新西兰Money, money, money


If you think buying property in New Zealand isn't cheap, you're right. However, there are some places even more expensive than the City of Sails.
We take a look at the top seven most expensive cities.*
1. Monaco
US$53,026 (NZ$60,892) per square metre.
Monaco is the second smallest and the most densely populated country in the world. It has the world's lowest poverty rate and the highest number of millionaires and billionaires per capita in the world.
2. London, United Kingdom
US$32,745 (NZ$37,602) per square metre.
The City of London has largely retained its 1.12-square-mile (2.9 square kilometres) medieval boundaries and, in 2011, had a resident population of 7375, making it the smallest city in England.

But it's the city that has it all - arts, commerce, education, entertainment, fashion, finance, healthcare, media, professional services, research and development, tourism and transport.
3. Hong Kong, Hong Kong Island
US$20,660 (NZ$23,724) per square metre.
Hong Kong is known for its expansive skyline and deep natural harbour and it is one of the most densely populated areas in the world.
As Hong Kong ranks the third most important leading international financial centre, after London and New York City, it has a major capitalist service economy - low taxation and free trade. The Hong Kong dollar is the eighth most traded currency in the world.
4. Singapore
US$17,709 (NZ$20,336) per square metre.
Singapore is one of the world's major commercial hubs, with the fourth-biggest financial centre and one of the five busiest ports.
Singapore has the third-highest per capita income in the world but one of the world's highest income inequalities.

5. Moscow, Russia
US$16,509 (NZ$18,958) per square metre.
Not far behind Singapore, comes Russia in fifth place. The city is a major political, economic, cultural and scientific centre in Russia and in Eastern Europe.
According to Forbes 2013, Moscow has the largest number of billionaire residents in the world.

6. New York
US$15,284 (NZ$17,551) per square metre.
New York City's financial district, anchored by Wall Street in Lower Manhattan, has been called the world's leading financial centre and is home to the New York Stock Exchange - the world's largest stock exchange by total market capitalisation of its listed companies.
Many of the world's largest media conglomerates are also based in the city.

7. Geneva, Switzerland
US$15,265 (NZ$17,529) per square metre.
Geneva is a global city, a financial centre, and worldwide centre for diplomacy due to the presence of numerous international organisations, including the headquarters of the United Nations and the Red Cross.
17. Sydney, Australia
Sydney comes in at number 17, where property will cost you US$7626 (NZ$8757) per square metre.
24. Auckland, New Zealand
Auckland isn't far behind at number 24, where property will cost you US$5611 (NZ$6443) per square metre.

6443nzd per m2........我家200平,过百万了,晚上庆祝一下!


我不敢说5年内房价能赶上London,但赶上Sydney的现在还是有可能的?---也就是2019年Auckland房价约NZ$8757 per square metre,比现在增长35.9%----赶紧进货!谁讲新西兰房产必跌我跟谁急!(我不急,但有人急:http://China2au/forum.php ... 5175&extra=page%3D1


land area, not floor area. ^_^.


land? double wa hahaha


应该是floor area.若是land area就毫无意义了,那我们这Auckland的农埸该值多少钱?!



新西兰这两年,希望回涨的可能性变低了 评论 从没指望回涨, 不腰斩就谢天谢地了 评论 别多想了,用脚投票跑路澳洲吧。物价油价房价房贷都比这边划算,机会工资福利抗癌药都比这边丰厚 ...



新西兰比之前预期1%高一倍;今年就算是可以洗洗睡了。 https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/business/488133/recession-to-be-deeper-longer-than-expected-asb-bank-predicts 评论 去2和5市场买菜就知道了,一开始价格叫挺高,后 ...


John Key对房价和贷款利息的预测。

新西兰大家看一下这篇文章。 https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/money/2022/12/sir-john-key-unveils-his-predictions-for-the-economy-in-2023.amp.html John Key还是非常专业和有经验的,原来是美国美林银行的,比Jacinta不知道强 ...



新西兰看起来都是原本,就是不知道会不会有漏水和保暖的问题。还请大家指教。 评论 这是装饰板还是就直接是屋顶啊 评论 冬冷夏热 下雨声音大 但也不是那么严重 相对来说 反正我是住了 ...



新西兰暗标和议价,除了参考附近房屋售价以外还有什么定价的基准或者参考因素呢?觉得homes估价偏高参考价值在现在的市场不大 评论 分析屋主心里和竞争对手出价的可能性 评论 2017年cv向 ...



新西兰有20%吗? 看现在市场价格基本跌到了2020年中左右,那2019年中比现在呢? 评论 新的带地的房子还在2022年5 评论 比2019年还是高15%到20%的 评论 应该没有了,一直留意pinehill的新房,基本就 ...



新西兰agent说重新评估了我的房租, 要把房租从$550 涨到$610, 会不会涨的有点多?我应该怎么回复他?我有点担心房客会搬走,我挺依赖这个房租还贷款。大家什么意见? Re: Ren ...



新西兰出租屋现在热水管漏水,室内室外看不到任何积水。已经有3个水工看过,一个detector测过,都找不到漏水点或漏水区域。求问有没有人可以推荐超级水工过来挑战一下。房子在东区,水 ...



新西兰首套房买家 现在有一个2011年的free hold 四房,400多的地室内210和一个全新的free hold 五房,220的地一样的室内面积 老房子是拍卖新房是暗标,都不如议价方便 老房肯定要换地毯,装空调 ...



新西兰请问下,关于永久绿卡买房的问题。 本人永久绿卡,想在新西兰购个人住房,不满足在前12个月在新西兰183的规定,所以要向OIO申请consent,查了下审批后的要求有一条是: be present in ...


25 Sovereign Place, Glenfield, Auckland. 9 0万

新西兰cv. 150多万 这房子怎么了 评论 A rat hole你说怎么了 评论 啥老鼠洞啊? 补充内容 (2023-4-24 13:28): 地800多呢 评论 照片里面彻底废了啊,没三五十万都搞不定 评论 看来北岸还是坚挺 这破房 ...



新西兰最近看了个flatbush的2011年的房子还算不错 刚刷了漆,屋况也维持得不错 就是屋主是印度人,去看的时候屋里貌似有香薰, 不知道真正住进去会不会一股咖喱味。。。 评论 现在阿三会在 ...