

来了一年多了吧,第一次决定要去看医生。结果打了一早上电话都订满了,没位子。其中一个还是个印度女人接的电话,态度超级差,跟我说今天没有医生。靠,开诊所的没医生。 md,起码要明天,明天上班还不知道几点下班。以前就是听说,现在算是明白了。

不是应该先去medical centre排队吗?

你住那? 悉尼南区不存在这问题.



很正常啊, 好一点的诊所都要提前几天预约咯

GP 算是容易的,后面越来越慢,慢到绝望了

Actually I hate the hospital system here and even you go to Emergency they judge you by themselves especially you are asian and you need to wait aroud 2 hours! so it's really need to improve a lot!




什么政策那么邪乎, 说来听听罢

我觉得还好啊  去年有一次 俺晚上看急诊 大家都等了差不多2-3个小时,但是有个兄弟嗓子被鱼刺卡住了 就马上被弄进去了


Health levy plan to 'hurt poorest'

July 11, 2008  The Australian

THE Catholic Church - the nation's biggest operator of hospitals after state governments - has warned Kevin Rudd that his move to lift Medicare surcharge levy thresholds will hammer the battlers he wants to help by choking already stressed public wards and lengthening surgical waiting lists.

In a devastating critique of one of the Prime Minister's main 2008-09 budget initiatives, Catholic Health Australia has used government data to warn the change will lump public hospitals with a $400million burden of providing an extra 200,000 procedures in the next 12 months.

CHA also predicts elderly people seeking hip and knee replacements will be among the hardest hit and that the changes will trigger an unavoidable 10per cent increase in private health insurance premiums next year.

"The CHA review has found specific impact on low- and middle-income earners - the group the proposed threshold changes were in fact designed to assist," says a submission the organisation lodged yesterday with the office of Wayne Swan.

"Patients in both public and private sectors will be adversely impacted by the likely fall in private health insurance membership, but it is low- and middle-income earners who will bear the brunt of the new pressure that will be placed on the public health system."

But the Treasurer last night defended the changes, saying the increase in thresholds was designed to provide relief for families facing the tax, originally introduced by the Howard government to target high-income earners but never indexed.

In the budget handed down in May, Mr Swan announced an increase in the income thresholds at which people without health insurance face an extra surcharge worth 1 per cent of their income.

The income threshold at which single people would be liable to pay the surcharge will rise from $50,000 a year to $100,000. Couples will face the surcharge if their combined income exceeds $150,000 - up from $100,000. Treasury modelling suggests the change will encourage 485,000 people to abandon their health insurance because they will no longer face the penalty of the surcharge.

Legislation enshrining the changes was sent to a Senate committee by the Coalition-controlled Senate last month and will be reconsidered next month.

Yesterday the CHA, calling for a rethink, said the move was at odds with Mr Rudd's stated desire to shorten public hospital waiting lists.

CHA is uniquely placed to comment on the changes because the Catholic Church runs 54 not-for-profit private hospitals around the country as well as 21 public hospitals operated for state governments.

Chief executive Martin Laverty said people in difficult financial circumstances depended on public hospitals to meet their health needs.

"Catholic public hospitals may be impacted by the proposed threshold change as episodes of care that would have been carried out in private settings shift across the public settings," Mr Laverty said. "Our modelling indicated a case load of some 200,000 could be shifted from private to public hospitals around Australia.'

The CHA review document, backed late yesterday by the Opposition and the Australian Private Hospitals Association, said the cost shift would amount to $400million a year.

It said the changes would also rob public hospitals of about $55million a year raised by treating privately insured patients in private wards within public hospitals.

The review predicts the loss in private health fund membership will give insurers the grounds to ask the Government to approve premium increases of up to 10per cent from next March, with the Government obliged to approve fee increases if they will prevent funds from becoming insolvent.

While CHA acknowledges the Rudd Government's support for public hospitals through extra funding to reduce waiting lists, it argues the effects of the surcharge threshold increases run counter to its good intentions.

It says its predictions represent the effects only in the first year of the reform, arguing that because young people will dump their insurance, insurers will be forced to lift their premiums in a self-perpetuating downward spiral that will drive more and more people out of the private health sector.

"There is a strong likelihood that high premium increases will prompt private health insurance ongoing membership drop-out rates in future years, which will increase and become compounding," it says.

