

1.        march 2018.I have met a Vodafone dealer named Henry in Mascot Hotel. His telephone number is +614222222.He told me he could get me a good deal for a Vodafone business plan. It was a good deal, even though I don’t need six telephone numbers. My contract was from the 25/03/18 – to 25/03/20. My last payment was on the 15th of March, 2020. This is a two-year contract, but I can have three new phones every year. That means in this two year contract, I can have six phones. Your Vodafone dealer Henry never gave me a normal contract paperwork. We used message talking each other.
2.        On the 15th of April, 2019, I asked for three new phones. I did this, because according to the two-year contract, every year, I can get three new phones. In the messages on the 18th of May, 2018 and on the 4th of March, 2019.
3.        On the 2nd of May, 2019, broker Henry let me ring Vodafone to ask for three new phones, I didn’t know Vodafone wanted me to change my contract to a new contract. That means in this day, I need to have another two-year contract. I thought that this is my contract and that I am entitled to three new phones after one year. That means that I can get six new phones over the course of my two-year contract. In the first year, I paid $300/month and in the next year, I paid $360/month. I confirmed this contract through messages. Vodafone said that I agreed to change my contract because I ringed this phone number. My English was not good enough to understand your dealer’s thick accent. I never agreed to change my contract; how stupid would people be to change their contract for no reason? Vodafone tricked me like this because I cannot fully understand English, especially English with a thick, Indian accent. You can find evidence from this from my messages around this date; I always confirm by message.I am smart people so I always keep evidence in message.I keep all message from begging.
4.        On the 15th of June, 2019, I found out that Vodafone charged me $2,600 from my bank account without my premise. It caused my savings account to go into negative, which caused me big problems because I had to pay another bill from this account. I find that my contract has been changed without my permission. The broker later returned me $2,200, because he charged me $300 this month. This $2,200 was a contract changing fee, which means I never agreed to change the contract. Otherwise, why would your dealer refund me $2,200. I sent a message to your dealer many times to make sure my contract was until the 25th of March, 2020. On the 2nd of May, 2019, I messaged your broker many times that my contract was $360/month, and that my last payment would be until the 15th of March, 2020. My two-year contract would finish on the 25th of March, 2020.
5.        Around July of 2019, Vodafone stopped my service suddenly one day, because I didn’t pay money to them but the reason was because Vodafone did not fix my contract to the correct contract, and then I went to the Vodafone office in North Sydney, explaining to them my situation. The manager who’s email is: [email protected]. He reopened my mobile phone service. Another time, on the 15th of January, 2020, Vodafone stopped my service again because I didn’t pay money. Until today, Vodafone still haven’t fixed my payment amount to the correct number. And on this day, I went overseas, I couldn’t contact my family and friends. I have to ask for another number at another company. These two times that my service was stopped, Vodafone didn’t have correct contract and payment amount for me. So this is no reason for Vodafone to stop my service.
6.        I reported this to TIO. TIO’s result was that they accepted to change my contract back to my correct contract in the first place. The current contract is a: two-year contract, the term was from the 25th of March, 2018, to the 25th of March, 2020. Every year, I was entitled to three new phones, which means in this two-year contract I could receive six new phones. In the first year, I paid $300/month and in the next year I paid $360/month.
7.        My TIO reference number is: 2-28313377992
8.        In February, 2020, Vodafone stopped my mobile number: 0415......, which I have used for ten years causing me another big, big, big problem. You must give me big compensation. On the 5th of November, 2020, Australian Debt Recoveries gave me a bill and asked me to pay $4961.86. How bad is your company; how did you calculate this sum of money. In the normal contract, I only owed five months worth of bill; meaning $1,800. After I argued with your Vodafone company, you never gave me the correct bill. I asked you to fix my bill many, many, many times but you never have fixed it. Even you after you got judgment from TIO. TIO said that my contract was until 25th of March, 2020. Five months that I didn’t pay you which equals around $1,800. But you stopped my service last 3 months.How do you calculate this amount, nearing $5,000? You should explain to the tribunal and court. I will ask you to pay me big, big, big compensation. I will get legal advice to know how big of a sum you will pay me. I never have owed anybody any money, I already used Vodafone for over 10 years and have never owed any money.


你每月付了Vodafone$ 360吗?

.I am smart people so I always keep evidence in message.I keep all message from begging.,,,,,哈哈

这么大段,其实就是最后的一点是关键,,,,继续tio 啊,,,,,,

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