澳洲English Learning------Our Five Senses


We have 5 senses.

We can hear.
We can see.
We can smell things.
We can taste things.
We can feel things we touch.

The five senses are hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, touching.

Ears and Hearing

Sounds go into my ears.

Inside my ear, sounds hit an eardrum.

Nerves tell my brain about the sound.

My brain tells me what I am hearing.

There are three parts to the ear: the outer, the middle and the inner.

The outer ear
Sounds travel in waves through the air and into our ears. Inside the ears, the sound waves move along short tunnels which are about 25 millimetres long. There is wax in the tunnels which helps keep the ear clean. The sound waves reach a thin layer of skin called the eardrum and it vibrates.

The middle ear
Behind the eardrum is the middle ear, where there are three tiny bones, the hammer, the anvil and the stirrup. These bones vibrate when the eardrum does. This makes liquid and hairs in the next part of the ear, the inner ear, move.

The inner ear
The liquid and hairs are in a curled tube called the cochlea (say cock-lee-uh). Messages about the vibrations move along nerves to the brain. The brain tells you what the sound is. As well as hearing, the inner ear helps us keep our balance. The liquid in the inner ear swirls about when you move. Nerves in the inner ear tell your brain which way you are moving, and this helps you to keep your balance.

We see with our eyes.

The eyes work like a camera. They take in light from the thing we are looking at and make a tiny picture of it on the back of the eyeball. Nerves inside the eyes take a message to the brain about the picture.The brain tells us what it is we are looking at.

The light goes into the eyes through the pupils. The part at the back of the eye where the picture is made is the retina. The light is focused onto the retina by the lens, which is just behind the pupil. The nerve to the brain is the optic nerve.

We smell with our nose.

When we breathe, air goes into our nose through the nostrils. Inside the nose there are lots of tiny hairs. They catch bits of dust that are in the air. Damp, sticky stuff called mucus traps more dirt and germs as they enter the nose.

Nerves inside the nose take messages to the brain about the smells that come into the nose in the air. The brain tells what we are smelling.

We taste with our tongue.

The tongue is covered with tiny bumps called taste buds. There are about 10 000 of them. Taste buds on different parts of the tongue taste different things; sweet, sour, salty, and bitter.

Chemicals in the food we eat make the taste buds work and nerves in the tongue send messages to the brain which tells us what it is we are tasting. Smelling food also helps us to taste our food.

We touch with our skin.

Nerve endings in the skin send mesages to the brain which tells us if something is hot or cold or painful.

There is skin on the outside of my body.

Skin grows as I grow.

Skin can be thick or thin.

My skin has a pattern on the tips of my fingers.

Our bodies are covered with a waterproof skin. It is one of the body's organs, just as the heart and the lungs are body organs.
Skin holds the body together.
It keeps water and blood inside and it keeps out things such as germs and dirt that might harm us.
Skin is elastic. It stretches as we grow.
Skin senses how things feel and the temperature of things.
It can tell you when you have been hurt (pain).

Skin is loose at our knees and elbows so they can bend. Skin is tighter on the palm of the hand so we can grip things.

Skin is very very thin on our eyelids and it is thick on the soles of our feet.

On our fingertips our skin has little ridges in a pattern. Each person has a different pattern. These are called fingerprints.

You can look at your fingerprints through a magnifying glass.

Protect your skin

You need to protect your skin from the sun's harmful ultra-violet rays. They can cause skin damage and cancer. The best way to protect your skin is to cover up.

very scientific


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thanks i really appreciate it
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据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联



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