标签:RSMS - 澳大利亚华人论坛


ENS and RSMS 审理到的最新时间

The following is provided as a general answer to this enquiry. The ENS and RSMS processing network is currently allocating applications to case officers for assessment as per the following table: Parramatta Processing Centre - ENS cases whic...澳洲华人论坛


The ENS and RSMS processing time updated

LATEST UPDATE 8 October 2012 The ENS and RSMS processing network is currently allocating applications to case officers for assessment as per the following table: Parramatta Processing Centre - ENS cases which were received on 11 April 2012...澳洲华人论坛


有维州在等RSMS 187 的同学们,进来分享一

187 签证分为3个步骤 1.雇主申请担保资格 2.雇主有担保雇员的资格 3.雇员申请身份 看见外国的网站上有人把自己的timeline挂到网上,以便于大家互相借鉴,希望大家把自己的timeline也写一...澳洲华人论坛