


可以做飞机, 但是最好12周以后。

你如果想在City附近的医院 (Frances Perry House 或 Royal Women's Hospital) 可以给我诊所打电话(92280099)。

下面是我给准妈妈的 hand out

Pregnancy and Flying

Pregnant women need not be restricted from flying. Most airlines permit pregnant women to fly until the end of the 35th week of pregnancy, whereupon expectant mothers are strictly advised not to fly.  Exact stipulations from airline to airline vary, and it is well worth contacting airlines in advance of flying to confirm their regulations. Some airlines may request a medical certificate specifying the expectant date of delivery. Follwing are for your reference only.
Singapore Airlines
Expectant mothers in good health can be accepted for travel under the following conditions:
Normal Pregnancy: Mothers can be accepted up until the 35th week of pregnancy. If pregnancy is up to limiting dates, passenger should hold a certificate of fitness for travel.
Multiple Pregnancies: (twins, triplets etc) Mothers can be accepted up until the 32nd week of pregnancy.
If more than one month elapses between date of booking and date of departure a new doctors certificate is required and must be issued no more than three days outside departure date.
Virgin Blue
Women can fly with Virgin Blue until 35 weeks in their pregnancy without producing any documents. After 36 weeks expectant mothers must have a medical certificate issued for medical clearance before they are able to fly.
Medical clearance is only required if you are having complications of pregnancy. International travel is not permitted after the 36th week for routine pregnancies or the 32nd week for routine multiple pregnancies. Some countries place limitations on the entry of non-national pregnant women. It is best to check with the local consulate if in any doubt.
For domestic travel there is no restriction for a normal uncomplicated pregnancy but medical clearance is required if you wish to travel past the 36th week for uncomplicated multiple pregnancy.

Tips for Flying When Pregnant

Pregnant women should be aware that flying carries a greater health risk to the baby and mother than the average passenger.

  • The risk of DVT is greatly accentuated and DVT preventative in-flight socks should be worn.  Flight stockings can be purchased at many pharmacies for around $50.  Their manufacturers claim that they can be worn up to 30 times, and are available in several sizes.
  • Background cosmic radiation levels are also higher at altitude, which can be harmful to the foetus. Expectant mothers are, therefore, recommended to avoid flying during the first three months of pregnancy if possible.
  • Pregnancy, represents one of the most valid times to splash out on a business or first class ticket, especially if you are making a long haul flight. Leg rests encourage better circulation, and greater leg room will provide greater comfort, then the more cramped economy class.
  • Seat belts should be worn low around the pelvis.
  • Avoiding immobility for the duration of the flight is paramount for expectant mothers, as the viscosity of their blood tends to increase. Try walking around the plane at regular intervals.
  • Consume plenty of water throughout the flight and avoid the consumption of heavy foods which, through prolonged immobility, can lead to stomach cramps and pain.
  • Do not take sleeping tablets to circumvent jet lag, instead try to realign your sleeping patterns.


我的网页是 www.drhuang.com.au  有我的地址。

前台是西人, 不会中文。  如果英文有困难可给我发短信
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