

今天SMH的独家报道【The real top schools: state's secret list revealed】

http://www.smh.com.au/national/e ... 20100813-1233k.html


因为Julia Gillard总理本周许诺对于学生进步最快的学校给予最高至10万刀的现金奖励,从the Herald报业在信息自由法案许可下得到的这些数据就带来了一个很大的疑问:精英中学里的那些最聪明的学生们能够再进步多少呢?

例如,HSC的老牌冠军Jame Ruse里学生的进步率就小于全州精英中学的平均值。

对于顶尖精英中学学生在School Certificate (Year 10)和Higher School Certificate (Year 12)期间的成绩提高率的比较可以看到,Sydney Boys High是全制精英中学里表现最好的。

在中等水平的精英中学学生里,St George Girl High在学生进步率上表现最好。

NSW教育部的这个所谓“附加值”指标(Value Addding Index)是基于一个复杂的统计计算而来的,而0代表州的平均水平。

Sydney Boys High的校长Kim Jagger说,学校一直在很努力地确保学生有广泛的教学大纲之外的教学内容和体育活动。

他说,男孩一般来说比女孩成熟的要晚,相比于Year 10的SC考试男孩们更紧张Year 12的HSC考试。“当我比较所有的顶尖男校的数据时,发现他们在School Certificate和Higher School Certificate的两年里的”附加值“都非常高,这说明了男孩有很不一样的身心智力成熟水平。”

St George Girls High的校长Carole Knott把她的学生的进步归功于高期待的文化和有创造力的新教师员工的密集辅导。她说:“我们这里不只是一个考试工厂,我们给女孩们整个教育。”

而全NSW最顶尖的James Ruse(连续超过十年HSC成绩的冠军)里最聪明的学生们的“附加值”只有2.3,而全州精英中学的平均值为2.4。

James Ruse的校长Larissa Treskin说:“只要大于1就很不错,因为这意味着学校正在给学生们所期待得到的附加价值。”



[ 本帖最后由 patrickzhu 于 2010-8-14 11:30 编辑 ]

40 => 60 容易
99 => 100难。

这个新闻的背景是 Julia Gillard的大选支票:

对工党的这个支票,Maralyn Parker是坚决的支持者。。。

The revolution masterplan is here
Maralyn Parker
Monday, August 09, 2010 at 05:46pm  
http://blogs.news.com.au/dailyte ... masterplan_is_here/

WE finally have the masterplan for the education revolution and it is almost everything we have been asking for.

If Gillard is returned this will be forever be the turning point in Australian schooling - where the federal government finally started taking responsibility for the quality of all Australian schools.

To go with the new buildings, new computers and burgeoning national curriculum we will get a new national qualification and a teaching force where all teachers in all sectors are required to participate in continuous assessment of their performance.

Every parent I know will love the teacher assessment plan - and many will want to participate in the promised step of parent feedback on teacher performance.

Developing this framework for teacher assessment will not be simple. Dealing with teacher unions and getting agreement acropss all sectors are just a few I can think of immediately.

An Australian Baccalaureate is common sense. I personally think the choice of the term “baccalaureate” is odd. But I guess it will have an instant international profile. There will be concerns about quality - especially from NSW over the eventual demise of the Higher School Certificate. (Gillard is just proposing the AB as an alternative at this stage and not until 2015.) But the whole idea is to compete internationally so ACARA will be focused on that as an outcome. Consultation will be the key to success here

Bonuses for performance at school and teacher level were always on the Gillard agenda.

Expect considerable excitement over one in ten schools getting up to $100,000 to spend on whatever the school community wants. After the BER renewals and the computer rollout this is the absolutely unimaginable bonus.

I have some concerns. Some very needy schools will inevitably miss out. And yes - here we have the journey into extremely high stakes territory for NAPLAN results.

No the plan is not what the US and UK are doing. It is a uniquely Australian plan - just as the MY School website is uniquely Australian. NAPLAN results will be added to the mix for rewards. Yes it is significant and yes there is a big downside if this becomes the swing for all schools to teach mericlessly to the tests.

And I have no doubt there will be much more NAPLAN cheating unless the testing process is seriously upgraded.

Today I spoke to the president of the Australian Secondary Principals Association, Sheree Vertigan, and to the executive officer of the NSW Association of Independent Schools, Geoff Newcombe and they both expressed similar concerns.

Newcombe said the schools that could win bonuses may well be the schools that are already well on the way to improving student outcomes. He has a point.

