澳洲新 维省Murray Cod 合法尺寸


Supperoo提醒大家,维省的Murray Cod合法尺寸有变化,具体参见下文:

New Murray cod catch limits for Victoria

From 1 December 2014, new Murray cod catch limits will apply to recreational anglers fishing Victorian waters:
•50 to 70 cm slot limit state-wide
•Reduction in bag limit from 2 to 1 fish per day in rivers, whilst maintaining the bag limit in  lakes and impoundments at 2 fish per day.

Summary of feedback

The decision to implement the proposed changes was informed by feedback and substantial support from recreational fishers during public consultation process which included, a fisher reference group, video presentation, consultation paper, public forums, Facebook posts and written submissions.

Seventy-seven written submissions were received during the sixty day consultation period, in which strong support was given for the proposed changes including;
•87% in support of a change in size limits,
•58% in support of a change in bag limits,
•53% preferred the proposed change in bag limits from 2 to 1 fish per day in rivers,
•49% preferred the proposed 50-70cm slot limit, 6% of submissions stated they preferred 55-75cm and 60-80cm, and a number of other preferred size limits were proposed in submissions.

Two Department of Environment and Primary Industry Facebook posts were collectively viewed 55,852 times, received 551 'likes' and 388 comments and were shared with other Facebook accounts 358 times.. Of the 189 comments that revealed their opinion of the proposal, 72% provided unconditional support, 22% provided conditional support and  6% were unsupportive of the proposal. The remaining 199 comments didn't revealed their opinion of the proposal (e.g. tagging other Facebook friends to view the proposal).


Murray cod are an iconic Australian native species particularly valued by recreational fishers. Murray cod have the potential to grow to large sizes. Historically the cod populations would consist of relative high numbers of larger fish. However, fisheries surveys show that the numbers of large fish in many of Victoria's river systems are relatively low and that there is a correlation with the current minimum size limit. This indicates that the size structure of Murray cod populations in many locations is impacted by recreational fishing.  

The changes to Murray cod regulations are expected to improve the species sustainability and fishing opportunities for anglers in the long term. Compared to current regulations, anglers can look forward to a 68% improvement  to sustainability, 147% increase in the number of large breeding fish in the population and 12% increase in the number of fish available to harvest.

The changes will be accompanied with an education and compliance campaign to ensure anglers understand the new regulations. The changes will be closely monitored and will be reviewed together with anglers after five years. For more information, please email [email protected]

Using science to model fish populations

Fisheries Victoria has been working with recreational fishers across the Murray Darling basin to better understand the population status of Murray cod and what key factors drive and effect their population status in the wild. In particular, the development of Murray cod fish population models has helped us bring together decades of applied research and monitoring information. Armed with this data, Fisheries Victoria embarked on an internal review of Murray cod bag and size limits in 2012. The Murray cod fish population models were used to compare a range of bag and size limit scenarios to investigate which were the most beneficial regulations for both Murray cod populations and the recreational fishery.  

How does this relate to the recent changes to New South Wales Murray cod regulations?

NSW have also reviewed their bag and size limits for Murray cod and recently announced the adoption of a 60 to 80 cm slot limit for Murray cod including, the retention of a 2 fish per day bag limit in all waters. They have also removed the closed season for Murray cod in one water (Copeton Dam).

Fisheries Victoria works closely with New South Wales Fisheries and both agencies agree the introduction of a slot limit approach will benefit the recovery of Murray cod populations. The Victorian 50 to 70 cm slot limit proposal was developed based on best available research and monitoring information that is applicable to Victorian conditions and Murray cod populations. NSW DPI (Fisheries) suggest there are differences in growth rates between Victorian and NSW cod populations, particularly in some northern waters and smaller streams that would benefit from a 60 to 80 cm slot limit. NSW DPI have also consulted extensively with their fishers.

Both NSW and Victoria are working to standardise Murray cod monitoring methods to track the performance of Murray cod post changes of respective fishing regulations.

For the purposes of fishing regulations, Lake Mulwala and the Murray River are  NSW waters and Victorian Murray cod regulations do not apply. Lake Hume is Victorian water for fisheries regulation purposes.

摘自DEPI  New Murray cod catch limits for Victoria

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