澳洲Urban Dictionary 另类字典帮助你理解常规字典查不到


Urban Dictionary 另类字典帮助你理解常规字典查不到的俚语










Western Sydney

The ghetto area of New South Wales Australia. Western Sydney includes the suburbs of Blacktown, Mount Druitt, Rooty Hill, Seven Hills and many, many more of those little known suburbs to the west of Sydney hence the name, Western Sydney.

The area is inhabited by swarms of Western Sydney Lads, Dole Bludgers, Drug Dealers and of course the middle class working Australians who manage to live day to day without getting shot; an admirable achievement in an place such as this one.

The three main survival techniques for those who dwell in the area and are not the aforementioned scum are as follows:
1. Lock all doors and windows at all times. Bars are optional but always a plus.
2. Never look anyone in the eye, and keep your mouth shut - many of the lads or bludgers have an amazing ability to misinterpret something as simple as a 'Good Morning' as a racial slur that requires a nice bashing.
3. Never leave the house after 8:30pm unless in a car that can be securely locked. This is the time when you would be in the highest danger. Lads, stoners etc. are known to prowl the streets at night and become highly violent during moonlight hours. It is widely accepted that the mystical beams of the moon give them strange powers they themselves do not know how to control (obviously).
On this episode of Man Vs. Wild, Bear Grylls be dropped of in the middle of Western Sydney.

Bear: 不雅 that, I'm not going near that shit !





嗨! 送大家我的原创短文。。。《澳俚生活大爆炸》

Ace! :Excellent! Very good! 牛逼!

Air con : 猜一下!对了就是空调!

Arvo :afternoon

Aussie :Australian, Aussie often refer themselves as ppl from Down Under ! (再简写就成了OZ,The Wizard of Oz大家都知道吧! 地图上,澳洲就在地球down under方位,这个澳洲人也喜欢调侃,少儿不宜,大人们请脑补missionary position )

Avo : Short for avocado (小写是鳄梨,全大写在澳洲就是法律术语了,AVO=apprehended violence order, 暴力禁止令,一般分为DAVO和PAVO, Domestic n Public, 家庭暴力禁止令,和公共暴力禁止令 )

B.Y.O. : Bring your own (alcohol/drinks). There are some unlicensed restaurants where you bring your own wine (sometimes beer)into their establishment.

(酒水自带,这里引申出另一个词,叫corkage fee,就是不能BYO的餐厅,你带酒水来有时会收一个开瓶费, 然后还能引申出类似PYO,pick your own,国外自驾远远看到PYO广告的,就是附近有国内的摘草莓摘樱桃等等农家乐 )

Barby : Or barbie; Grill or Barbecue grill (short for barbecue) (所以澳洲人说走吧一起have a barbie,你可别乐坏了,还以为找个洋妞给你泡,,结果就是吃烤肠和破鸡翅,味道一般不咋地。 )

Beaut, beauty :great, fantastic

Big Mobs :loads, a lot of

Big night : A very good time out with friends for the evening. Can even involve heavy partying all night long ,sometimes with lots of drugs and/or alcohol, depending on who’s talking.

(大嗨一晚!这里再引申一个Bucks Night,这里的bucks不是dollars而是公的,male,恩恩,好多动物公的都叫bucks. 这是澳洲男人结婚前可以最后乱来一晚上,和兄弟们去把妹啊,看脱衣舞啊,gay趴啊,随便!the very last guilt-free night pass , 干什么未婚妻都睁一只眼闭一只眼。。。啊?爽啊,外国妞这么开明这么大方啊? 君莫喜,请往H看)

Bikie : Someone who rides a Harley Davidson, but most commonly used to describe the member of a bikie gang. (澳洲的摩托党!通常性状是丑大叔,胖光头,卡车司机等)

Bikkie: Cookie ,short for biscuit (澳洲人非常喜欢简化词,这类词非常多,tradesman叫tradie啥的,为啥要简化?你来澳洲你就知道了,哈哈,照片很美吧蓝天白云的,你要是来错了季节,中部沙漠飞过来的沙蝇吃了你没商量,新西兰也一样都是中看不中用,不过那里的沙蝇更小,超小几乎看不到,所以估计澳洲人说话快,简化长词,说的时候再赶几把苍蝇(the great aussie salute), 出门大家都常带一个东西叫Aeroguard, 就是用来驱虫的! 所以刚来的华人都不懂买这个,坑爹各种被咬啊!)

