






The Legend of The Falling Sky

Long ago, centuries before dinosaurs existed. The world was inhabited by gods. The god of love was called "Lovope", the god of hatred was called "Hateden", mother nature was called "Naturlie", the god of surprise was called "Surprine", the god of thunder was called "Thundest"...... There were hundreds of different gods, all ruling over different things, but there was one god that all worshipped and obeyed, and that god was called by everyone "Kinthring" which is now what we have shortened to "King".

Though there may be disagreements, all gods shared love for inventing. Lovope invented the machine that makes couples fall in love, Hateden invented the machine that makes enemies hate each other more since he loved to see spite, Surprine invented the machine that creates the presents which causes great surprises, Naturlie invented a robot which could make a million different leaves in the snap of a finger........ All of these machines ran on air and release a thing called sedendrate that eats air. All of the machines take in hundreds of tonnes worth of air each second, as each gram is only able to fulfil the love of one couple, the hatred of one enemy, the present for one surprise,  one leaf for one tree...... Every second, they would lose 300,000 million tonnes of air from the machines, 2,000 tonnes of air from sedendrate and only gain 10,000 tonnes of air from plants and trees. Soon enough there was no more air at all, all was filled with sedendrate. The flapinhorlets (flying horses)  in the kings' stables started to suffocate and die in big numbers, the micacher (cats who caught mice as their job) would die from the lack of air....... Naturlie and Airophantel (the god of air) realized that the rates of how fast the numbers of animals going down would strongly affect the balance of the earth and create an extinction for each species of animals and bugs.

So Naturlie and Airophantel went up to Kinthring to ask for help or at least a suggestion. But as soon as Kinthring heard that the gods were creating machines to do all their work so they could slack off themselves, smoke came out of his ears and his head redder than fire! Kinthring immediately put up a law saying that if the gods don't do something to help, the sky will fall on their heads. Now, if there is one thing that all gods are afraid of, that is about the sky falling on their heads. So Naturlie and Airophantel came out of the palace torn and defeated.

A soon as they heard the new law, all the gods immediately held a meeting to discuss and try to think of an idea to help with the problem. But, because all their inventions had done all the thinking and work for the past few years, their minds were all blank and all they could think of was how the skies were going to fall onto their heads if they don't think of anything. The law in detail was, that if they don't think of a way to re-make all the air lost from the past few years in 10 days and restore all the extinct or endangered animals, the sky would fall because there was no air to hold it up. Naturlie was thinking of inventing a plant that could create thousands of tonnes of air per second and create millions of those plants, but by the time she'd finish inventing it, she'd run out of time to make it! Airophantel came up with the idea of creating a machine that sucked in sedendrate and transform it into air, but the materials needed to make the machine was the yolk of a flapinhorlets' egg, but flapinhorlets were almost extinct and the egg would take weeks to find. Lovope thought of finding a couple whose love was so strong that it could hold up the sky, but she couldn't find any whose love was so strong. Surprine was trying to create a present for Kinthring, and the second he touched it, it would be able to stop the law and give the other gods a surprise, but she realized that she didn't have enough magic to create the present. Hateden was trying to create enough hatred to stop the sky from falling, but that was impossible in every way.

Days passed, and no one had thought of an idea, Naturlie was busy inventing the plant, Airophantel was adventuring for the egg, Lovope was trying to find that special couple, Surprine was trying to quickly create more surprise to upgrade her magic, Hateden was trying to help Surprine to level up, but his hatred would overpower surprise and make the person who was going to be surprised turn in to hate..........

Too quickly, the 10 days came to an end with neither god succeeded. Kinthring kept to his word and at the first ray of sunshine on the eleventh day, the blue sky started falling down. Everyone went bonkers as the sky came inching forward down on them, creating pressure on their heads. Soon enough, the gods were lying down on their backs, trying to hold up. Trees collapsed, plants were squashed, animals suffocated not only from no air but from the small amount of space. After the sky hit the ground, everything became black.

Fast-forward to now, if humans keep on polluting and spewing out pollution, then the sky will too, collapse. So stop global warming by using the least amount of plastic possible.



据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联




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