标签:KEEPING - 澳大利亚华人论坛


Cx5, cx9车主, Lane keeping 功能好用吗?

Mazda的车主,请讲讲跑高速公路时Lane keeping 的感受?看上CX-8了。谢谢。 评论 就是偏离时方向盘有抖动提醒而已,没啥感受。。 评论 是 Lane keeping - active assist. 应该帮你转方向盘。 评论...澳洲华人论坛


Keeping tabs on Port Phillip Bay snapper

Researchers are hoping the acoustic tags they have been inserting into snapper this spring will provide in depth knowledge about snapper movement and their preferred habitats in Port Phillip Bay. Anglers’ fishing licence fees are funding t...澳洲华人论坛


130 Keeping to the left on a multi-lane road

先搬运一下 130 Keeping to the left on a multi-lane road (1)This rule applies to a driver driving on a multi-lane road if— (a)the speed limit applying to the driver for the length of road where the driver is driving is over 80 kilometr...澳洲华人论坛


ABC记录片 Keeping Australian Alive

100架摄像机,24小时拍摄,7集里程碑式的纪录片,呈现给观众澳洲医疗卫生系统缩影。感兴趣的可以看看,帮助我们多一些了解澳洲医疗系统。可以去ABC网站上看,或者YOUTUBE。 http://w...澳洲华人论坛


Record keeping requirements in brief

The tax time is coming to end soon (31 Oct 2012). For some last minute preparers, I hope this post can be some sort of help. But bear in mind, all information listed here is in a manner of being brief and general, for any specifics I would...澳洲华人论坛



收到信了,Citibank的Personal banking account, transation and saving account开始收ACCOUNT KEEPING FEE了. 每月$5 打算取消以后用HSBC代替 评论 我怎么没收到,所有Citibank用户吗? 评论 啥账户? 评论 信用...澳洲华人论坛


想开一个Book keeping franchise,新手求教

我上班这2年最大的体会是 必须自己当老板才能有价值。 考虑过很多生意,最后瞄准了BOOK KEEPING。因为据我了解(当然我的了解可能会存在片面的可能性),很多公司为了节约成本,裁...澳洲华人论坛