But I know some schools in this position (currently improving results) and frankly, at this moment, I am extremely happy for them to be given $100,000 as a reward. It is all new funding and would be just incredible for any public school that gets it.

I am surprised NAPLAN results will be part of the consideration for teacher bonuses. I thought Gillard was on the path to standards based rewards. NSW Independent schools have been using such a (standards based) reward system for about 4 years now - on a voluntary basis - and around half of the NSW AIS schools are participating. Teachers can use their NAPLAN results to boost their case - but it is not a mandatory part of the assessment.

With Gillard’s plans I am partly reassured by the fact that a teacher’s contributions to the school and community are also included in consideration for a bonus. This means teachers will have to show how they have specifically helped other teachers, the school in particular and the community generally to get the bonus. It won’t be reduced to competing for the best NAPLAN results.

It is a pity these are just bonuses and not pay rises. I have no doubt Gillard has more plans to influence states and territories further as far as salaries go.

Perhaps getting an agreement was on the agenda but circumstances have forced Gillard to share her plans.

The online diagnostic tools may well be an attempt to short circuit the coaching industry frenzy over NAPLAN. I am sure some parents will love it. But just how much a parent could diagnose their children test results is debatable. The parents of children who need the most help of course will not access it and others may use it to over burden their already stressed children. But I may be being too critical at this stage.There are no details of what will be on the site and exactly how parents might use it.

Meanwhile a way to identify high performing teachers is long overdue but this is the part the teacher unions will hate most of all.

But we all know by now Gillard is not bothered by union complaints about her revolution.


Media Release: School Rewards Will Encourage Poaching and Cheating
Tuesday August 10, 2010

Labor’s $100 000 reward for schools which most improve their results will encourage them to cheat and rort their results, poach high achieving students from each other and discriminate against other students says Save Our Schools, a public education advocacy group.

SOS national convenor, Trevor Cobbold, said that the scheme will be another huge waste of money that could be better used to fund schools with high student learning needs rather than dissipated in fruitless and destructive competition between schools.

“Gillard’s reward scheme is an $88 million annual competition to see which schools can poach, rort and cheat more than others.

“Schools will have a large financial incentive to enrol more high achieving students and not enrol low achieving students. The easiest way for schools to improve their performance will be to replace low achieving students with those who generate better test results. They can do this by ‘creaming off’ high achieving students from other schools and denying entry to low achieving students.

“It will encourage increased discrimination against students with disabilities, students with limited English, Indigenous students and students from low income families. Schools vying for the money will deny entry to these students or palm them off to other schools.

“Schools have a large financial incentive to ‘rort the system’ by encouraging low achievers to stay at home on test days. We have already seen evidence of this in the last round of NAPLAN tests. This new scheme will lead to more rorting.

“Cheating is another easy way for schools to manipulate their results to make it appear as if they are improving performance. Teachers will be under pressure to assist students in tests or to change answers as was also seen during the last NAPLAN tests.”

Mr. Cobbold said the reward scheme is yet another clone of the failed New York City school improvement model implemented by Julia Gillard’s mentor and hero, Schools Chancellor, Joel Klein.

“This scheme will lead to illusory gains in student achievement, just as it has in New York

“Last month, the New York bubble burst. Its amazing test score gains over the past four years under Klein were shown to be a gigantic fraud. Test results plummeted this year following the introduction of new standards by the state education department in response to public pressure and an independent report from a Harvard University testing expert that revealed New York’s test scores were highly inflated.

“Under Klein, student scores on standardized tests are used to decide which teachers receive bonuses, and how big those bonuses are; which principals receive bonuses, and how big those bonuses are; which students are required to repeat a year; which students are required to attend summer school; which teachers are first laid off; which teachers are fired; which teachers are rated effective or ineffective; and which schools are closed down.

“All this was done on the basis of phony results. This is where Julia Gillard is taking Australia in her mistaken penchant to use test results to reward and punish schools and their teachers and principals.”

Mr. Cobbold said that the reward will distract schools from making genuine improvements in literacy and numeracy.

“It will lead to even more intensive test preparation in schools, which is happening because of My School. More time will be spent on practising for tests at the expense of deeper learning and understanding and at the expense of subjects that are not tested such as science, history, social studies, languages, arts and music.

“Ms. Gillard would do better to put the $88 million a year directly into government schools where there are high levels of student learning need. More high qualified teachers, additional support staff and learning resources would make a real difference to these schools.”







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