

Free pools for young people - Auckland Council
From 2 April 2013, Aucklanders aged 16 years and under have free access to all council pools across the region during standard operating hours.

As part of council’s Auckland Plan vision for children and young people, this initiative will:

  • enable all young people to access aquatic facilities
  • promote a sense of belonging
  • provide equity of access across the Auckland region
  • help raise the level of children’s swimming abilities.
Charges apply to all non-core facility areas like spas, saunas, steam rooms, special play equipment, dive boards and hydroslides.
There is no charge to book space (unless booking exclusive use) for:
  • school groups (between 9am and 3pm on school days)
  • groups of young people (during standard operating hours)
The Newmarket Olympic Pool, Mt Albert Wave Pool and Sacred Heart College Pool are not participating in the initiative as they are either not owned by council or have separate contract arrangements.

Effects on adult charges
Existing charges for adults have stayed the same at most pools.
Some pools in the Manukau area have started charging an entry fee. This means that across the region, all adults (aged 17 years and over) now pay to use almost all council-owned pools.
The new fees for Manukau pool users are equal to the lowest charges in our network of pools. The lowest adult casual swim charge of $3.10 has been adopted at Lloyd Elsmore Park Leisure Centre, Manurewa Aquatic Centre and Totara Park Pool.
There are multi-swim concessions and discounts for seniors, students, community services card holders, supervising adults and people with disabilities.
Māngere-Ōtāhuhu and Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Boards have chosen to subsidise free casual entry for adults in the three pools in their local board areas. Adult charges do not apply at Moana-Nui-a-Kiwa Leisure Centre, Ōtara Leisure Centre and Papatoetoe Centennial Pools.

Entry charges for supervisors
The charge for adults supervising children in the pool will depend on the age of the child, and whether the adult is swimming with them or just watching.

  • If your child is five or under, you will be charged a supervising adult rate and be expected to be in the water, within arm’s reach of the child.
  • If your child is six or over, you will be charged a spectator rate if you’re not in the water, or an adult rate if you're in the water.
These rates will vary depending on which pool you visit.
Adults bringing children to swim lessons are not charged an entry fee if they are not swimming themselves. You may be charged a spectator fee for an aquatic event like a competition or special swim meet.

Managing pool usage
Facility staff will be implementing demand management practices to control overcrowding, such as:

  • increasing staff numbers at peak times
  • having additional security on call
  • introducing swim sessions.
To discourage adults from dropping their kids off and leaving them unsupervised, Auckland Council has also reviewed its pool alone policy. Children 10 years and under now require active supervision from an adult 17 years or over before they can enter our facilities.
We've developed operational guidelines to assist with implementing the new swimming pool policy. These provide explanations, definitions and pricing schedules that guide the day-to-day implementation of free pool access.
Operational guidelines summary (PDF 69KB)

Newmarket Olympic Pool
Parnell Bath

我看它们都在city coucil的网页里。


我估計凡是city council own 的都要收錢,他們是想錢想瘋了。。。。。






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