新西兰信箱有封信,呼吁抵制foreign ownership of nz real es


。。。this is slash&burn scoched earth take no prisoners ecnomics it is AT THE EXPENSE OF THE ORDINARY NZER,WE WERE NEVER ECEN ASKED FIRST IF WE WANTED IT,HOW DARE THEY

other countries that have this same ecnomic philosophy have stopped it as it is acnomic suicide,SO WHATS WRONG WITH OUR POLITICIANS, ARE THEY STUPID, OR DO THEY HAVE SO MUCH OF THEIR OWN MONEY TIED UP IN REAL ESTATE THAT THEY WANT THE PRICE TO KEEP RISING?

NZ IS rapidly becoming a country for rich & privileged

GOVT & councils are becoming more autocratic than democratic

An Open Letter to the Prime Minister

Dear John
Actually that would be a good start John, if you wrote out a Dear John letter of resignation from both being the Prime Minister & also a Member of Parliament, as the truth is you do not really represent the ordinary NZer John, you misrepresent him/her.
John you & your mates in parliament have opened the floodgates to carpetbaggers, & in the process you are stealing our children’s & grandchildren’s legacy & way of life away from them. Who gave you permission to do this John? Did you even bother to ask us John? NO! Of course you didn’t John.
John your policies are going to cause the most radical changes to NZ & NZers way of life since the 1800’s when the European first arrived in NZ, & yet we have not been given any say in the matter, & yet you are supposed to represent us John.
John you are treating NZ as though it is your personal fiefdom to do just what you like without any regard, care, or concern of how it will affect the average NZer. As I mentioned earlier John, you don’t represent us, you misrepresent us.
John you & your mates in Parliament have given carte blanche  to the carpetbaggers to rape & pillage us economically, you are literally giving our country away to the highest bidder, you are literally throwing our country away, & I don’t remember anyone giving you permission to do this John. HOW DARE YOU!
John I am absolutely incredulous as to the stupidity of it all, the gross arrogance, the utter ignorance of it all, & you do it with such nonchalance John. John you have blithely gone ahead & done it with impunity. This is not real democracy John, & you have absolutely no right to have done this to us.
John you have shown a blatant disregard for the average NZers needs & wants, re – Novapay, Mainzeal (subbies out of pocket), peoples savings will be used to prop up banks that fail, public servants will soon be no longer able to be held accountable to the general public if they make mistakes, etc, etc, the list just goes on & on John.
John you are screwing down the ordinary NZer more & more, you are treating us with contempt & disdain & completely overriding what we want, & instead putting into place what you & your mates in Parliament want, regardless. John you are riding roughshod over us. John you are more interested in sucking up to your rich mates  & the carpetbaggers, than looking after the ordinary NZer, in fact I will be so bold as to say you don’t give a stuff about the average NZer John. You really should go John, many of us have had far too much of you already John. It really would be best all round for everybody if you resigned from Parliament John, & the sooner the better, & take all your other parliamentary mates with you to John.
John, as much as I despise the carpetbaggers, I despise you even more, as you have allowed this to happen, & even worse, WITHOUT OUR CONSENT.
John your encouragement to the carpetbaggers to overrun our country is putting (& has done so in Auckland) the price of an ordinary house out of the reach of the average NZer, & this will eventually happen all over NZ John.
John, if or when the Auckland Unitary Plan goes through, guess who is going to own all the prime building & development sites, yes, you guessed it John, all your rich mates & the carpetbaggers, so yes John, you certainly are looking after the ordinary NZer, & what is going to happen when they start building on those sites John, work for the ordinary NZer, no John, not too likely John, as they will end up employing their own John, & many of them will be in NZ on temporary work visas John, (just like they are now John), so thanks John, you really are doing a grand job of running this country (into the ground) John. Truly John, you really should go, in fact go now before the damage you have already done to this country is completely irreversible, as we are going to have to get fresh blood into parliament & all the councils throughout NZ to put in retrospective laws to undo all the damage you & your mates in Parliament have already done John.
John I think you have forgotten that the infrastructure that the carpetbaggers & your rich mates are taking advantage of is infrastructure that has been built up over generations of NZers hard graft, & it should be there for the benefit of kiwis, not carpetbaggers who have never contributed to it John.
John your policies if they are to continue will end up making us serfs in our own country, second-class citizens, controlled by carpetbaggers & your rich mates, so John you really should go right now, & don’t spare the horses John, & like I say John, take all your parliamentary mates with you John.

Oh by the way John, when you were in China recently you told the Chinese you want them to invest in NZ, well that’s good John, but the only bad part (or I should say “the all bad part”) is that you didn’t put any conditions on the investments in NZ John, you have made it open slather unconditional (once again). Any really intelligent person would realize there always needs to be conditions that go with any overseas investment into the host country, such as:
·        No overseas investor can own land in the host country, they can only lease it.
·        The maximum amount a foreign investor can own in any venture is 49%
What tends to happen otherwise John if these rules are not in place, the overseas investors get the cream, & we just get the leftover crumbs. The thing is John, (which you don’t seem to have grasped), it is our country they are using to make the profit in, & it is also our infrastructure they are using, so we should get at least as much of the cream as they do, not just the crumbs.

