标签:deductible - 澳大利亚华人论坛


澳大利亚房产 Deductible Interest Mix-Up Sydne

嗨 - 第一次发帖,但希望这是一个有价值的问题!我们有一个房产是用它融资的,我们欠了它在 4 月 6 日购买的价值的大约 80% 第一年的税很容易我们然后在 10 月 7 日购买了第二个房产...澳洲华人论坛


借钱做投资tax deductible?

比如说我借银行20万用来投资股票interest rates 4.2% 也能做tax deductible? 节录自finders AU Are personal loans tax deductible? No, repayments on a personal loan are not tax deductible. Just as funding from it isn’t consid...澳洲华人论坛


Tax deductible on this interests

Have 200k as offset cash for the home loan A as 200k, even though this loan is initially setup as the owner occupied, but the initial intent of the 200k cash is for investment, have never paid any interests on this loan before. Now I plan to...澳洲华人论坛


deductible expenses

请教大神们,一般的办公室职员除了不超过300块的general expense还有哪些deductible expenses呢?就是那些基本上每个人都填,ato也不会查的。 谢谢啦! 评论 每个工作不一样,要根据你实际工...澳洲华人论坛


关于食物是否能tax deductible

个人的一些理解,感到网上信息不全,发上让高手们看看指点下... 对于一个做business的人 他和客人约见当天一起出去吃饭 探讨business 是属于claimable?是50%吗?有价格上限吗?我想应该要...澳洲华人论坛


CBA的LDP 是tax deductible的吗?

最近买投资房选择了commbank的low deposit premium而不是lender's mortgage insurance. 因为LDP比LMI便宜不少,但是刚才查ATO的网站,发现下面这段话 What can you claim? You can claim all of the following: stamp du...澳洲华人论坛



Deductible expenses: Expenses for which you may be entitled to an immediate deduction in the income year you incur the expense include: advertising for tenants body corporate fees and charges cleaning council rates gardening and lawn mowin...澳洲华人论坛