标签:interesting - 澳大利亚华人论坛


澳大利亚房产 Interesting Auction 悉尼

昨晚我在我的脖子上参加了一场拍卖会在这个场地举行的最后一场拍卖会大约有13个座位坐满了所有相同的面孔都在那里竞标并加入了一些临时演员这次它是站立的只有房间 我迟到了,...澳洲华人论坛


澳大利亚房产 Interesting Domain.com.au 出版物

http:newsdomaincomaudomainreubbles-we-have-ever-seen-20150327-1m8vaohtml 有人读过这篇文章 很惊讶它被发布在物业网站上 评论 今晚刚出差回来的车上读到这篇文章!还阅读了大约 150 条评论提要(我发...澳洲华人论坛


Some Interesting Stuff

昨天家里大扫除,一些旧货被翻了出来,其中有一本2004年9月的Kiwi Property Investor Magazine, 翻了一下发现其中一篇文章是BNZ首席经济学家Tony Alexander写的当时(即上一个)房地产牛市的一些...澳洲华人论坛


Interesting interview with Olly Newland

http://propertyventures.co.nz/ep ... talks-olly-newland/ Nothing has changed. Two drivers of property market are fear and greed, the only difference between then and now is the speed of communication. I couldn't agree more. So if you want t...澳洲华人论坛


Interesting History

Where did the expression “piss poor” come from? We older people need to learn something new every day just to keep the grey matter tuned up. Where did Piss Poor come from? Interesting History. They used to use urine to tan animal skins,...澳洲华人论坛


interesting language??

今天被team leader说是interesting language,大家帮忙看看。 是writing,不是口语。我的原文是, I have been learning new stuffs in XXX which is really precious to broaden my XXX knowledge. team leader在读到stuffs 和 p...澳洲华人论坛



An interesting extract from Alan Kohler Weekend Briefing 2014-05-25 撇开政府不谈,这个协议对中俄澳的经济,投资上的长期影响还是不小的 文中提到的Anatole Kaletsky, 原文(also interesting to read)可搜China...澳洲华人论坛