach的Millionaires Row一栋豪宅打破了黄金海岸今年住宅销售价格...澳洲华人论坛


两年新king大床 $500

两年前购于Harvey Norman,有意者请短信0211788211 床加床垫 $500 评论 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 评论 ddfffdffffffffffffffffffff 评论 fffffffffffffff 评论 ddfffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 评论 dddffdfddddssssfdddfd 评论...澳洲华人论坛


比较实惠的东西~Harvey Norman

Harvey Norman - Sunbeam Golunch Food Warmer $8 Delivered https://www.ozbargain.com.au/goto/324782 Good morning all It's really useful item at the bargain price not to mention free delivery as well. $10 + shipping @ Big W but out of stock onl...澳洲华人论坛


Huawei P20 Pro 手机不到700

Harvey Norman 标价899,送100gift card, 相当于799, 再用去年amex 买400减100屯的gift card 2张, 只要600. 或者用现在amex满350减50买2-3张gift card再买手机,算下来低于700. 评论 这个手机怎么样? 评论...澳洲华人论坛


Harvey Norman 小家电10%off

Harvey Norman 小家电 这周末10%off 结合Amex 300-100的活动 非常划算!! 飞利浦diamonclean 粉色现价299!!要的朋友赶紧去买吧!! 今天买了飞利浦空气炸,面条机,和面包机 after cash back and...澳洲华人论坛


amex shop small有routes,amex harvey norman, west

amex shop small有routes,amex harvey norman, westfield, 1st choice liquor也该有。 amex shop small时,坛里到处都是routes/maps。趁着还有几天,我也分享下我周末的harvey norman, westfield, 1st choice liquor shoppin...澳洲华人论坛