标签:Coalition - 澳大利亚华人论坛


The Victorian Coalition Party promises to build Met

参与维州大选投票( 点击参与 ),“我们的声音必须被听到! ” The Victorian Coalition Party promises that if elected, the government led by Matthew Guy will start planning for the construction of the second metro t...澳洲华人论坛


Safe schools coalition有病么?

Our schools should be a place of learning where kids are safe and free to explore the wonders of maths, science, literature and history. They should be safe – for all students.Bullying should not be tolerated in our schools. But the feder...澳洲华人论坛


safe school coalition membership form / schools lis

看到首页消息,新州教师工会的指导方针禁止使用“爸爸,妈妈” ,很吃惊,本来想看一下家附近的学校参加了safe school没有,结果网站上给取消了,要求家长去联系学校获得信息,恶...澳洲华人论坛


Safe Schools Coalition和华裔青少年们的声音【

致家长们, 我不能代表所有华裔青少年,但我希望代表我自己和我身边的朋友恳请家长们三思。 最近几天,微信上,上,各个华人家长圈子里正在疯传一篇反对Safe Schools Coalition(SSC),尤...澳洲华人论坛


参加活动:我看safe school coalition

最近这事在澳洲中文媒体吵得沸沸扬扬,还有人说因为这事建议不要投工党云云。 足友大多对此事持反对态度,理由也有很多。在这里我只想说一些自己的想法,完全是想到哪说到哪,...澳洲华人论坛


Coalition commitments re tax, FBT and related chang

Abolish the carbon tax and associated spending measures apart from the compensation to households in the form of lower taxes and fortnightly pension increases. Keep the current tax thresholds and fortnightly pension and benefit increases. Up...澳洲华人论坛