标签:Should - 澳大利亚华人论坛


“Holly should follow Phillip”:Eamonn Holmes 认

Eamonn Holmes 表示,他认为 Holly Willoughby 不会回到 This Morning 的沙发上,并呼吁她跟随 Phillip Schofield“关门”。 This Morning 的前替身主持人也对 This Morning 的“毒性”说法进行了权衡,他说...澳洲华人论坛


Should I report my rental income in my activity sta

如题。先谢谢大家的解答。 评论 Commercial 需要;Residential 不需要 评论 请教一下,有没有ato的链接可以看呢?我一直找不到链接。我跟老公说这样他不相信。非常感谢你的回复。 评论...澳洲华人论坛



Where should the warrant of fitness label for your car be displayed? a. Front window, driver's side b. Front window, passenger side 评论 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 评论 正確答案是a. 是小楷 评论 thx.......................... 评论 呵...澳洲华人论坛


how much formula should 11 month baby drink

my baby is refusing formula now but she is eating very well for solid. I want to know does 11month baby need a lot of fomular or not. very worried ~~~~~~~ 评论 ding ding ding 评论 1岁前还是喝formula的好。PN都是建议1岁后可以...澳洲华人论坛


Should a real estate agent be paid $1.5m a year in

Should a real estate agent be paid $1.5m a year in earnings? This week Barfoot Thompson in celebrating the achievements of their Top 25 salespeople detailed that their top 3 agents collectively sold a total of more than 300 homes in the pas...澳洲华人论坛


Z:15 Reasons We Should All Move To New Zealand If D

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/move-to-new-zealand_us_57839d9ee4b0c590f7ea06f4 ..... New Zealand is a playground of national parks, coastal towns, epic forests and pristine beaches that date back thousands ― if not millions ― of ye...澳洲华人论坛


Should i inform my CO to check on me?????

an immigration officer called asking for my employer the week before, but he was on a business trip. He's back last week. I wanna tell my case officer that he's back ( and feel free to check on me to speed up the process lol). But my agent s...澳洲华人论坛



the bank should give you the cheque book without any photo id based on your intelligent.:) 评论 不会吧。房价涨得很厉害阿。还等到明年,更贵。 评论 说的好像所有人都有钱买房一样,呵呵 明年一样,只要...澳洲华人论坛


Help please! Should I test now?

Dear all! Sorry I am working at this moment and I am unable to write in Chinese I am supposed to have my period on 13/09/10 (yesterday) but I still haven't got my period today. My period is really regular. I had sex with my husband without t...澳洲华人论坛


Should I be worried if no fetal pole was detected o

Hi all, I am 6 weeks preganent. I did an ultrasound scan and a Sac and yolk sac was seen. However, the doctor said no fetal pole or heartbeat was detected. I did not do an internal scan and all of these was seen by an external scan.Have anyo...澳洲华人论坛


Should I Send My Child to an Opportunity Class?

看看澳洲本地人的看法 Should I Send My Child to an Opportunity Class? http://www.happychild.com.au/art ... tunity-class?page=0 ,1 评论 我还以为是本地人攻击OC呢 原来只是一些友善建议 评论 是有一些的 评论...澳洲华人论坛


Which school my son should go

First we living in westernsydney, impossible to moving the home, cost is too expense both school 5minutes walk to home 1, publicschool 85% indian /asian, 5% local 5% black 5% chinese 2, Catholilschool 5% indian, 5% chinese, 5% black, 85% whi...澳洲华人论坛


“should go home" or "want to go

这个妈妈感性了点儿。 评论 尽管我每一次都望眼欲穿地盼着她回来,但是我 从来都不主动问她什么时候回来,只是在家默默地等啊等啊,就等她来告诉我哪天要回家,有时侯等来的是...澳洲华人论坛


We should never judge a kid only by these academic

又是一年拿report时, 分享英国有一所小学附在学生成绩单里的一封信,任何人的天性都是独一无二的,都有着多面的色彩,都值得被善待和挖掘,都可以变得伟大。 Dear *** Please find en...澳洲华人论坛



Oh should I find my other half again, or should I not wish I would gain. I shall quickly heal my pain, life is not an easy game. It was just a real lie, As it's not in real life. You should feel inspired, As it could be higher. The past is...澳洲华人论坛


Should universities teach alternative medicine?投票

Should universities teach alternative medicine? 共有vote:883066,yes:no=3:7 对这个结果有点失望。密切关注事态的发展。 这里alternative medicine:包括物理治疗师,指压治疗师,营养师与nature medicine与针灸...澳洲华人论坛


Should I go back to China?