Mr Swan said last night the Government was a strong supporter of the private health system and would continue to provide support for both sectors.

"We changed the Medicare levy surcharge thresholds with one aim - to give relief to working families from a tax that was meant for high-income earners," Mr Swan said.

"We've already done a substantial amount to take pressure off public hospitals, including $1billion in extra funding over the next year, $600million for elective surgery, a plan to deliver almost 10,000 extra nurses into health and aged care, as well as investing more in prevention to take pressure off acute services.

"This is not to mention the Rudd Government's $10 billion health and hospitals fund."

But Brendan Nelson last night urged Mr Rudd and Mr Swan to reconsider their plan.

"Mr Rudd's stated intentions of reducing public hospital waiting lists are in conflict with his policy," the Opposition Leader said. "It will shift the financially fit and reasonably healthy from private health insurance into public hospital waiting lists. And it will leave families, pensioners and retirees who really see themselves as needing their insurance in a diminished pool which will turbocharge inflation in their premiums."

A spokeswoman for the Australian Private Health Hospitals Association said late yesterday her organisation had not seen the CHA review.

"But there's no doubt that if the proposal goes through in its current form, it will increase the workload of public hospitals," she said.

Late last month health insurers also attacked the move.

Australian Health Insurance Association chief executive Michael Armitage told The Australian that even if the Treasury figures on the expected loss of fund members was only half-right, large numbers of young people would dump their insurance under the changes, drastically altering fund membership profiles.

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http://www..com.au/bbs/v ... B1%A3%CF%D5%2Bvilla
"Premiums will inevitably have to go up to cover the people who leave," he said.

"This is almost an actuarial exercise."


据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联




澳大利亚墨尔本东南, 有这样会尽量帮患者保留牙齿的好医生吗? 求推荐!! 大谢!! 评论 可以考虑看两家的牙医,如果都说保留不了了,基本就是救不了了。 评论 说的好象牙医都坏的很似 ...



澳大利亚葡萄糖酸锌12盒,是非处方药,不小心买多了…海运说可以夹带试试,但是不保证,有被澳洲海关扣下的风险。我想如果被扣下,那葡萄糖酸锌我就不要了。但是说会整箱东西都扣下!是 ...



澳大利亚前一段时间游泳得了中耳炎,后期真菌感染,整个耳朵里面流脓已经堵塞影响听力了。 GP换了三次,给开了三次不同的药,包括洗耳朵的,吃的抗生素等。最终都是治标不治本,每晚痒 ...



澳大利亚有没有熟悉这个科的,请各位推荐一个好的能讲国语的specialist. 评论 忘了名字,帮顶。 去年孩子学校请了一个老年病专家的华人校友给孩子们做讲座。 评论 快帮忙去问问。 评论 不能 ...



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请教medicare claim的一个问题

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澳大利亚rt 评论 没强制隔离要求的话,和一般感冒一样 有症状 在家休息 没症状 正常上学 评论 没症状就可以出去了?现在真的跟感冒一样了啊。 评论 上周二开始阳,今天还是阳,公司已经催 ...



澳大利亚问医院,人家说不能要。 仍了可惜,有些还挺贵的。 当时病人在医院的时候,还说挺紧缺的。 评论 放上網 评论 建議直接回收 藥比較麻煩 出事就麻煩 保存方式等等的 评论 没办法。医 ...


Medicare 的Safety Net有什么作用?

澳大利亚今天电话给medicare知道这个Medicare Safety Net 会影响到claim的rate, 但是听了半天也没有搞明白如很能提高报销的比例。 有没有大神可以详细介绍下? 谢谢了 评论 Medicare Safety Nets Medicare S ...


今年的流感怎么感觉比covid 严重多了?

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澳大利亚老人糖尿病严重,医院建议购买胰岛素汞,医院报价8万-10万RMB,美国产品Medtronic insulin pump。 有几个问题想请教大家, 一,可以这边购买吗还是在中国医院购买就可以? 二,价格上差别 ...



澳大利亚打电话不通,是休假了吗?打算预约一下 评论 猫本? 评论 走都不告诉自己Patient 一声,这样的医生找他干嘛呢。除非其他事找。 评论 悉尼的burwood 评论 经过,牌子都没了。我现在换到 ...