新西兰Drury农场别墅诚招室友 单人/双人


本帖最后由 tf2019 于 2021-2-13 08:48 编辑 5 ~9 K3 E  W* V) [, i% \

4 z* F) T8 K* L! M  a$ V' PDrury农场别墅诚招室友 地址cossey rd
3 t1 k( k" I! I) h# W8 H两间双人房和两间单人房任选,欢迎单身或者情侣人士。
& T) A3 R" y( e: ?' o! a6 P$ i( Q双人房$350/周,单人房$210/周。水电网gas费用$25/周/每人,无限宽带。
  ~  @+ A6 U+ ]' H室友会有洋人所以需要您有基本英语对话能力。90后室友都很和善,很好相处,都有自己的工作。6 A: c* x( H& W3 q! _
木质结构大房,房子有车库和院内停车,自带游泳池和农场,周围有各种果树花园,如果您热爱自然,那将会非常适合您0 r) ]* r- `" t2 u2 |0 X( q9 a
请加微信看照片 约看房 Mr_ling1499
0 |* V$ v( s" [6 _( I' v电话0204 026 5200 可短信& d$ e1 _2 `4 P3 g9 i

3 |; @: h. Z5 G3 r+ pKia Ora, $ @  ~9 |, u+ @; s* h% U

& o5 S" U/ Y4 \( c; RWe are starting a new flat and are looking for beautiful people to join us in our newly rented lovely lifestyle block. 8 A3 s' B7 M2 h0 F0 S" z# ]( I

! e5 N# U. q4 N# X) m- nIf you’re interested in living a rural lifestyle and enjoy quiet time in nature, this property is perfect for you.# {  ~% M' s- C( J9 A5 v8 P+ ~

. t) l7 ^" K5 D3 F$ ]4 |The property is located on 1.8 hectares (18,000 sqm; 4.5 acres) of land of which at least 1.32 hectares can be used for farming/grazing area. There will be grazing animals at some point and potentially smaller livestock such as chickens, rabbits, etc., so we are looking for people that enjoy being around animals.
' Y" s9 H; D1 J- `2 \, `/ f5 L. N; _) h+ t% M- c  ^* k( O8 n% P
The house features:1 M# F& S+ b( q& u: M9 Z
• 5 bedrooms: 3 double bedrooms and 2 single bedrooms1 r* F% {5 ?0 j& @9 E* K0 `
• Small office
$ T  J8 r7 d) o7 J1 o• 2 bathrooms
) A9 S/ F: C" A- x5 V& {• Spacious lounge with cathedral ceiling and fireplace4 H* y% n+ P: M: d9 H0 N! V
• Salt-water swimming pool surrounded by wide decking area, perfect to work on your tan/freckles/moles./ ~1 i+ E) z) c- Z/ U& F5 i
• Functional kitchen with gas stovetop, wine rack and spacious cupboard% _/ \. Y7 H$ c0 p# R& x" Y
• Cosy and private dining area with great view of the backyard/ y$ [/ d7 g' }, e) `
• Double garage and small workshop area, good for DIY projects, car maintenance, gym work, etc.
, Z! Q( _* S/ V" A3 `; t. `, l• Car port and plenty of off-street parking space
" k2 ?. e3 V. G; F+ e* k• Already built chicken coop but will most likely get an upgrade as a future project.
+ ]9 v0 P1 a2 r+ Y• Some fruit trees: apple, peach and lemon.
, c) b5 o2 T: t8 f• Bore providing water.
" m. U$ u* G, I% o' q. S3 G+ [; K6 Y/ m# L  B) ?
There is 2 double bedrooms and 2 single room that are free. We are looking for 1 couple and 2 singles but we are flexible on that.( Y  \2 ~9 _9 {
7 x, l8 U6 z/ ^3 F$ ~# W! Q" u6 M
I'm a 30yrs old Canadian engineer and my partner is a 27 yrs old Chinese graphic designer. We are looking for people in their 20s to 30s ideally. Smokers Ok. Pets negotiable.. c2 I+ C& _/ d& Q% h
: s8 W; D) b& q% N% J9 B( U/ E. \9 M1 f
Weekly rent would be 350$ for the couple and 210$ for singles. Expenses are 25$/person/week and include water, electricity, gas and unlimited VDSL internet.# A. j3 P) ~6 V! Q8 l, e
2 b; G8 m; Q, g9 e4 G5 Y# ?" g
The place is partially furnished at the moment but will eventually be fully furnished. If you're chipping in some furniture with you, that'd be a bonus ;) 4 q8 f' N9 L( v7 `. z
4 b" j. `; V  S9 ?* O9 ?
Flat viewings will be scheduled during Saturday February 20th  and Sunday February 21st. Let us know when you would like to pass by for the viewing, when you’d be ready to move in and a little bit about yourself would go a long way.' C; N, w' M/ [' O* |& w, l& J
0 c9 [6 _, E% m4 d) K1 f& X4 K  U
The house is located on Cossey Road, Drury.* P7 x0 ]+ [! f/ G% S6 U; Y- Q

, k3 P% L- p7 j




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