

  国家党搞地方政府改革的理由根据的竟是寥寥无几的例证和谬误的信息。  工党地方政府事务发言人安妮塔 金日前在地方政府事务研讨会上发言指出地方政府已经被国家党设成稻草人任其摆布。  就以国家党就涨地税一


  工党地方政府事务发言人安妮塔 金日前在地方政府事务研讨会上发言指出地方政府已经被国家党设成稻草人任其摆布。









  Annette  KING  Spokesperson for Local Government 

  17 July 2012                                                              MEDIA STATEMENT

  Local Government reform should be based in fact

  National’s rationale for local government reform is based on false information and a handful of egregious examples says Labour’s spokesperson for Local Government Annette King.

  Following her address to the local government conference Annette King said local government is being set up as the Government’s straw man.

  “Take National’s fear mongering around rates increases as an example.  Today I received a response from Local Government Minister David Carter, confirming that figures used in his Better Local Government reform paper, claiming councils had out of control debt and rate rises, were based on incorrect data.

  “I waited over a month for an answer to this simple question. Interestingly, it arrived on the day that the local government conference is due to finish,” Annette King said.

  The table in question was removed from the Better Local Government paper and the Department of Internal Affairs website within days of the paper’s release because the data was inaccurate and because of the picture that was being given of some of the councils. 

  “In his response the Minister admits that this information is not a fair basis on which to judge councils performance.

  “This paper and this process is not about the management of rates and debt levels. What it is about is central government imposing its agenda on local government, regardless of the facts,” Annette King said.

  “The Minister needs to fess up about National’s real rationale for reform.

  “The Government has provided no evidence to back-up its removal of economic, social, environmental and cultural wellbeing as requisites in the current Act. It’s no wonder Local Government unanimously rejected this aspect of the current bill.

  “The Minister wants to control local government. What he should be looking for is a partnership with them,” Annette King said.



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