Bloke: man, e.g.: He's a nice bloke

Bloody :very (最常用搭配, bloody hell, bloody idiot, 记忆造句: bloody hell, which bloody idiot did this bloody shit? U?bloody oath! )

Bloody oath! :that's certainly true

Blue :argument/mistake

Bodgy :poor quality

Bonzer :great, ripper

Brekkie : Breakfast; Also spelled brekky or breaky

(顺便送大家一个词叫brunch, 早午餐,那些赖床的懒蛋这个词很常用要记住,,我自己还发明了一个词叫brunner, 顾名思义brunner=breakfast+lunch+dinner,更懒的时候一天吃一顿!节约粮食人人有责,我老爸说了,人生最好是七成饱,吃的越多死的越早,我是学医的,也深知半饥饿状态能产生应激,全面提高身体机能和免疫力,同时作为翻译的我发明了一句对应的 the wider your waistline, the shorter your lifespan 怎么样,信达雅了木有! )

Bub : Baby

(hubby n bubby, 知道是谁了吧。。。孩儿和孩儿他爹! 怎么搞的,写完就想起另一个词,hustle and bustle 哈哈哈,请百度,麻蜜们直接脑补孩儿他爹带孩子的情形)

Bum: Butt (引申出bummer! 一般是倒霉!糟了!可惜!等意思)

Cactus :dead, broken

Chewie : Chewing gum (简化无处不在)

Chippy : Carpenter (又来啦, 不就是削木头的嘛,没冤枉你啦)

Chook : Chicken (这是小鸡娃儿,但是你鸡肉的时候还是用chicken, 不要说chook, 否则感觉跟吃小活鸡似得,澳洲人会报警,你会因虐待动物 被送局子。。。)

Chrissy : Christmas (又来)

Chuck a sickie : Call in sick to work for a day off. (Chuck it out, 是丢掉的意思。。。撇了,扔了,不要了 )

Come a gutser :a bad mistake or have an accident

Come good :turn out ok

Cost big bikkies :expensive

Crack a fat :get an erection (美国人爱说Boner的,真是有那么硬嘛?!)

Cracker : Something that’s great, like the best bargain for the day being the “cracker of the day.” (昨天刚好看广外陈博士微信转脑残如何翻译的帖,,我回了个就crackpot了!陈博准奏。。)

Crook : Ill or sick (坏蛋也是这个词了,盼你们都病倒!)

Cup Day : The day everyone watches the Melbourne Cup. (澳洲入籍考试的必考项目,一般给你各种球赛答案备选,正确答案是猫本/墨尔本赛马节,要我说,其实是看台小妞赛帽节,bitches in hats yes!)

Cuppa : A hot beverage e.g. Why don’t you come on over and we’ll talk about it over a cuppa?

Dag : Someone who doesn’t dress well and/or has unrefined manners. (土鳖,澳洲还有个表示土鳖没文化不讲究的更常用词是bogan, 造吗国内土豪现在都来澳洲了啊,于是我造了个新词作为他们的头衔以示欢迎bogannaires )

Dead horse : Tomato sauce (这个很经典了,无数单口演员来澳洲巡演都必拿这个词说事儿!)

Deadset :true / the truth

Dingo's breakfast :no breakfast (我在fraser island和dingo有一次亲密接触,dingo木有伤害我所以我很喜欢它们,于是这里给大家啰嗦个典故,也算澳洲法律上一个先例precedence吧,dingo俗称澳洲野狗是澳洲唯一的大型猎食动物predator,袋鼠虽大,平日也就能撞坏个车,(夜行动物,喜欢光,老远看到高速上来了车,那2货就站公路上等你,所以澳洲很多租车公司的全险晚6点以后上路都是不算保内的,因为容易撞袋鼠,和wombat! 回到说大型动物,动物界有个法则,一般越大越是吃素的!事情是这样一女的找不到自己BB了,然后认定是dingo吃了, 最后案子还赢了,不赢怕也不好,显得澳洲警力太差,警察一般只会开罚单啊,抓child abuse父母啊啥的,每次凶手也不好好找,总是让群众打嫌疑举报电话,很多嫌犯找啊找啊找不到,最后人家能成民族传奇鸟比如Ned Kelly。。回到bb丢了,于是政府开始猎杀dingo因为觉得变成公害public menace了一样,估计其实是想促进旅游业,但食物链开始失衡,每几年一次澳洲农产丰收时,也是农场鼠患兔患日。。。看,现在知道为何我一贯是反对文人当政了,比如1958年的中国麻雀。。理工科的人当政,应该会少干些违背自然法则的蠢事儿。最后欢迎大家去fraser island去了一定不后悔,找我游记)

Docket :a bill, receipt

Drink with the flies :to drink alone

Fair dinkum :true,real, genuine (这个词你知道了,差不多就是半个fair dinkum aussie了 )

Fair enough: reasonable ( 这个词经常要表达的感觉是,无可奈何,有点道理!那就这样吧!哦了! 谁翻译成不错,谁肯定错了。。)

Fair go :a chance / break

Flat out : Some Aussies say “Flat out like a lizard drinking” to describe how supposedly busy they are. (记不住你可以理解为忙疯了,累趴了)

Flat white : Coffee with milk or cream.

