




Bilpin Apple Picking
Bilpin is full of farms and orchards where you can pick your own fruit. It’s a 90-minute drive away from Sydney, and we recommend you take the scenic route over the mountains to the western plains of New South Wales. All the attractions of the Blue Mountains are nearby including one of our favourite spots, the Mount Tomah Botanic Gardens.

Where To Pick Apples Near Sydney
Bilpin apple picking season is upon us! These gorgeous orchards promise a fun, family day out.

1. Bilpin Apple Picking, Bilpin Fruit Bowl - (90 minutes North West of Sydney CBD) 2093 Bells Line of Road, Bilpin NSW. Call: 02 4567 1152. Season: Early December - May. Enjoy Bilpin apple picking and peach picking, plus visit the excellent shop where you can pick up homemade pies, jams, honey and souvenirs. There are also picnic grounds and a kids’ playground. You can see their latest updates on Facebook or see our ellaslist Bilpin Fruit Bowl review.

2. Bilpin Springs Orchard - (90 minutes North West of Sydney CBD) 2550 Bells Line of Road, Bilpin, New South Wales. Call: 02 4567 1294. Season: Mid January- Mid June. Another Bilpin apple picking hotspot, this small commercial orchard is open for the public to pick apples, pears (including Nashi), plums, and peaches from their trees. Families enjoy showing their children where apples come from, and older folks remember days when everyone grew their own fruit.

3. Pine Crest Orchard - (90 minutes North West of Sydney CBD) 2549 Bell’s Line of Rd, Bilpin. Call: 02 45671143 (after 7:30 pm). Season: December - April. Bilpin apple picking is available on weekends at Pine Crest Orchard where you can pick your own apples, plums and pears. Local honey, jams and apple juice also available to purchase.

4. Glenbernie Orchard/Darkes - (90 minutes Sydney CBD) 259 Darkes Forest NSW, Darkes Forest 2508. Call: (02) 4294 3421. Season: November - April. This fourth-generation family orchard is full of delicious, crunchy apples, peaches and nectarine. They offer tours for families that take you through the orchard and of course the chance to pick apples!

Apple Picking
Crunchy, crisp apples are yours for the picking!

5. Shields Orchard - (90 minutes Sydney CBD) 2270 Bells Line of Rd Bilpin. Call: 0245671206. Season: February - May. Open most days except Tuesday. Feel free to pick all different kinds of apples from Granny Smith to Pink Ladies.

6. TNT Produce - (90 minutes northwest of Sydney CBD) 153 Kurts Road Bilpin NSW. Call: 0410676152 or 0450515096 Season: End of January - June. This third-generation family orchard grows delicious, crunchy, quality apples including Royal Gala, Fuji, Red Delicious and Pink Lady varieties. For the 2021 season, TNT Produce will be introducing some farm animals to see on your visit (including chickens, meaning visitors can also pick up some organic eggs!). TNT will also be introducing some new varieties of vegetables for you to pick—keep your eyes peeled on their Instagram or Facebook page for updates! Oh and don't forget to take home some of the local nuts, homemade jams, Bilpin apple juice and honey, vinegar and lots more are available to purchase from the shed.

Tomato Picking
1. Canoelands Orchard - (1 hour Sydney CBD) 27 Canoelands Road, Canoelands, NSW. Call: 0419 688 039. Season: Late March - Early August. Open 9 am-5 pm daily during harvest, the tomatoes are usually looking fabulous and plentiful in the autumn season. They also have eggplant, cherries, peaches, plums, apricots, blueberries and nectarines. While you are there, look out for the secret fairy garden, playhouse and tractor ride!

Tomato picking Sydney
Autumn is the perfect time to stock up on juicy, ripe tomatoes too!
1. Cedar Creek Orchard - (80 minutes Sydney CBD) 269 Mulhollands Rd Thirlmere, NSW 2572. Call: +61 246 818 457. Season: April - May. They also offer stonefruit picking on various dates from November to January. Open on weekends, be sure to call to make a booking and to check what days they’re open during the week. This is a family-owned and run orchard that houses around 23,000 trees – including apples, peaches and nectarines! It can get very busy during the weekend but they offer tours and transportation to different picking sections.

persimmon picking
Pick your own persimmons at these family-run orchards!

2. TNT Produce - (90 minutes northwest of Sydney CBD) 153 Kurts Road Bilpin NSW. Call: 0410676152 or 0450515096 Season: End of January - June. Delicious persimmons are all yours for the picking at ellaslist favourite, TNT Produce! For the 2021 season, TNT Produce will also be introducing some farm animals to see on your visit (including chickens, meaning visitors can also pick up some organic eggs!), as well as introducing some new varieties of vegetables for you to pick—keep your eyes peeled on their Instagram or Facebook page for updates!

Chestnuts & Walnuts
Pick Your Own Nuts near Sydney
A fun alternative to traditional apple picking, chestnuts and walnuts are ready for the taking!

1. Kookootonga Chestnut & Walnut Farm - (2 hours North of Sydney) 247 Mt Irvine Rd, Mt Irvine NSW. Call: 02 4756 2136. Season: March - April. Kookootonga is one of the original farms to be established in the gorgeous region of Mount Irvine in the Blue Mountains.

2. Nutwood Farm - (2 hours North of Sydney) 22 Danes Way Mt. Irvine NSW 2786. Call: 02 4756 2191. Season: March - April. An established 20-hectare nut orchard on the edge of Wollangambee National Park with large, good quality, fresh chestnuts and walnuts.



据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联



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帮我决定做什么,Ausgrid NSW

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澳大利亚O.P. 嗨 我住在一间公寓里,当我们打开厨房的热水龙头时,它会在天花板空腔中的管道中产生非常大的噪音。打开冷水龙头没有任何噪音。 有没有人遇到过这种情况,请问是什么原因造 ...


对 11.31kW 太阳能报价的第二意见

澳大利亚O.P. 11.31kW 29x390watt JA Panel 1x8.5kW Goodwe 1-Phase inverter Panel Model: JAM60S20-390/MR/1000V Inverter Model: GW8500-MS 总计:8,790.00 美元 价格包括在铁皮屋顶上安装和单相出口限制器,还包括新南威尔士州政 ...



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