So you now understand fully why you should resign & take all your mates with you John, as honestly John you just don’t have the mentally capacity or intelligence it takes to be anywhere near Parliament, let alone be running the country, so go now John,  & take all your mates with you.

With NO Kind Regards


如果没有种族歧视的话,大多数sky 上的朋友不算法律意义上的外国人吧?



Giday Len
Len you don’t represent us, you misrepresent us.
Len we cannot even cope now with the infrastructure we have, let alone bringing in a million more people, that is stark raving madness, it does not make any sense, let alone common sense. The AUP is reminiscent of the disastrous Think Big Projects of the 80’s, & that is how it will turn out if it is instigated.
Len Auckland already has a compact population with a density of 2,600 per sq. Km, compared to Sydney with 1,600, & Perth with 1,300, & the proposed AUP will boost the population density up to 10,000 per sq. Km, equal to that of Cario, Bagdad, & Hyderbad, & they are not the most liveable cities in the world.
Len the AUP is based on Vancouver, Canada, which is the second most unaffordable city in the world.
Len you keep telling us, Aucklanders asked you for the AUP, well if you go by the unpopular response you have had throughout Auckland concerning the AUP, then you are just deluding yourself, as most Aucklanders don’t want the AUP, & as stated previously, you don’t represent us, you misrepresent us. If you had asked me about the AUP Len, I would have told you to give it to me & I would have flushed it down the toilet where it belongs.
Len you say you want Auckland to be like Melbourne, or Hong Kong, or London, well how about asking us first if that is what we want, rather than you trying to impose it on us. Len if you are so keen on Melbourne, Hong Kong, & London, why don’t you just pack your bags & go & live in one of those cities yourself (in one of those very small apartments that you want to impose on us), rather than impose it on us without our say so.
Len we need to get rid of you & get someone in as Mayor who really does represent us, rather than you who misrepresents us.
- Emmett


this is mild already, probably due to many defeats in auctions.

One kiwi property forum said only allow chinese to buy plaster house to solve leaky house crisis.

Feel like giving them middle finger.

LZ你真的把那信打出来?不是copy & paste的?太厉害了


We already bought a lot properties in Pinehill....help a lot!!



第一个打的,第二个就是copy 的哈


俺述说的是拼爹 拼妈


那些卖了房 赚了钱的kiwi 怎么不发封表扬信过来






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新西兰比之前预期1%高一倍;今年就算是可以洗洗睡了。 https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/business/488133/recession-to-be-deeper-longer-than-expected-asb-bank-predicts 评论 去2和5市场买菜就知道了,一开始价格叫挺高,后 ...


John Key对房价和贷款利息的预测。

新西兰大家看一下这篇文章。 https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/money/2022/12/sir-john-key-unveils-his-predictions-for-the-economy-in-2023.amp.html John Key还是非常专业和有经验的,原来是美国美林银行的,比Jacinta不知道强 ...



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新西兰暗标和议价,除了参考附近房屋售价以外还有什么定价的基准或者参考因素呢?觉得homes估价偏高参考价值在现在的市场不大 评论 分析屋主心里和竞争对手出价的可能性 评论 2017年cv向 ...



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新西兰agent说重新评估了我的房租, 要把房租从$550 涨到$610, 会不会涨的有点多?我应该怎么回复他?我有点担心房客会搬走,我挺依赖这个房租还贷款。大家什么意见? Re: Ren ...



新西兰出租屋现在热水管漏水,室内室外看不到任何积水。已经有3个水工看过,一个detector测过,都找不到漏水点或漏水区域。求问有没有人可以推荐超级水工过来挑战一下。房子在东区,水 ...



新西兰首套房买家 现在有一个2011年的free hold 四房,400多的地室内210和一个全新的free hold 五房,220的地一样的室内面积 老房子是拍卖新房是暗标,都不如议价方便 老房肯定要换地毯,装空调 ...



新西兰请问下,关于永久绿卡买房的问题。 本人永久绿卡,想在新西兰购个人住房,不满足在前12个月在新西兰183的规定,所以要向OIO申请consent,查了下审批后的要求有一条是: be present in ...


25 Sovereign Place, Glenfield, Auckland. 9 0万

新西兰cv. 150多万 这房子怎么了 评论 A rat hole你说怎么了 评论 啥老鼠洞啊? 补充内容 (2023-4-24 13:28): 地800多呢 评论 照片里面彻底废了啊,没三五十万都搞不定 评论 看来北岸还是坚挺 这破房 ...



新西兰最近看了个flatbush的2011年的房子还算不错 刚刷了漆,屋况也维持得不错 就是屋主是印度人,去看的时候屋里貌似有香薰, 不知道真正住进去会不会一股咖喱味。。。 评论 现在阿三会在 ...