G'Day :hello! ( 再加个Mate发夸张点,你就是aussie了, 发音:哥代埋特)

Get pissed: get drunk

Get stuffed : Piss off; get lost; go away

Give it a burl :try it, have a go

Give it away :give up

Going off: Something that’s going extremely well . e.g.I’m glad I woke up early for a surf because the surf was really going off this morning.

Good on ya : Great job or well done. ( 很多澳洲小学都给表现好的孩子发什么Onya award, 一般就是个破纸片上面写着Onya! 然后娃拿着可以去食堂免费领个冰棍啊酸奶啊啥的。。。就是从这来的,骗的小屁孩们屁颠屁颠的在学校到处捡小垃圾,直接省了几个清洁工,聪明的娃有老师看的时候捡,傻的比如我家小猫,见了就捡!)

Grannie flat: A separate living accommodation, usually attached to the home or in a separate building in the back of the home. (这个的官翻是 姻亲房,你要是考NAATI就容易考到这样的词,不懂澳洲文化的就很难翻对,虽然看起来超级简单的俩词,我家后院就盖了一个,3室1厅1厨1卫的小别野,不过没给小猫爷爷奶奶住,租给澳洲人了,,nnd哪个澳洲人再给我啰嗦华人移民太多的,一般我都不会客气,君子报仇,贵在当下嘛!俺们华人来澳洲干嘛啊?不就是为了努把力,给更多澳洲人一个家嘛。。welcome bro!)

Heaps :a lot

Iffy :dodgy (这个词很常用哦! 有时也表达鬼鬼祟祟,一看就有猫腻的赶脚)

(kangaroos loose )in the top paddock :Intellectually inadequate ( 也是脑残,傻逼)

It's gone walkabout :it's lost, can't be found (这个NAATI也容易考哦,不知道就一定翻错)

Hens Night (哈哈,还记得前面的Bucks Night吗?报仇的时刻来了! 白娘子说了:"给别人转身的余地,自己才有大道可行啊!"未婚妻们搞什么呢?male strippers? 嗯,out n boring,真可惜国外的男人老荒的太快了(请自行脑补李奥纳多大叔最近的图片),小鲜肉又都在学校呢,大家有什么好主意,欢迎贡献啊。。。)

Kick the bucket :to die

Knock back :refuse

Loo : Toilet; Restroom

Loose cannon : Someone who is behaving out of control (这俩可以一起记,loose cannon, short fuse...松口炮,短捻子,都是那种躁躁的,爱发火的烂人 , 喜怒不形于色的反义词 )

Maori : Native people of New Zealand. This means “original people” or “local people”, and it was given to the original inhabitants of New Zealand by the European settlers. ( 喜欢球赛的都知道新西兰球队上场前那个毛利舞吧!哈哈,很搞)

No dramas:See “no worries” (谁告诉我drama queen 应该翻成什么婊?)

No worries: They do say this and often. It generally means “don’t worry about it” or “no problem.” (最常用的一个澳俚 )

Off your head: High on drugs. e.g He was totally off her head last night at the party. (嗑高了!那喝高了怎么说?Tipsy, 人世间总有百晕千懵,喝高了独用这一种 )

On the DOLE: Collecting unemployment payments from the Department of Labour; Also nicknamed “Rock ‘n’ Roll” by Aussies.

(这就是俺们大澳著名的福利金项目了,失业可以有,残障可以有,抑郁也可以有,等等都可以有,而且可以有很久很久只要你想,这点和美国完全不一样,美国几个月就没有了,政府帮你一阵,奶的你还混上瘾了,滚犊子拿些food stamps去超市吧,饿不死鸭的还不快谢主隆恩!)

On the piss : Drinking alcohol

Piece of piss :easy task (你们说蛋糕我们说尿!)

Pig's arse! :I don't agree

Piss off: Go away; get stuffed; get lost ( Piss off是滚, Piss somebody off是惹某人厌,所以下一句就是piss off了 )

Quickie: refers to quick&passionate intercourse. (这个全球通用,哎)

Rack off :get lost! get out of here!

Reckon! :for sure. Also, Aussie say "I reckon" instead of "I think..." (这个也是非常aussie的表达 )

Ridgy-didge :original, genuine

Rock up: Arrive or show up: e.g He rocked up to the party at about 10 last night. (也是很常用的表达)

Rooted :ruined, broken (扎根了反而坏了?)

She'll be apples :It'll be all right (早说了嘛苹果才是水果之王!分别成就了牛顿,乔布斯,平安夜,和所有掌上明珠们apple in the eye,eye eye eye单数,别问我why, 去圣经找原文吧!)

She'll be right :it'll be okay

Shout : Someone’s turn to buy a round of drinks. e.g It’s your shout, mate. (就记,谁喊谁买单。。)

Sickie : Calling in sick to work.