Should we organize a trip to Lake eildon in two wee

鱼饵你来,油费不管,你得开车,我不包聊天,一日三餐你来。 我无聊的时候你得陪我聊天, 最好多带几个mm。 哈哈哈哈哈 [ 本帖最后由 abbott1980 于 2010-8-1 21:15 编辑 ] 评论 条件符合...澳洲华人论坛


Which car should give way

Which car should give way in the following two scenarios: 1. Car A is doing a right turn, car B is going straight forward and has a give way sign 2019-1-21 15:16 上传 下载附件 (17.93 KB) 2. Car A is doing a right turn, car B is going s...澳洲华人论坛


When should I stick to the left on the road?

隔壁的帖子如火如荼,做一下搬运工,贴个链接过来,还挺科普的。 https://www.carsguide.com.au/car ... t-on-the-road-57723 个人从来不认为“法不禁止即可为” 适用于公共道路,在这个你小心小心...澳洲华人论坛


“How often should a car that isn’t used much be

https://qr.ae/pNry8D 评论 问问题为什么还要给个链接啊?个人经验2个星期不动没有问题,旧电瓶(3年以上)不好说,时间再长最好把电瓶断开,用的时候再连上就可以了。 评论 这是Quora的...澳洲华人论坛


going to china, what should I bring back?

have not been to china for 8 years.... what worth buying there? pearls? cloth?tvpad? any suggestion? thanks! 评论 Blackmore fish oil for the senior people. Sheep oil for the ladies. 评论 国内淘宝淘淘 评论 Chia seed在国内也开始...澳洲华人论坛


I cant..or should it be i cunt?

应该有不少人知道cant(as in can not) 有两种读音方法,不知道怎么回事,我一直觉得其中一个读音和cunt这个大忌的C word特别相像,有没有高人指点一下怎末发号这个音。 我以前闹过的笑话...澳洲华人论坛


should i get out of bed tomorrow的意思

should i get out of bed tomorrow的意思 评论 要看context啊。 如果是倒装的条件状语从句,那么它的意思是“假如我明天起床的话...比如: I have been sick for quite some days and currently being bed-bound. I...澳洲华人论坛



链接在此。 http://m.thenewdaily.com.au/news ... mate-change-summit/ 挺有意思的。 评论 这就是英语好玩的地方,谢谢推荐分享! 评论 不大明白? 评论 “必须”和“应该”的区别 评论 shall有必须的...澳洲华人论坛


CPA or CA?

For my situation, which should I enrol? I guess I will stay in commerical industry for several years and maynot go back to charted environment very soon. But I am not 100% sure that I will not work for CA Firm again.I know CA is highly recog...澳洲华人论坛


Should I do two subjects this semester?

I am planning to do Financial report this semester while working full time. Should I just do this one or could add another one? If yes, which one? Just passed EthicsGovernance and Strategic Management Accounting last year Thanks 评论 I did...澳洲华人论坛


L牌一道考题求教:how should you drive out o

题目的意思是驶离弯道该怎么做?答案有:1加速。2 减速。 3 速度不变。我觉得应该减速,可是答案是加速,为什么? 评论 Bend 是什么 评论 考中文的不就得了,研究这个干嘛? 评论...澳洲华人论坛


Purchase of property

Should I use (1) trustee company name only to purchase property, or use (2)family trust name only to purchase property, or use the name of (3) ABC Pty Ltd ATF ABC Family trust to purchase property? 评论 You cannot do (2) you cant put a tru...澳洲华人论坛


专家:Why you should NOT buy a house right now

评论 沙发 楼主知道Why you should NOT post this one right here吗 评论 评论 文章有一点说的没错,要在涨息的时候买。我的房子就是在2012年涨息的最后一次时买的,买好的那个星期就宣布减息,...澳洲华人论坛


Should We change USD to AUD now? 請指點

如題 评论 这问题真是不好回答啊,等胆大的。。 评论 for what? 评论 USD has a little interest in Aust bank. Do you think now it is a good time to exchange the Fund From USD to AUD?...澳洲华人论坛


Buying a business

Should I get expert advice? It's always a good idea to speak to an accountant and a lawyer before you buy a business. For instance, you may want to make sure the seller cannot open another similar business just around the corner. Don't forge...澳洲华人论坛