标签:Anova - 澳大利亚华人论坛


恒温料理棒Anova Precision Cooker Sous Vide Mac

转帖 https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/400132 看了一下历史价格 是真心在打折 又看了一下评价 各种好评只能入一个了 这个东西用的人不多..但是看起来特别高级 准备试试手 补充内容 (2018-9-1...澳洲华人论坛


厨房利器Anova Precision AUD$70 off! (RRP AUD$21

Anova Precision AUD$70 off! (RRP AUD$219) with code ANOVADAD https://www.ozbargain.com.au/goto/311624 I've had mine for a few years now.. (bluetooth model) and I absolutely love it! Got it when it was still on pre-order haha Shipping is fre...澳洲华人论坛


Anova Precision Cooker二代,蓝牙$159,Wifi$18

https://anovaculinary.com/store/ 昨天在朋友家看到实物,想起之前精买有讨论过这个产品,正在无比长草今天就特价了,而且搜了下是历史低价,有同好的童鞋别错过 wifi比蓝牙版更实用 评论...澳洲华人论坛