Snag bag : Sausage roll (我们还有各种bag, 什么goodie-bag 小礼包,一般参加生日后啊,或者听什么忽悠你花大钱的免费垃圾讲座啊会送,scumbag就不是好包了,是人渣!)

Thongs: Flip-flops. Typically the favourite brand of thongs is Havaianas.

Too right :definitely

Uni : University (缩写又来了,,学翻译做速记的同学,来澳洲呆呆吧,学一堆缩写回家,受用终身 )

Up the duff: Pregnant ,usually referring to an unplanned pregnancy

Ute: Pickup truck or utility vehicle (有图就好了,译象的帅弟vincent呢?麻烦给加个图嘻嘻。就是那种后面是平的,拉家具挺方便的车, 这种车在澳洲偶尔是土鳖屌丝的象征,不过也有个好处,就是所有的loading zone 一般车不让停的,ute很多时候还能停个15分钟没事儿不罚,可能系统默认你是来帮人搬家的吧)

Walk of shame : Wearing the same dress clothes out in public in the morning, following a big party night. (澳洲人非常忌讳同样衣服连穿两天的,估计感觉是头晚上出去约炮了,很可能还是一夜情ONS,第二天无奈直接穿同一身去上班了。。。)

Wanker : A ridiculous person (自撸党,在想是不是有必要请uk控的Sophie同学给大家普及一下UK Slang啊,这样的词貌似很多嘞,矛盾啊,英国不是绅士之乡么。。。)

Whinge : Persistently and annoying complaining ,somebody who does this would be a “whinger” (牢骚多话多,不限怨妇,这里gay也不少,澳洲人爱用whinging, 美国人爱用whining, 中国人时下爱用逼逼 )





据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联



约翰逊辞职演说 -

澳大利亚英国前首相Boris Johnson辞职演说中提到了这个短语 -- them's the breaks 通常正式场合是不太使用这样非正式的用语 根据Linguaholic的解释,这个短语通常用在 Something unfair or unpleasant happens and ...


notice boards: always look on the bright side of life

澳大利亚1\always look on the bright side of life 乐观生活 2\fire exit , do not obstruct 消防通道,不要阻塞; 3\footpath under construction 行人道正在兴建 4\private property pedestrian traffic is welcome at own risk 私人物业欢迎 ...



澳大利亚以前老外调侃过类似的表达,大概是错过了免费的冰淇淋,感觉错过了一个亿 但不记得他们怎么说了 评论 Lost a fortune 评论 一般要么是lost a million或lost a billion,反正不会说lost 100 milli ...


请问 找老板报销 怎么说?

澳大利亚就例如用自己的钱给公司买了些东西,跟老板怎么说报销呢? 谢谢! 评论 expense? 评论 马泥马泥 评论 Reimbursement of miscellaneous items 评论 reimbursement or expense 比如: Can I reimburse my expens ...



澳大利亚新概念英语1-4册是火了20年的教材,经久不衰,app store下载软件,每天跟读,也就是shadow,纠正自己的发音,这是很好的学习方法 评论 如果你在学第一册和第二册,可以用这套教材。如 ...



澳大利亚一个同事要请假,发了下面这段话,”if the water and flooding levels drop here in SA I want to go away at this time so thought I’d book now” 这里他说的是洪水到了南澳的意思,还是说洪水水位下降的意思 ...



澳大利亚但是坚持是最难的 评论 有兴趣就不难了 评论 持之以恒,定能成功。 加油 评论 you are right.Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. 评论 Yes,Persistence is hardest 评论 学英语贵不在坚持。 ...



澳大利亚The title of the book is 1001 nights. 可不可以? 评论 书引号? 书名号? 双引号? 可以不加双引号, The title of the book is 1001 nights. 评论 觉得更好的方式可能是搜key words: how to quote a book [name] 当然简单 ...



澳大利亚Condition:The student is not a patient of the GP. 我女儿 在 三年前是病人,但是不去看了。算不算仍是那个GP的病人。 The student was a patient of the GP. The student is no longer a patient of the GP 评论 一定要找 ...



澳大利亚在另一个帖里,有人说打了疫苗比不打疫苗更容易感染新的omicron变种。他引用了这则新闻。我读到的意思是新变种比旧变种更容易感染打过疫苗的人。 “It appears to have same intrinsic tran ...



澳大利亚address as recorded on the electoral roll for the past 12 months 理解1:在过去12个月地址必须都在选民名册上,意思是这个地址在选民名册上要有12个月之久 理解2:在过去12个月选民名册上有这个地址 ...



澳大利亚刚来澳洲,很想学习英语,但是不知道tafe的英语怎么报名,费用多少,谁知道麻烦告知一下 评论 要看你是什么签证。不过任何给移民的英语课程就是一个入门课程而已。这个国家没有 ...