新西兰3 dwellings in my zone allowed.


求問陌生的香港人,If I build a house with another dwelling upstairs, is it a unit or an apartment? Need to pay contribution fee to council? Also possible to sell it separately to a buyer in future?

If you want to build a separate dwelling upstairs, definitely you will need to pay Development Contribution to Council.

Interestingly, there is no definition what an 'apartment' is under the Unitary Plan nor the National Planning Standards so for Council, they would be only treated as 'residential units' or 'dwellings' anyway.

If you want to sell them, you will still need to apply for a resource consent for subdivision and it could be freehold or unit title (depends on the layout I guess) with all sorts of easements about the services (water, power, telecommunication, etc) running thru the house. There are not many cases in this area yet. However, with the new legislation changes next year which allows up to 3 dwellings within a building, this would likely become a key question one needs to consider for this type of development I guess.

- 如果想在同一個建築物建3個 DC還是要付的

- 目前對什麼是apartment 不管是Auckland Unitary Plan 甚至是國家規劃標準 (National Planning Standards) 都沒有明確定義 (雖然奧克蘭有 Terrace Housing and Apartment Building zone)  只有“residential unit” 或者
“dwelling”  所以目測沒什麼具體區別 對council來說 都是住宅單位

- 如果要單獨出售 那就非要申請分割的resource consent 不可 至於業權 目測可以是freehold 但也有可能是unit title 視乎這三個房子的具體佈局而定(例如會不會有很多設施是共享的) 這種發展模式目前不是很多 但相信新例後越來越多這種一個房子有三個住宅單位  這個會是個首要考慮問題  另外的問題是如何佈局那些在屋裡的電線網絡管道的 easements 設置也需要好小心處理


Thank you very much for the answer.  But I still have questions about the development contributions estimator on the Auckland Council website.

Specifically, I wish to build one single house which comprises three levels.  My allotment is an empty sloping one and is in H5 Residential Mixed Housing Urban Zone.

The entry ground level is in the middle and I wish to use it as my principal dwelling unit.  

The upper level is being accessed from another entrance door on the ground level.  It will be around 75m2 in total with two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen and living area.  I intend to rent this unit out.  Should I treat this upper unit as an "accommodation unit" or an "attached dwelling unit - low rise"?

The lower walkout basement level is being accessed from another entrance door on the lower level.  Its area is about 49m2 with two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen and living area.  I intend to use it ourselves initially and have the flexibility to rent it out in the future when our children leave our house.  Should I treat this lower unit as an "accommodation unit" or a "small ancillary dwelling unit"?

I tried the Auckland Council Development Contributions Estimator with multiple input options and it returned very different estimates on different configurations.  Therefore, I need to have the definition clearly defined so that I know how to plan the build in the best way.

Would you be able to answer the above queries?  Thank you in advance for your help.


這些都是Development Contribution 裡對不同規模房子加建的定義  詳情可以看看Auckland Council Development Contribution Policy 文件裡面對這些unit 的定義(definitions)  再看看你心目中的模式選擇看看是哪一種:

https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt ... ibutions-policy.pdf




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