





http://www.smh.com.au/national/e ... -20100131-n6m5.html

Parent power wins top spot on My School

THE federal government has confronted concerns that information on its My School website is too limited by promising to expand the site's content to include details such as the level of bullying and parents' satisfaction with teachers.
In his first election promise for the year, the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, said that if Labor was re-elected, the website would be broadened to provide information beyond student performance in reading, writing and numeracy.
The extra information would be collated using a survey of parents to canvass their levels of satisfaction with teachers and various aspects of school life.
Primary schools A-Z
Secondary schools A-Z
Top of the class - the 50 top primary and secondary schools by key measures
Yesterday Mr Rudd said the survey, to be developed by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority, could look at bullying and general school safety, whether parents felt their children were safe and how teachers responded to concerns.
The survey could also canvass the school's approach to teaching and learning, parents and citizens activities, its extra-curricular activities, how the school interacted with its community, its facilities, and how it prepared children for high school and careers.
Mr Rudd said the changes would further empower parents and "provide a more rounded view of what a school's performance is in overall terms".
"We know that parents don't just want to know how a school is performing but whether their child will enjoy the school experience and how the school will engage with them as parents." Already the government has promised to include the sources of private and public income for each school, so parents can be aware of the resources available.
Despite handing more power to parents, the decision to incorporate surveyed opinions was panned yesterday by the Federation of Parents and Citizens Associations of NSW.
The president, Dianne Giblin, said the surveys would be "varied and inconsistent" within individual schools because parents' opinions ranged as far and wide as those of their children.
"If your child's never been bullied, the bully policy is great. If your child has been bullied, then the bullying program is bad," Mrs Giblin said.
The website was launched on Thursday to the general acclaim of parents. Using the results of annual performance tests, it publishes the performance of each school in reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation, and numeracy for years 3, 5, 7 and 9.
It compares each school with about 60 statistically similar schools across the nation – and the national average. The site lists information such as student and staff numbers and attendance rates.
The Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young said the promise to expand the site vindicated her complaint that the information was too limited in scope and a more holistic appraisal of each school was needed.
Some critics welcomed the decision but said they still wanted what they perceived as flaws in the information to be ironed out.
The federal president of the Australian Education Union, Angelo Gavrielatos, said the union should be allowed to contribute to the survey because the level of consultation had been totally inadequate.
"Giving more information to parents and engaging them more in the education of their children is a laudable objective," he said. But inaccuracies in the existing information needed to be fixed and any new data to be presented so that newspapers could not publish "damaging league tables".
The state government was unperturbed by reports that some parents were already using the website's findings to move their children to another school.
"Parents know best what is right for their children and any decision to move from one school to another is a matter for parents," a spokeswoman for the NSW Education Minister, Verity Firth, said.
"The amount of hits the website has received shows parents want this information and would prefer problems to be identified rather than ignored.
"Parents know that schools aren't just about academic results and the best advice is not to jump to conclusions based on a single source of information and make sure they talk to their school principal.
"We don't believe if a school is identified as slipping a little in one area parents will want to immediately pull their child out."
The president of the NSW Teachers Federation, Bob Lipscombe, said it was "one of our concerns that people would use information" in ways for which it was not intended.
"One would hope parents realise you need to speak to the teachers and the principal to find out what is going on at a school."





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